Suddenly I realized I was in a quite powerful position.
He wasn’t able to get any women on Tinder anymore
because his face was all over Google.
So he was hiding in Prague
除了我 他绝对没有别的地方可去
and he had absolutely nowhere else to go besides me.
他总是告诉我 要让你的朋友在身边 敌人更要在身边
He always told me keep your friends close and your enemies closer.
To make him believe I was still on his side,
我告诉他我仍然爱他 我相信他说的一切
I told him I still love him, that I believed everything he said.
I even called these girls bitches.
I’m texting Simon all the time,
“早上好 亲爱的 你好吗 晚安 好好睡吧 我爱你” 我想你
saying, “Good morning, love. How are you?” “Good night. Sleep well. I love you. I miss you.”
他一直告诉我 当然 是西蒙
And he keeps on telling me, and, of course, it’s Simon,
that he needed money to escape from his enemies.
He needed fake passports.
He wanted me to pawn my car.
He wanted me to sell my house.
那时我就想到了 我要骗这个Tinder骗子
That’s when I got my idea. I was going to swindle the Tinder Swindler.
西蒙只穿名牌服装 他借此包装自己
Simon only wears designer clothes. He’s covered in it.
范思哲 古驰 路易威登 杜嘉班纳
Versace, Gucci, Louis Vuitton, Dolce & Gabbana.
I work in the luxury fashion industry,
so I know his wardrobe is worth a fortune.
我跟他说 “拜托 让我替你卖♥♥了那些衣服吧
I said to him, “Please, let me sell those clothes for you
so we can generate some money.”
(好的 你什么时候可以飞)
Simon has all of these clothes with him.
I needed to go to Prague.
在我离开阿姆斯特丹之前 西蒙给我发了一张信♥用♥卡♥
Before I leave Amsterdam, Simon had a credit card delivered to me.
It says, “David Sharon.”
I take a picture and send it to the police,
telling them Simon is creating a new identity.
(捷克共和国 布拉格)
His address was in the middle of nowhere.
随着我越来越近 我的心脏狂跳
As I’m getting closer, my heart is pounding.
我心想 “天啊 我怎么能想出 这么愚蠢的计划”
I thought, “Oh, my God, how can I come up with such a stupid plan?
Because now I need to face him.”
他不是我男朋友 他不是列维·列维耶夫的儿子
He’s not my boyfriend. He’s not the son of Lev Leviev.
He’s not working for LLD Diamonds.
He is a fraud,
and I have absolutely no idea what he’s capable of.
He was already standing outside waiting for me,
他抱了抱我 亲了下我的嘴唇
and he hugged me and he kissed me on the lips,
and I felt disgusting.
I was so angry and I wanted to scream,
但我只对他说 “我爱你 我好想你”
but the only thing I said was, “I love you and I missed you.”
He made an appointment in the center of Prague,
and he wanted me to come along with him.
We stopped outside this head office of a plastic surgeon.
我在想 “天啊 我们要在这里做什么”
I was like, “Oh, my God, what are we going to do here?”
他想改变他的颊骨 鼻子 嘴唇 也许还有下巴
He wanted to change his cheekbones, his nose, his lips, maybe his chin,
and the plastic surgeon says,
“很抱歉 但我不会执行这个手术
“I’m sorry, but I’m not going to do this surgery
because only criminals want this.”
I almost spit out my water
because I really wanted to say to this surgeon,
“But he is a criminal.”
当我看着这个可悲的男人 因为不能做整形手术哭泣
As I’m watching this pathetic man crying for not getting his plastic surgery,
I thought,
“如果你没有这么下流卑鄙 也许我还会可怜你”
“If you weren’t such… a piece of shit, I would feel sorry for you.”
到了下午 我们扮演一对情侣
In the afternoon, we played boyfriend and girlfriend,
牵手 一起吃晚饭
holding hands, having dinner together.
But then I needed to still sleep next to him.
他没有采取什么动作 谢天谢地 但是我在床上一动不敢动
He didn’t make any move, thank God, but I was just in bed, frozen,
looking at the ceiling all night.
终于到早上了 我打包了三个大行李箱
Morning finally comes, I pack up three massive suitcases.
Simon didn’t even help me with it.
就在我走之前 他把一封信交给我
Right before I was leaving, he hands over this letter.
他说 “请在飞机上看” 我不能很快离开那里
He said, “Please read it in the plane.” I cannot get out of there fast enough.
I remember that I had this letter.
I have it here.
“亲爱的艾琳 你知道这是我这辈子最艰难的时刻
“Dear Ayleen, well, as you know, this is the most difficult time of my life,
and I want to thank you that you are standing by my side
and that you don’t give up on our love.”
“你是我梦想中的女人 我想和你一起创造未来”
“You are the woman of my dreams, and I want to build a future together.”
“能和你结婚 会是我的荣幸”
“To marry you will be an honor for me.”
“生几个小孩 组建家庭 你就是我脑海中的女人”
“And to make a family with kids together, you are the woman I see it with.”
“You’ve got to help me with everything you can.”
“这是为了你 你父母 也为了我们的未来 我值得你的帮助”
“It’s for you, for your parents, for our future. I’m worth it.”
“Now it’s time to do the impossible possible.”
“我很幸运这辈子 能遇到你这样的女孩
“I’m blessed to have a woman like you in my life
to live in happy ever after.”
“我爱你 我从来都没这样爱过”
“I love you like I never loved before.”
“I trust you.”
“Don’t give up.”
“永远爱你 你的西蒙”
“Love you forever, yours, Simon.”
Just a piece of shit.
I’m on Operation Sell, Sell, Sell.
西蒙一直在给我发短♥信♥ 打电♥话♥
Simon is texting and calling me all the time.
“你卖♥♥了什么 我的钱呢 你得快点”
“What have you sold? Where’s my money? You need to be quick.”
I keep on telling him I haven’t sold anything.
我一直在卖♥♥东西 我就没打算把钱给他
I was selling, selling, selling. I was never going to send him the money.
我刚收到一条通知 有个人想买♥♥西蒙的一样东西
I just got a notification that I got an offer for one of Simon’s items.
Speaking of the Devil.
So you’re still selling his things now?
是的 我还在卖♥♥他的东西
Yes, I’m still selling his things.
Of course it wasn’t in line with everything that I gave him,
but it felt like a little bit of payback.
We need the money on Monday.
你总说明天 明天 你是在拖延时间吗
Another day, another day. Are you trying to buy time?
你把这事拖了三个星期 根本用不着三个星期
You’re dragging it over three fucking weeks. It doesn’t take three weeks.
又过了几周 他就知道我把钱留给自己了
After a few weeks, he knows that I was keeping the money for myself.
That’s when he turned around completely.
你别再跟我玩了 行了
You stop playing game with me now! Stop!
他用这些消息轰炸我 都很有攻击性
He bombs me with all these messages, and they were so aggressive.
如果你还活着 就听我说 你今天就得把钱给我
If you’re active, listen to me! You’re gonna give it today.
You don’t know where the fuck you’re going.
Voice memos of, like, 20 minutes.
我对我说的话很抱歉 但事实就是这样
I’m sorry about what I said, but that’s it.
But you’re taking the piss out of me.
This is where I saw his several personalities.
我爱你 我关心你 我问了上千遍
I love you and I care about you. I ask a thousand fucking times.
我好声好气地请求 我跟你说话很客气
I ask nicely. I’m speaking to you nicely.
我试着尊重你 但你好像在耍我
I try to respect you, but it’s like you’re fucking with me.
你不知道我有多爱你 你只需要再相信我最后一次
You have no idea how much I love you. You just need to trust me one last time.
我明天需要一个答案 相信我 做一次信仰之跃 去吧
I need an answer tomorrow. Believe in me. Have a leap of faith for one time. Do it.
别骗我 我知道怎么说谎 我可以教你怎么说谎
Don’t send me lies. I know how to lie. I can teach you how to lie.
I need this money to succeed.
帮我离开这里 我没有其他人了 我只有你
Help me out here. I don’t have nobody else. I have only you.
我求你了 拜托
I’m begging from you, please.
我给了你建议 听我的
I give you advice. Choose it!
你消失了 没人能看到你的信息
You disappear. Nobody can see your messages.
我不是你的敌人 我不是在跟你吵
I’m not your enemy. I’m not fighting you.
And you will get the worst fucking enemy you have ever seen in your life
为你和你的家人考虑一下 要是你敢耍我
for you and for your fucking family if you will ever play with me!
