康哥 你掩护戴米恩
Congo, cover Damien.
丹 芬巴 文斯 谢恩 从这里看着他们
Dan, Finbar, Vince, Shane, watch the position from here.
多纳查 你看着路那边
Donacha, eyes towards the open road.
-你好吗 泰迪 -死了一个人 死了一个!
-Are you OK, Teddy? -One man dead! One man dead!
We got one man dead!
-他说啥 -死了一个人
-What did he say? -One man dead.
Who’s dead?
芬巴 死了一个人
Finbar, one man dead!
上这儿来 戴米恩
Up here, Damien.
Get the weapons.
是戈根 把你的枪给我
It’s Gogan. Give me your gun.
-他死了 -他去了
-He’s dead. -He’s gone?
-什么 -他死了
-What? -He’s gone.
他死了 戈根死了
He’s dead. Gogars dead.
快点 行了 别犯傻了
Move it. Come on, wake up.
-起来 你们是战士 -别看他们
-Come on, men, you’re soldiers. -Stop looking at them.
你们是战士 快 快 快
You are soldiers! Move, move, move!
快点 快点
Move it, come on! Move it!
你不杀他 他就会杀你
He would have killed you!
快点 过来 集♥合♥ 排好队
Move! Come on! Fall in! Form up your columns.
成三列横队 成三列横队
Into threes. In threes.
枪上肩 枪上肩
Shoulder your weapon. Shoulder your weapon!
肖恩 振作点 按小队排好
Sean, buck up, boy! Into your section.
弟兄们 这是难办的差事 肮脏的勾当
Rough business, boys. Filthy job.
现在 再看一下 我要让你们看一些东西
Now, look again, I’m going to show you something.
看吧 朝右边看
Look! Look to your right.
看吧 朝右边看
Look! Look to your right.
Mercenaries who were paid to come over
为的是让我们卑躬屈膝 把我们赶尽杀绝
to make us crawl and to wipe us out.
这就是我们干的事 我们给英国内阁发去了信♥号♥♥
Here’s what we’ve done. We’ve sent a message to the British Cabinet
that will echo and reverberate around the world.
If they bring their savagery over here,
we will meet it with a savagery of our own.
都给我出来 把他们赶出来
Everybody out! Get them out!
快走 不要停
Go on. Keep going.
跪下 到墙边去
Get down. Against that wall.
你们给我跪下 你们给我跪下
Get down on your knees. Get down on your knees!
你有子弹吗 一发也好
Have you a round? One round?
我们一粒子弹都没有 你呆着别动
We haven’t a bullet between us. Stay where you are.
Oh, shit!
操♥他♥妈♥的 让我下去
Fucking hell, just let me go down there!
你给我趴下 我们什么也做不了 救不了她们
Stay the fuck down! There’s nothing we can do. They’re dead.
抓住她的手 不要
Get her arm! No!
Jesus Christ!

你们这些畜牲 放开我
You bastards! Get off me!
别动 呆着别动
Stay. No, you stay where you are!
你去送死有什么用 呆着别动 你给我呆在这里
What good are you dead? Stay. You stay where you are.
Tell us what we want to know!
Tell us what we want to know!
你下去就是送死 呆着别动
You go, you’re dead. Stay!
Fenian whore!
Look at it burn!
Tell us what we want.
给我说 给我说
Tell us! Tell us!
对不起 对不起
I’m sorry. I’m sorry.
Easy does it.
How’s she holding up?
She’s very weak still.
伯纳黛特 我们得给你找个地方
Well, Bernadette, we’ll have to find you
somewhere to stay for the next few weeks.
I’m sure the McCan’thys will keep us for a while, Damien.
I’ll go over there later on.
妈妈 待会儿我们搬到麦卡锡家去
Mam, we’ll go over to McCan’thy’s later.
-我不会搬出这地方的 -什么
-I’m not moving out of this place. -What?
I’m not moving out of this place.
我四岁那年 爸爸在大饥荒的时候 病死了
I was four years old, my father died of a famine fever.
-佩姬 这我知道 -后来我有了五个孩子
-Sure, I know, Peggy. -And later, I had five children.
And I was evicted.
反正除非进棺材 我是不会搬出去的
And I am not moving out, unless in the box.
lt’ll only be for a few weeks.
这里什么都没了 房♥子也没了
There’s nothing here. The house is gone.
-我要把鸡棚打扫干净 -别说这种话了
-I’ll clean out the chicken coop. -Now, don’t be talking like that.
-打扫鸡棚 -对 我会把鸡棚打扫干净
-Clean out the chicken coop? -Yes, I’m cleaning the chicken coop.
那不是米哈被杀的地方吗 你想让我们住在那里
Where Micheail was murdered? You expect us to live inside there?
-我会把鸡棚打扫干净 -我知道 佩姬
-I’ll clean the chicken coop. -I know, Peggy.
-你不能这么对我 奶奶 -我会把鸡棚清理出来
-You can’t do this to me, Nan! -I’ll go and clean the chicken coop.
上帝啊 你没看见他们对我♥干♥了什么吗
Jesus Christ, can you not see what they’ve done to me?
我没你这么坚强 奶奶 奶奶 求你了
I’m not as strong you, Nan. Nan, please.
上帝啊 戴米恩 你带我离开这儿好吗
Jesus, Damien, will you take me away from here?
-你过来 辛妮 来吧 -我再也受不了了
-Come here. Sinead. Come on. -I can’t take it any more!
我不要像她那样过一辈子 我要过人过的日子
I don’t want to end up like her! I want to have some kind of a life!
好了 好了
Come on. Come on.
上帝啊 坐下吧 坐下吧
Ah, Jesus! Sit down. Sit down. Sit down.
你还没清醒过来 听见我说话吗
You’re still in shock, do you hear?
全都没了 好了 好了
It’s all gone. Easy now. Easy now. Easy now.
Teddy O’Donovan?
Teddy O’Donovan?
I’ve an urgent message for Teddy O’Donovan.
-你要干什么 -我有封信要给他
-What do you want? -I’ve a message for him.
-你叫什么 -托马斯 先生
-What’s your name? -Tomas, sir.
What’s the message?
我不知道 我只知道是T开头的
I don’t know. It just starts with T, that’s all I know.
The most important word of the message starts with a T?
-情报呢 -谁给你的
-Where’s the message? -Who gave it to you?
村里的一个人 我看他把信弄丢了
A man down the village. I think he’s lost it.
-快点 情报呢 -看看你的口袋
-Come on now, where’s the message? -Check in your back pockets.
-谁给你的 你给丢了 -脱下你的夹克
-Who gave it to you? You lost it? -Take off your jacket.
-是写在纸上的吗 -对
-Was it a piece of paper? -Yes.
-是重要情报吗 -对 他说很重要
-Was it an important message? -Yes. He said it was very important.
他带了一封信 可是弄丢了
He had a message but he’s lost it.
I don’t have time for this.
-你是从山上来还是山下 -山上
-Did you come down or up the hill? -Down the hill.
回去找找吧 笨得连信都丢了
See if you can find it. Thick for dropping the message, was it?
等一下 我找到了 我找到了
Hold up, I have it. I have it. I have it.
已经宣布停战了 从午夜开始停止敌对行动
A truce has been declared. Hostilities cease from midnight.
-上帝保佑你们 芬巴 -停战
-God bless you all. Finbar. -Truce?
-什么 -已经宣布停战了
-What?-A truce has been declared.
-已经宣布停战了 -让我们瞧瞧
-A truce has been declared. -Give us a look.
从午夜开始停止敌对行动 上帝保佑你们 芬巴
Hostilities cease from midnight. God bless you all. Finbar.
你开玩笑 上帝啊
You’re joking! Jesus Christ!
Is that right?
停战了 弟兄们 真的吗
It’s a truce, lads. Is that right?
A truce has been declared.
这是芬巴的字吗 对 是的
It is Finbar’s writing? It is, yeah.
上帝保佑你们 芬巴 上帝啊
God bless you all. Finbar. Jesus!
-这是什么 -休战
-What is it? -A truce.
好啊 好啊
Yes! Yes!
新芬党和政♥府♥的代表进行了会谈 所有人都期待皆大欢喜的结果
会谈成功了 英国和爱尔兰的领导人签署了和平条约
它对于海关 关税和外交政策将拥有彻底的自主♥权♥
就该这样 弟兄们
That’s it, boy.
The Irish Delegates who signed the treaty…
As a dominion?
你看见没有 新闻中说到了国王
You see this? Splendid news says the King!
既然国王还在 我们还能有什么和平
What kind of peace can you have with a king?
