This your body, little man?
喔 可别拉我下水 只是次意外 纯粹是次意外
Oh, don’t turn me in. It was an accident… an accident pure and simple.
我以为他是只野兔 野鸡或什么的
I thought he was a rabbit or a pheasant or something.
-只是你没碰到罢了 -我想我们该弄清此事的来龙去
It could’ve happened to you. Suppose we straighten this whole thing out.
好的 我想也是
Well, I guess that’s the only way out.
今天早上我闲逛时 首先见到的是
First thing I seen when I rolled out this morning…
was a double-breasted robin drunk as a hoot owl from eating fermented chokecherries.
Right away I knew somebody was in trouble.
What I didn’t know was that it was me.
储藏室空了 我就想起了塞满油炸野兔的牙逢
Well, the larder was empty and I got to thinking about a tooth full of fried rabbit.
他们不会因此而抓你 这可是合情合理的
It stands to reason that they can’t touch you for it.
Nothing these days stands to reason.
这只是次意外 或许是上天的杰作
It was accidental. An act of God, perhaps.
In a way you should be grateful that you were able to do your share…
in accomplishing the destiny of a fellow being.
例如 假设这是”圣书”里面的内容
Suppose, for instance, it was written in the Book of Heaven…
这个人注定要在某个时间 某个地方
that this man was to die…
at this particular time, at this particular place.
And suppose for a moment that the actual accomplishing
of his departure had been bungled…
something had gone wrong.
呃 或许是雷电吧
Uh, perhaps it was meant to be a thunderbolt…
and there was no thunder available, say.
Well, then you come along, and you shoot him…
上天的意旨得到实现 生命也就终结了
and heaven’s will is done and destiny fulfilled.
你问心无愧 所以也没什么好担心的
Your conscience is quite clear. You’ve got nothing to worry about.
伙计 良心没谴责我
Sammy, I haven’t got a conscience.
And it’s not heaven that’s worrying me…
因为我没想到 我要面对这一切的
because I don’t expect I’ll ever have to face it.
也不是你所说的那么动听 不是
And it’s none of those noble things you were talking about. No.
-不是那样 -那又是怎样
Nothing like that. Then what is it?
是我自己 是我让自己忧虑
It’s me. It’s me that’s worrying me…
me and my future life.
噢 我清楚警♥察♥和 他们那些怀疑的手段
Oh, I know the police and their suspicious ways.
在你证明是无辜之前 你都是有罪的
You’re guilty until you’re proved innocent.
And I want nothing more to do with them.
埋了他 就与他一了百了了
Bury him, I say, and have done with him.
他现在对谁都没好处 让他休息去
He’s no good to anyone now. Lay him to rest.
把他放在地下 忘了他
Put him under the sod. Forget him.
我没干过什么 你也没看过什么
I never did it and you never saw him.
对 其他见过他的人有怎样
Yes. What about all those other people who saw him?
那个女人和她的孩子 格勒夫利小姐和那个流浪汉
How about the woman and the little boy, Miss Gravely and the tramp
and the man who was reading the book… Dr. Greenbow?
-他们又怎样 -我可以告诉你 没人对这感兴趣
How about all of them? Well, nobody was interested, I tell you.
除了你来这儿后 之前没人关心过这事
Nobody ever cared until you came along.
噢 这只是你的想法 或许有人在你埋了他后又想起他
Ah, that’s what you think. Suppose someone starts to care after you’ve buried him?
我可等不到他们对此 感兴趣那天
I can’t wait for people to start caring whenever they feel like it.
我不想把一次小小的意外 演变成大事
I don’t want a little accident to turn into a career.
想想那个把他 称呼位哈里的女士
Suppose that woman who called him Harry…
Suppose she decides she loves him after all.
-她可是歇斯底里的高兴 -噢 她长得什么样子的
She was downright hysterical with delight. Hmm? What was she like?
像彩虹般美 真希望自己年轻两岁
Pretty as a rainbow. Wish I was two years younger.
-带着小孩的那个吧 -对 有四 五岁大了
And with a little boy? Yeah, about four or five years of age.
对 那应该是罗杰斯夫人 和她的儿子
Yeah. It’s got to be Mrs. Rogers and her son.
山姆 你画完后
Sammy, what do you say we slip him underground…
我们把他埋在地下 你看怎样
now that you’ve finished drawing him, eh?
我们迟些时候再谈 一些小的细节
We could discuss the smaller details later.
我不喜欢这么干 官方想知道人是什么时候死的
I don’t like it. The authorities like to know when people die.
好的 山姆 当我没说过
All right, Sammy. Forget it.
You cut off home.
I killed him and I’ll look after his remains.
你打算这么做 接下来的日子 带着他在村子里走啊
What’ll you do? Drag him around the countryside the rest of the day?
噢 我会尽力的 一个人能做得也就这么多了
Oh, I’ll do my best. That’s all a man can do.
如果你不小心 你就会收到谋杀起诉
If you’re not careful, you will get a murder charge lined up.
说实在的 我开始怀疑了
Matter of fact, I’m beginning to suspect something myself.
看到了吧 如果你 一位画家 都朝坏的想
There you are then. See? If you, an artist, suspect the worst,
那么他们 这些警♥察♥ 会怎么想啊
what are they, the police, going to think?
那封有他名字和 地址的信封有怎样
What about that envelope with his name and address on it?
其实 你该寄回去
By rights, you should mail him back home.
山姆 你忘了是谁每晚 把这些信送到邮电局的吗
Sam,have you forgot w these letters sent to the post office every night
加尔文 维格斯 代理州长
Calvin Wiggs, deputy sheriff.
对 你说对了 我来告诉你我们该如何做吧
Oh, yes. You’re right. I’ll tell you what we’ll do. Tell you what.
我们要找出罗杰斯夫人 对这人有多了解
We’ll find out how well Mrs. Rogers knows this man,
and whether she intends to notify the police of his death.
-这样做有什么好处 -噢 有很多好处
What good will that do? Why, a lot of good.
If she’s just a distant friend of his…
and doesn’t intend to notify the authorities,
这样 我就可以帮你埋了哈里
then I, personally, will help you bury Harry.
噢 山姆 你回到了正轨
Oh, Sammy! You’ve signed on for the cruise.
What time is it?
-中午左右吧 -天啊
About noon. Good heavens.
我得回家打点打点 我和格勒夫利小姐有约会
I’ve got to go home and spruce up. I’ve got a date with Miss Gravely.
Not you. You are not the one.
噢 山姆 她没有什么特别用意 你也知道的
Oh, Sam. She could do a lot worse, you know?
-也好不了多少 你想想吧
Couldn’t do any better. Just think.
-你开创了个先例 -我没开创什么
You’d be establishing a precedent. I’m not establishing nothing.
我是受她邀请去吃些 蓝莓松饼和喝些咖啡
I am going over for some blueberry muffins and coffee by her own invitation,
and possibly some elderberry wine.
你是否意识到你可是 第一个男人
Do you realize that you’ll be the first man to, uh,
cross her threshold?
噢 也不算太迟 你知道吗
Oh. Oh, it’s not too late, you know. It’s…
-她是保养得很好的女人 -我真羡慕你
She’s a well-preserved woman. I envy you.
对 保养得很好
Yes, very well-preserved.
And preserves have to be opened someday.
噢 对
Hmm? Yes.
现在你去看看罗杰斯夫人 说了些什么
Now, you just trot down and see what Mrs. Rogers has to say.
-不如先埋了哈里 -明智
How about hiding Harry first? Holy smoke!
忘记这些 才能更痛快点
Forgetting a little detail like that could hang a man.

噢 噢 不好意思
Oh. Oh, I beg your pardon.
我希望永远不会是 格林保医生给我做手术
I hope I never have to be operated on by Dr. Greenbow.
-快 我们快点行事 -对
Come on. Let’s get going. Yeah.
Good afternoon.
You’re beautiful, wonderful.
You’re the most wonderful, beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.
I’d like to paint you.
马洛先生 你是否要点什么
Was there something else you wanted, Mr. Marlow, isn’t it?
你真是个可爱的女人 我想画裸体的你
You certainly are a lovely woman. I’d like to paint you nude.
找个其它时间吧 马洛先生
Some other time, Mr. Marlow.
-我得给安尼卡弄点柠檬水 -噢 应该
I was about to make Arnie some lemonade. Oh, yes. Yes, of course.
Perhaps I’ve come at an awkward moment.
如果你真的想让我脱衣服 你就来对了
If you want to undress me, you have.
噢 不完全是
Well, it wasn’t exactly that.
我来找你是想说件事的 但我见到你后 却完了
I came here to talk to you about something, but after I saw you, it slipped my mind.
-那应该不是很重要 -我想你是对的
It couldn’t have been very important then. Guess you’re right.
Why don’t you sit down on the porch?
我拿点柠檬水给 或许你会回忆起的
I’ll get you a lemonade and maybe you’ll think of it.
You’re not only beautiful, you’re considerate too.
-安尼卡 -你好 马洛先生
Arnie! Hello, Mr. Marlow!
你好 你拿着什么 一只野兔
Hi. What do you got? A rabbit?
死的 你拿着什么
Dead. What have you got?
噢 我拿着一只青蛙
Oh, I got me a little frog.
-这里 -它饿了 要找妈妈
There he is. It’s hungry. It needs a mother.
I’ll trade ya.
-你想当青蛙的妈妈 -用野兔换青蛙
Your mother for mine? The rabbit for the frog.
-给你 安尼卡 -我想你做一笔好买♥♥卖♥♥
It’s yours, Arnie. I think you got the best deal.
Dead rabbits don’t eat.
好的 我拿回厨房♥给它喝点柠檬水
Well, I’ll just take it in the kitchen and give him some lemonade.
四脚的野兔 它被杀死了
Four rabbit’s feet, and he got killed.
-他该盖上些树叶 -戴上马蹄
He should’ve carried a four-leaf clover too. And a horseshoe.
