The most important job I had in there
was to text Kristoffer and the still photographer
whenever they were leaving the restaurant.
Opposite, there’s a parking garage.
Just behind gaps in the wall,
我们可以架好镜头 等西蒙出来的时候抓拍他
we can place our lenses to capture Simon as he walks out.
大家都认识他“欢迎回来 列维耶夫先生”这让我开始联想
Everyone knew about him. “Welcome back, Mr. Leviev.” And that gets me going.
你在慕尼黑做什么 这里有多少受害者
What have you been doing in Munich? How many victims are here?
他告诉我 他对那笔钱很抱歉
He tells me he’s sorry about the situation with the money
and he gives me the watch.
He orders everything on the menu,
我们吃晚餐的时候 我坐在那里感觉很难受
and I feel so bad even sitting there when we’re having this dinner,
’cause the only thing that goes in my head is,
“Who’s paying for this dinner?”
We’re just waiting and waiting for a text from Natalie.
(他们走的时候 我告诉你)
(我们到街对面了 一切就绪)
西蒙看着我们的方向 我们躲了起来
Simon looks in our direction, and we hide.
西蒙开始说希伯来语 然后对阿维谢非常生气
Simon starts speaking in Hebrew and getting very upset to Avishay.
我在想 “怎么回事”
And I’m like, “What’s going on?”
他们像在说 “那边有个摄像头”
And they were like, “There’s a camera guy over there.”
然后他开始大叫 “上车”
And he started screaming, like, “Get into the car!”
Driving around so fast through Munich.
我不知道他们在说什么 他们知道是我安排的摄影师吗
I don’t know what they’re saying. Do they know that I have set them up to do this?
What are they really gonna do with me?
你想想“佩妮拉 你要展现出你一辈子最大的演技
Just think, like, “Pernilla, you play your biggest act you have ever done
your entire life, because otherwise you are never coming home.”
我在努力扭曲事实 反将一军
I’m trying to twist everything around.
我对他大喊 “这是你的敌人吗 他们现在是在追我吗 西蒙”
I’m screaming at him, like, “Is this your enemies? Are they after me now, Simon?”
他想让局面平静下来 说 “不 他们追的不是你 是我”
He’s trying to calm down the situation, like, “No, it’s me they’re after.”
我跟他说 “让我下车”
I’m telling him, “Just drop me off.”
I never opened a car door as fast in my entire life.
We were very concerned about Pernilla.
We realized we wouldn’t be able to confront him there.
我们需要回到奥斯陆 思考下一步如何行动
We need to go back to Oslo and work out our next step.
我拿着手表去了当铺 他们说是假的
I take the watch to a pawn shop, and they tell me it is fake.
当然了 因为他的事没一件是真的
Of course it is, because nothing about him is real.
我真的很想跟他面对面对峙 至少告诉我真♥相♥
I really want to confront him and at least tell me the truth.
这就是你想要从大家那里得到的 至少告诉我真♥相♥ 是怎样的
That’s what you want from all people. Just tell me the truth, how it is.
佩妮拉很想跟他谈谈 我们正在拍摄那通电♥话♥
Pernilla really wants to talk to him, and we are filming that call.
嗨 你好吗 早上好
Hey, what’s up? Good morning.
下午好 抱歉
Good afternoon. Sorry.
没关系 你在做什么
It’s okay. What are you doing?
我没事 你呢
I’m all right, and you?
我不太好 西蒙
I’m not so good, Simon.
What is it?
Can you just tell me the truth?
I told you the truth.
不对 你没有告诉我实话
No, you haven’t told me the truth.
你能告诉我全部真♥相♥吗 我至少值得知道全部
Can you give me the entire truth? At least I deserve that.
我已经告诉了你全部真♥相♥ 我不明白为什么)
I told you the entire truth, I don’t understand what is the–
西蒙 我失去了我拥有的一切
Simon. Simon, I lost everything I have.
你就不能告诉我一次真♥相♥吗 这就是个小)
Can you please tell me the truth for once. It’s a little–
佩妮拉 你不知道 我的敌人想)
Pernilla, you have no idea. My enemies are trying to–
西蒙 听我说 我知道
Simon! Simon! Simon! Simon, listen to me. I know.
What do you know?
I know about–
Something that I don’t know?
What do you know?
我全都知道了 西蒙 我知道)
I know everything. Simon, I know–
我知道你在搞诈骗 我知道你在芬兰坐过牢
I know you’re doing this fraud thing. I know you’ve been in jail in Finland.
I know you’re–
What the fuck is this bullshit?
I know about the other people that you have frauded.
You double-cross me…
I can tell you right now,
you will pay for this for the rest of your life.
我确实要余生都付出代价 你夺走了我拥有的一切
I am paying for the rest of my life. You took everything I have.
这是你的错 如果你想指控我
This is your mistake. If you want to make some claims against me,
give me the evidence you have against me.
The Israeli police have confirmed you with your picture.
没有人确认任何事 这都不是真的
Nobody has confirmed anything. That’s not true.
我有去阿姆斯特丹的航♥班♥ 对吧
I had a flight to Amsterdam, right?

对 那是谁付的钱
Yeah, who paid for that?
I paid for it!
不对 你没有付钱
No, you didn’t.
我有机票的交易记录 是另一个女人付的钱
I have the transaction for the ticket, and it’s paid by another woman.
因为我的敌人 我不能用自己的钱)
Because of my enemies I couldn’t use my own…
I have paid these people in cash.
I did give them money.
西蒙 你不能一直这样下去
Simon, you can’t keep doing this.
Like, it’s crazy.
亲爱的 你做这一切是为了什么
Honey, what have you done this all for?
你会付出代价的 而且我保证代价会比钱更多
There will be a price, and I promise it’ll be bigger than money.
What do you mean, the price?
你出♥卖♥♥♥了我 你要为此付出代价
You double-cross me, you’re gonna pay for it.
我真的很害怕 因为我做了什么吗
I really got scared, because what have I done?
我们唯一能做的就是把新闻版面 在VG报纸上做大
The only thing that we can do is to make the VG piece as big as possible
to get his face out there,
因为如果人们知道他是谁 认出他的长相
because if people would know who he is and recognize his face,
he can’t do this anymore.
站出来 讲述出这样一个故事 需要很大的勇气
Coming forward with a story like this takes a lot of courage.
我感到非常焦虑 VG是挪威最出名的报纸
I was feeling anxious, you know. VG is the biggest newspaper in Norway.
Like, my face would be on the front cover.
There would be this big online special.
我知道人们会评判我 我准备好了吗
I know that people were gonna judge me. Am I ready?
Your entire life is never gonna be the same again.
(女人太容易上当受骗了 她真是个白♥痴♥)
(哈哈 废物)
一切就像野火一样 一发不可收拾 这感觉就是一场噩梦
Everything just, like, went wildfire. It felt like a nightmare.
社交媒体是残酷的 他们会把你生吞活剥
Social media is brutal, you know. They’ll eat you alive.
人们都说你是个拜金女 或者说”她活该”
People are saying what a gold digger you are or, “She deserved this.”
A gold digger would never give out a penny.
我一直不明白 你怎么能责怪受害者
I never understood this, how you can blame a victim.
All I did was just trying to help people.
I didn’t want anyone else to get hurt.
But it was kind of nice to just see
and try to focus on the positive things that people were writing.
(读起来太疯狂了 可怜的女孩))
I could see the amount of shares.
Comment after comment after comment.
“看看这个故事” “简直太疯狂了”
“Look at this story,” you know. “It’s just insane.”
We were sitting there watching the numbers go up and up.
每个人都想读读“Tinder 诈骗王” 这故事迅速传播开来
Everybody wanted to read The Tinder Swindler. It was going viral.
这就是我想要的 他的脸在报道中 他的名字也赫然其中
This is what I wanted. His face is there. His name is there.
不管他遇到谁 当他说 “嗨 我叫西蒙·列维耶夫”
No matter who he meets and he says, “Hi. My name is Simon Leviev,”
那一刻大家谷歌♥他的时候 故事就会出现于眼前
the moment they Google him now, it will be there.
我遇见了佩妮拉 很快 我们之间产生了共鸣
I met Pernilla. Immediately, we had a bond.
这是唯一一个真正理解 我所经历之事的人
This is the only person who really understands what I am going through.
我们希望保持这种势头 我们整合了各势力量
We wanted to keep the momentum up. We joined forces.
我们都有一个目标 那就是要让这篇文章
Both of us had a goal that this needed to come out
in as many newspapers in as many countries as possible.
