to keep the blueberries from sitting on the bottom.
高山矮树丛蓝莓 这就是奥妙所在
High-bush blueberries. That’s the secret.
我就在你射杀那个 不幸的人的附近采集的
I picked ’em up near where you shot that unfortunate man.
A real handsome man’s cup.
It’s been in the family for years.
我的父亲一直都用它 直到他去世
My father always used it up until he died.
我相信他死得很平静 在睡梦中死去
I trust he died peacefully… slipped away in the night.
He was caught in a threshing machine.
-希望我没掉你胃口 船长 -噢 没有 格勒夫利小姐
Hope I haven’t distressed you, Captain. Oh, not at all, Miss Gravely.
没关系 我总是看到事物阴暗的一面
Not at all. I’m used to looking on the rough side of things.
I am man who’s faced death many times.
-最近也是吧 -对
– Rather recently too. – Yeah.
-安尼卡 你拿什么来这儿 -一只野兔
– Arnie. What are you carrying there? – A rabbit.
A rabbit?
-你说这是什么 -死兔 不是我的
– What do you call it? – Dead. It ain’t mine.
-是谁的 -你的 你弄枪射死的
Well, whose is it? Yours. You shot it with your gun.
You must’ve killed it today.
-拿来焖可不错啊 一只野兔
– It should make a nice stew for ya. – A rabbit!
我还是杀了只兔子 你在哪儿找到的
I finally killed a rabbit! Where did you find it?
In the blueberry muffins.
-什么 -在森林外
– What? – Out in the woods.
噢 给你 一块蓝莓松饼 换一只兔子 合理吧
Oh, here you are. One muffin for one rabbit. Fair enough?
That was a two-muffin rabbit.
-我得走了 -噢
– I gotta go now. – Oh.

今天下午的天气不错啊 格勒夫利小姐
It’s, uh, certainly a nice afternoon, Miss Gravely.
-是吧 -嗯
Isn’t it? Mmm.
还有 你也是位漂亮的女人
Yes, and you’re… You’re a nice woman.
我觉得你也挺英俊 怀尔斯船长
And I think you’re awfully nice, Capt. Wiles.
噢 我们还是回到我们的话题 哈里
Um, um. Let’s get back to our little problem Harry.
-他怎样啦 -噢 现在 你不用担心哈里
What’s going to become of him? Oh, now, now. Don’t you worry about Harry.
He’ll be comfortably underground before nightfall.
都是些挖啊 凿啊的工作 你怎么不
All that digging and work. Couldn’t you just…
let him slide off the end of your boat pier into the pond?
让他像根木头一样浮起来吗 不行
And have him pop up like a cork? No, sir.
Nobody ever popped up from under four feet of ground.
不行 而且冬天他们还会在那儿挖雪
No. Besides, they’ll be cutting ice there this winter.
现在如果他们去取冰 就不太妙了
Now wouldn’t it be a nice thing if they were cutting blocks of ice and…
别紧张 船长 你说的是对的
Never mind, Captain. You’re right.
对 埋在地下对哈里 来说是最好的了
Yes. Underground is the best place for Harry.
他看上去很舒坦 非常的舒坦
He seems comfortable, Sam, very comfortable and snug.
我们最好找个地方 尽早挖了
We better find a place and get it dug and the sooner the better.
如果你告诉罗杰斯夫人 和她的丈夫是正确的
If what you’re telling me about Mrs. Rogers and her husband is right,
我同意你 山姆
I agree with you, Sammy.
噢 我们找块地方吧
Well, let’s find a place.
No use making hard work out of it.
We need a place where the earth is soft.
对 找一个全镇人在我们挖掘时 都不会干扰我们的地方
Yeah, and a place where the whole town won’t stumble over us as we work.
嗯 一个极具个性的漂亮地方
Mmm. A place with a certain character and attractiveness.
朝西的 这样哈里就可以看到日落
Facing west so that Harry can watch the setting sun.
-冬天暖和 -而且夏天凉爽
Where it’ll be cozy in winter. And cool in the summer.
说实在 我可真有点羡慕哈里了
You know, I’m half envying Harry.
It wouldn’t take much longer to dig it twice as wide.
谢谢你的好意 另找时间吧
Well, thanks for your kindness, but some other time.
-这里 看来这儿可是个好地方 -啊
Here. This looks like a good place. Ah.
你可真幸运 哈里 沃普
You’re a lucky fellow, Harry Worp.
-来吧 船长 脱掉你外衣 -为什么要我来
Come on, Captain. Off with your coat. What, me?
当然是你啦 这可是你人 对吧
Certainly you. It’s your body, isn’t it?
噢 我不是很善于挖坟墓
Oh, I’m not much of a hand at grave digging.
你今天去打猎时 就该好好想想了
You should’ve thought of that before you went hunting this morning.
加尔文 维格斯 我们现在如何是好
Calvin Wiggs. What’ll we do now?
Think up the best story he’s ever heard.
-别挖了 山姆 -怎么了
Lay down your shovel, Sam. What’s the trouble?
-我累得不行了 -好的 我10分钟前就累得不行了
– I’m dead beat. – Good. I was dead beat ten minutes ago.
I wanted to keep digging until you gave up.
-让我直起疙瘩 -是吗
Gives me the creeps. Yeah?
来吧 去抬哈里把他放进去
Come on. Let’s get Harry and pop him in.
With hasty reverence.
-你想说点什么吗 船长 -当然
Would you like to say a few words, Captain? That I would.
哈里 沃普 可别在这儿露面了
Harry Worp, don’t ever show your face around here again!
Let’s finish this job and get out of here.
船长 我想加尔文 维格斯 好像在找什么
Captain, I think Calvin Wiggs is looking for something.
你认为他是否知道 哈里 沃普到过这儿
Do you suppose he knows that Harry Worp came up here?
山姆 这和你想得那样可怕
Sammy, that’s as horrible a thought as you’ve ever had.
他会否想知道哈里怎么了 或者他在哪儿
And that he wonders what happened to Harry or where he is?
My only answer is to keep on scraping, and fast.
如果你还想枪杀什么 我希望你还是杀兔子吧
You know if, if you must kill things from now on, I wish you’d stick to rabbits.
-尸体会小点-兔子 我可没对你说过 是吧 山姆
The body’s smaller. Rabbits! I didn’t tell you, did I, Sammy?
-我今天是杀了野兔 别太大声了 我知道是干的
I shot a rabbit today! Don’t shout. I know you did.
我到詹尼弗 罗杰斯那儿时 安尼卡给我看的
I was up at Jennifer Rogers’ when Arnie showed me the rabbit.
詹尼弗 别浪费时间了 对吧
Jennifer, eh? Didn’t waste much time, did you?
噢 我并没责怪你 山姆
Well, I don’t blame you, Sammy.
她是个非常好的寡妇 非常的好
A very nice widow she’ll make. Very nice.
Let’s discuss her when we’ve finished with Harry, huh?
别发火 我可不想说你的事
No need to get huffy. I don’t want to talk about your affairs.
I’ve got affairs of my own.
You mean my protege?
-什么 -格勒夫利小姐
Come again? Miss Gravely.
今天下午我在维格斯夫人 的店里给她改头换面
The lady that I renovated down at Mrs. Wiggs’ this afternoon.
A most remarkable reversion to femininity.
我不是很明白 山姆
I don’t quite get you, Sammy boy.
她非常兴高采烈地 去了百货店
She came into the Emporium in rather high excitement.
想买♥♥个新的茶杯和杯垫 还有其它东西
Wanted a new cup and saucer, lots of other things.
我给她改了个新形象 和做了新发型
I gave her a new makeup and hairdo.
Don’t tell me you didn’t notice.
她是位非常友善的女士 非常的友善
She’s a very nice lady, Sam. Very nice.
我们都很友善 我不知道 有谁会像我们这样来帮忙
We’re all nice. I don’t see how anyone could help but like us.
That’s just how I feel today.
I don’t know whether I’ve grown rose-colored glasses or if…
Or, uh, if you’re in love?

没有什么比你知道自己 恋爱了更让人兴奋的了
There’s nothing like finding yourself in love.
No, it adds zest to your work.
热情 热情
Zest! Zest!
I think I’ve had enough zest for a while.
-我们坐下来休息一会吧 -好的 也是时候了
Let’s sit down and rest, huh? Why not? We’ve earned it.
告诉我 山姆 詹尼弗对此事有何看法
Tell me, Sam, what did Jennifer think of my shooting?
你是指罗杰斯吧 噢 我想现在为止
You mean Mrs. Rogers? Oh, I think by now…
I’m entitled to be on a first-name basis with her.
毕竟 我用一颗子弹让她解脱了
After all, I brought her a happy release with one bullet.
一颗子弹 我可看到了”监制射击”的告示啊
One bullet? How ’bout that “No Shooting” sign that I found?
噢 用一颗子弹射”禁止射击”的告示
Well, that. One bullet for the “No Shooting” sign,
one for the beer can and one for Harry.
-那么野兔呢 一颗射野
How about the rabbit? And one for the ra…
What’s the matter?
怎么了 什么咬了你
What’s wrong? What’s bitten you?
我只是射了三枪 三枪
I only fired three bullets. Three!
一枪射了告示牌 一枪射了啤酒罐
One for the shooting sign, one for the beer can…
And one for the little man who’s lying in the grave.
没有 没有 一枪射中了野兔
No, Sammy, no. That’s just it. One for the rabbit.
如果我射了野兔 哈里就不是我射死的
If I shot the rabbit, I didn’t shoot Harry.
噢 山姆 你本意是什么
Oh, Sammy boy, what have you tried to make me do?
不就是不让我 背杀人犯的黑锅吗
Tried to make a murderer out of me.
好了 别坐那儿了 帮忙啊 你帮了我埋了他
Well, don’t sit there. Help me! You helped bury him.
如果不是你杀的 那你为什么要来埋他
Even if you didn’t kill him, why go digging him up…
now that he’s so beautifully planted?
我答应过詹尼弗 我们会把他埋了
I’ve promised Jennifer that we’d bury him.
我要受信用 他得躺在下面
Keep my word, he should stay buried.
而且不管是否是你杀他的 你已经控诉过自己了
Besides whether you killed him or not, you’ve incriminated yourself.
你这样要去解释你没杀 这个人却又要埋他
You’ll have more of a job explaining away a body you didn’t kill and buried…
比你去解释你无意杀了个人 然后把他埋更麻烦
