好的 我知道该如何处置你这种人
Okay! I know how to handle your type!
好咧 老家伙 今天是你打猎的日子
Well, old faithful, that’s your shooting for the day.
If we haven’t rung up at least two rabbits,
we deserve to go home empty-handed.
对 希望越大
Yeah. Still, blessed are they who expect nothing…
for they shall not be disappointed.
Mmm. Fewer things in life give a man more pleasure than hunting.
It satisfies his primitive nature…
在森林中漫步 拿着自己的猎品
striding through the woods, picking up his kill.
好了 老家伙
Well, come on, old faithful.
There’s plump rabbits waiting for the frying pan.
如果能捉到四条腿一条尾巴的 我们今晚就大吃一顿
If this can had four legs and a tail, we’d be eating it tonight.
Clean through the heart.
真是中彩了 我射中了他
For rice cake, I’ve done him in.

我只是无意射了兔子 我却成了杀人犯
A harmless potshot at a rabbit and I’m a murderer… a killer.
Mother always said I’d come to a bad end.
What in Hades were you doing here anyway?
I can’t say that I’ve seen you around here before.
没有 如果你想找死 也找个你熟悉的地方
No. If you’re going to get yourself shot, do it where you’re known.
“哈里 沃普先生”
“Mr. Harry Worp,
“波士顿马萨诸塞州 87号♥曼普大道”
8 7 Maple Avenue, Boston, Massachusetts.”
噢 沃普 这里离你家可远了
Well, Worp, you’re a long way from home.
看来 你是不能回去 过圣诞节的啦 回不了了
With the looks of it, you won’t get back for Christmas. No.
We’re going to have a cold, hard winter.
你要在这儿呆很长一段时间 非常的长
Mmm. You might keep here a long time… an awful long time.
对我来说很长 哈里
Too long for me, Harry.

Captain Wiles?
有事吗 夫人
Yes, ma’am?
看来你遇到麻烦了 船长
What seems to be the trouble, Captain?
噢 或许你可以说 是不可避免的意外
Well, it’s what you might call an unavoidable accident.
-他死了 -对
He’s dead. Yes.
我想说他是死了 当然 这是非常外行的说法
I would say that he was. Of course, that’s an unprofessional opinion.
对 你 你认识他吗 格勒夫利小姐
Yeah. Did you, uh… Did you know him, Miss Gravely?
不认识 他不是在这儿附近住的吧
No. Doesn’t live around here?
-目前来说 他死在这附近 -真不幸
Well, he died around here. That’s what counts now. Embarrassing.
船长 你如何处置他
What do you plan to do with him, Captain?
格勒夫利小姐 坦白说
Miss Gravely, without cutting the hem off truth garment,
我打算把他藏起来 埋了
I’m gonna hide him, cover him up,
forget him.
船长 你不打算通知警♥察♥吗
Are you never going to inform the police, Captain?
不 忘记你所看到的一切吧 格勒夫利小姐
No. Forget you saw me, Miss Gravely.
Chase it out of your mind, for heaven’s sake.
这只是意外 他在这空地上闲逛
It was an accident. He was poking around the clearing…
and I thought he was a rabbit or something.
是猎人的错误 噢 拜托 不要
It was a human error. Ah, now, please, don’t…
不要对任何人说 格勒夫利小姐
Don’t say anything to anybody, Miss Gravely.
你妥善处理吧 船长
Do as you think best, Captain.
I’m sure you must have met many similar situations…
in your travels in foreign lands.
对 我见过更糟糕的
Yeah. I’ve seen much worse things.
-我当然不会对别人说什么 -有过更糟糕的情况
I certainly won’t say anything. Much worse things.
I remember when I was on the Orinoco.
我们遇到了一个高大强壮的 土耳其人
We had a Turk, a great, big Turk there…
running amuck with a machete.
船长 如果是我要隐藏一次意外 我会抓紧时间
Captain, if I were going to hide an accident, I shouldn’t delay.
噢 你说得太正确了 格勒夫利小姐
Oh. Oh. You’re right as rain, Miss Gravely.
对 你知道吗 今天我很高兴遇见你
Yes. You know something? I’m glad I met you today.
I feel better for telling somebody as warm,
tender, understanding as yourself.
噢 说实在的 船长
Well, on the contrary, Captain. It…
如果我能帮上你什么 我当然高兴
It… I’m certainly glad if I helped you, Captain.
Perhaps you would care to come over for some blueberry muffins…
还有咖啡 蓝莓是在高山 矮树丛里生长的那种
and coffee later on… high-bush blueberries?
噢 这的确是让人意外的口福
Ah, well. This is certainly something of an interesting surprise.
-还来点酒吧 -噢
And perhaps a touch of elderberry wine. Oh.
毕竟 我们当邻居也大概 也有三年了
After all, we’ve been neighbors for nearly three years now…
and we’ve never exchanged social calls.
对 是时候我去拜访了
You’re right. It’s high time I paid a call.
-什么时候 -噢 今天下午怎样
What time? Oh, say, early this afternoon?
我会穿着干净衣服带着 饥饿的肚皮去的
I’ll be there with a clean shirt and a hungry face.
-欢迎 -现在你最好先走
Do that. You better be going along now.
Don’t want to be an accessory after the fact.
你真想得周到 怀尔斯船长
You are a considerate man, Capt. Wiles.
-再见 -再见
Good-bye. Good-bye.
就到了 妈妈
Almost there, Mommy!
他就在这儿 妈妈 他就在这儿
Here he is, Mommy. Here he is.
-相信我了吧 妈妈 -别碰他 安尼卡
What did I tell ya, Mommy? Don’t touch it, Arnie.
-他在这儿 -不 不会是真的吧 哈里
There he is. No. It can’t be! Harry!
哈里 感谢普罗维登斯 哈里的遗体
Harry. Thank Providence, the last of Harry.
-谁是普罗维登斯 妈妈 -一个朋友
– Who’s Providence, Mommy? – A very good friend.
-你知道他是谁吗 -你说是哈里
Don’t you know who it is? You said Harry.
-你记住他了吗 安尼卡 -他怎么不会动了
Can’t you remember, Arnie? Why don’t he get up and do something?
他睡着了 他熟睡了
He’s asleep. He’s in a deep sleep…
-睡得非常沉 非常香 -他是怎样弄伤了头的
A deep wonderful sleep…How did he heat his head?
Putting it where it wasn’t wanted would be my guess.
-会好吗 -如果我们走运的话 就不会
– Will it get better? – Not if we’re lucky.
我们回家吧 我弄点柠檬水给你喝
Let’s run home and I’ll make you some lemonade.
柠檬水也能让我睡得沉睡得香吗 妈妈
Will lemonade put me in a wonderful, deep, deep sleep, Mommy?
-不 但比不喝柠檬要强 -我不明白
– No, Arnie, but it’s better than no lemonade. – I don’t understand that.
没关系 你能忘记你见过的这个人吗
Never mind. Now, you just forget you ever saw this man.
Is there a special way to forget?
-想点别的 -我想我明天就不会见到他了
Just think of something else. I think I’ll try not to see him tomorrow, Mommy.
好孩子 安尼卡 现在我们回家弄柠檬水吧
That’s a good boy, Arnie. Now, let’s run home and get that lemonade.
She won’t care what I do with him.
如果我在这儿买♥♥票会不会 有怎么多人来
Couldn’t have had more people here if I’d sold tickets.
有什么好看的 我真搞不懂
What’s the big attraction, I wonder?
This could turn out to be the luckiest day of my life.
Might as well sit here till the rest of the world comes
by to pay their last respects.
Sooner or later one of them has to turn out to be the deputy sheriff.
Flaggin’the train that’s goin’home
彩旗飘飘的火车 奔向土斯卡罗萨
Flaggin’the train to Tuscaloosa
Never nO mOre, nO mOre tO rOam
Gotta get back to Tuscaloosa
Got a sweet gal who’s on my mind
Gotta get back to Tuscaloosa
Back to the gal I left behind
Got no baggage
Just got my fare
但我所要的 对
But all I need yes, indeed
Is waitin’for me there
彩旗飘飘的火车奔向 土斯卡罗萨
Flaggin’the train to Tuscaloosa
Oh how I love that choo-choo sound
彩旗飘飘的火车奔向 土斯卡罗萨
Flaggin’ the train to Tuscaloosa
Flaggin’ the train that’s homeward bound
Gotta get back to Tuscaloosa
Got a sweet gal who’s on my mind
Gotta get back to Tuscaloosa
Back to the gal I left behind
Got no baggage
Just got my fare
但我所要的 对
But all I need yes, indeed
Is waitin’ for me there
你好 马洛先生
Hello, Mr. Marlow.
维格 维格 你还没售出一幅画
Wiggy. Wiggy. You haven’t sold a painting.
All my pictures in the same place.
汽车也很少啊 他们似乎
So few cars. They don’t seem to…
-我想他们只对苹果酒有兴趣 -苹果酒
