but right now we should be working
on some good story to satisfy the state police…
if they should turn up.
你知道吗 我可差点忘了
Would you believe it? I’d almost forgotten that proposal.
-我可是有证人的 山姆 -噢 我现在记得了
I have witnesses, Sam. Oh, I remember now.
好的 你有了一位丈夫
All right, you’ve got yourself a husband.
I think I’ll kiss you now to prove it.
轻点 山姆 我有点紧张
Lightly, Sam. I have a very short fuse.
What a pretty sight.
山姆 你让百万富翁帮你干什么
Sam, what did you ask the millionaire for?
That’s very practical.
恭喜你 亲爱的
Congratulations, my dear.
你是个幸运的人 山姆 我想你们会幸福的
You’re a lucky man, Sammy. I think you’ll both be very happy.
-谢谢 -如果在埋哈里过程中
Thank you. If I grumbled too much…
发了太多牢骚 那就不好意思了
at my share of the work in burying Harry, I’m sorry.
I can see now it was well worth it.
-如果我还能帮上什么 -等等 等等
And if I can do anything else… Hold it, hold it, hold it.
-怎么了 山姆 -哈里 我们还没解决他
– What’s wrong, Sam? – Harry. We’re not quite finished with him yet.
山姆 算了吧 都已经埋了他三遍
Sam, if anybody’s through, it’s Harry. He’s been buried three times.
在我们结婚之前 你得证明你真的得到自♥由♥了
Before we can get married, you’re gonna have to prove that you’re free.
-要证明你的自♥由♥ 你就得怎么哈里 -死了
To prove you’re free, you’ll have to prove that Harry… Is dead.
-真是太复杂了 -噢
– What a horrible complication. – Oh!
I don’t know that it is.
What are you looking at me for?
山姆 我可以帮你做任何事 但拜托
Sammy, I’ll do anything to help you, but please,
please don’t ask me to dig up Harry again!
-噢 去吧 船长 -不 我们不能这样
– Oh, come, come now, Captain. – No, we can’t.
-莫非你担心不良的传言 -不 我不会
If you’re thinking of the bad publicity… NO, I’m nOt.
I think Sam would be worth just about anything.
我倒是为你想 格勒夫利小姐
I’m thinking of you, Miss Gravely.
谋杀就是谋杀了 无论当时情况是多么的糟糕
Murder is murder, no matter how exonerating the circumstances and…
It just wouldn’t look nice at all for you.
对 最好就这么让他待着
That’s right! Better let him stay where he is.
你就不必等7年来判定一个人 是否死了
You won’t have to wait seven years to presume death, anyway.
7年 我都老掉牙了
Seven years! I’ll be an old man.
别傻了 你已经不止等7年了
Don’t be silly. You waited far longer than seven years already.
对 但现在你知道我在等什么吗
Yes, but now I know what I’m waiting for.
I insist that you dig the wretched man up.
I don’t care a hoot what they say.
他们认识我就会意识到 这个人肯定是疯的
They’d only have to know me to realize the man must have been mad.
-我不同意 -噢 怀尔斯船长
I disagree! Huh! Really, Capt. Wiles.
I’ll dig him up.
我们最好在加尔文 维格斯 叫那些州际警♥察♥到这儿前
But we’d better get it done before Calvin Wiggs…
gets the state police snooping around here.
I’ve been thinking.
我在想或许我们可以忘记 这件事是怎样发生的
I’ve been thinking maybe we could forget the way it really happened.
我可以对别人说哈里如何来见我 然后有非常气愤地离开了
I could tell how Harry visited me and went off in such a rage today,
and that’s all we’d need to know about his being there.
不行 那有人会受到谴责
No, somebody else might get the blame.
And somebody else might not have such a good reason as I did.
What do you mean “somebody else”?
我可以说起码有两个人 有杀哈里的动机
I can think of at least two people with a good reason for having killed Harry.
第一个是你 因为你嫁给了 他 然后就是山姆
First you, because you married him. And now Sam.
我 我为什么要杀他 我可从未见过他
Me? Why would I want to kill him? I never met him before.
You could still have a reason for killing him.
-她是指我 -对
She means me. Yes.
I didn’t fall in love with Jennifer until after Harry was dead.
Try telling that to the police.
她说得对 山姆
She’s right, Sammy boy.
再想想 我们现在还是面对现实吧
Well, on second thought, we’d better stick to the truth, what there is of it.
我们得想想为什么之前 没通知警♥察♥
We’ll have to think up a reason why the police weren’t informed before now.
对 他现在就是这样 要费点喉舌解释
Yes, then there’s the condition he’s in. That’ll take some explaining.
We’ll just clean him up a bit.
太可怕了 但我们别无选择
It’s horrible, but there’s nothing else we can do.
我们不能把格勒夫利的 证供复杂化
We can’t risk complicating Miss Gravely’s confession.
至于为什么会延迟了 我可以解释说我非常的难过
And as for the delay, I can explain that I was so upset…
by the occurrence that… I went straight home and rested.
-合情理 -他们会想你也休息得太久了吧
Only natural. They’ll think you rested rather a long time.
山姆 我可花整晚时间在这儿吵
Sam, I’d rather not spend the whole night debating.
我们抬哈里到什么地方 然后清洁他一下吧
Let’s get Harry someplace and clean him up.
Let’s get out of here.
Love alters not with his brief hours and weeks.
忍♥受吧 直到天荒地老
Bears it out even to the edge of doom.
如果这是错误的 而且需要我来证明
If this be error and upon me proved,
我永远都不会 没人会得到爱
I never writ, nor man ever loved.
我 我想他遇到了意外 格林保医生
I, uh, I think he met with a bit of an accident, Dr. Greenbow.
He certainly did.
Which of you found him?
-噢 -他是我的丈夫 医生
Well… He was my husband, Doctor.
噢 罗杰斯夫人 我不知道你还有个丈夫
Oh, Mrs. Rogers. I didn’t know you had a husband.
I’m awfully sorry.
没事 医生 我想这就是人生吧
It’s all right, Doctor. It’s just life, I guess.
-他怎么了 -噢 他
What happened to him? Well, he…
That’s what we’d like to know.
Could you tell us what caused his death? It was so sudden.
这方面 我的意见可不是太专业
In this light, my opinion would be little more than a guess.
这样 我们还是把他抬到 一个适当的地方吧
In that case, we could take him someplace where you could see better.
好的 但我得去拿我的书包 我们在哪儿见
All right, but I need my bag. Where shall we meet?
I’ll take Harry home to my house.
Going home for the last time.
Better be the last time.
来吧 山姆 我还得帮上一回
Come on, Sam. I’ve got about one more trip left in me.
I’ll get your coats.
I’ll get the suspenders on.
我不能等了 我得烫干它
I can’t wait for this to be ready. I’ll have to iron it dry.
Isn’t it odd?
这么久的拒绝后 我最终还是得为哈里做家务了
After refusing for so long, here I am finally doing Harry’s laundry.


没有什么好大惊小怪的 船长
It’s nothing to get excited about, Captain.
It’s only a closet door.
噢 我以为是哈里呢
Oh. I thought it was Harry.
放松点 船长 没什么好担心的
Relax, Captain. Nothing to worry about.
我用高跟鞋砸他的头 留下的伤口怎样
What about the cut I made on his head with my hiking shoe?
噢 我贴上了胶布
Hmm. I’ll put some adhesive tape on it.
他们会以为是他死之前 弄伤的
They’ll think it was done before he died.
这件衬衣烫完后 就可以了
After the shirt’s finished, it should be just about everything.
-会是谁啊 -我想是加尔文 维格斯的车
If that who I think it is… Calvin Wiggs’ car.
Just one second.
噢 加尔文 维格斯 真意外啊
Well, Calvin Wiggs. What a surprise.
-山姆在这儿吗 -在 在 在 他在这儿
Sam here? Yes, yes, yes, he’s here.
Can I see him a minute?
-山姆 -噢
Sam! Yeah?
加尔文 维格斯要见你
Calvin Wiggs is here to see you.
Tell him I’ll be right out.
-他说他就出来 -我怎么不能进去
He says he’ll be right out. Why don’t I just go on in?
晚上好 加尔文
Evening, Calvin.
晚上好 怀尔斯船长 格勒夫利小姐
Evening, Capt. Wiles. Miss Gravely.
We’ve got ’em on the run in four spades.
They should have been in diamonds.
-玩桥牌吗 -从来都不沾
Play much bridge? Never play it.
-我想也是 -有什么事吗 加尔文
– That’s what I thought. – Something you wanted, Calvin?
-你今天去哪儿了 山姆 照常工作
– Where were you today, Sam? – Working, as usual.
Somewheres down by Mansfield Meadows?
或许 我周围去素描 怎么了
Possibly. I do quite a bit of sketching around. Why?
Is that where, uh…
Where you painted this?
我把这幅人物肖像 留给你的母亲
I left that portrait with your mother.
你怎么拿着它到处走啊 会弄坏的
What right do you have to carry it around with you? It might be damaged.
噢 可是无价的 山姆会丢了笔买♥♥卖♥♥
