Jesus. You guys need to relax.
Do you know how much trouble you could get into?
Do you know how much trouble I’m already in?
What’s that supposed to mean?
这究竟是怎么回事 我们为什么来这里
Hey. What the hell is this? Why are we even here?
We are here to get annihilated.
Have you got any plans for dinner at all?
今天晚上 我们要完成豪饮马拉松
Tonight, we will be partaking of a liquid repast
as we wend our way up The Golden Mile.
先去一号♥邮局 来一大桶啤酒
Commencing with an inaugural tankard at The First Post,
然后去老相识 闻名雄鸡 交叉之手
then onto The Old Familiar, The Famous Cock, The Cross Hands,
好伙伴 忠仆
The Good Companions, The Trusty Servant,
双头猎狗 美人鱼 蜂窝 国王之颅
The Two Headed Dog, The Mermaid, The Beehive, The King’s Head
然后墙洞 和上回路线一致
and The Hole in the Wall for a measure of the same.
直到宿命的终点站 喝光最后一滴酒
All before the last bittersweet pint in that most fateful terminus,
The World’s End.
为我们留盏灯 夫人
Leave a light on, good lady,
虽然我们回来时 眼神还透着兴奋劲
for though we may return with a twinkle in our eyes,
但我敢打包票 全都烂醉如泥了
we will, in truth, be blind drunk.
Come on!
-Until 1840… -Fucking hell.
this building was the site of Newton Haven’s first post office.
Until an enterprising business fellow decided that
far from befitting the sending and receiving of mail
it was perhaps better suited as a humble taproom
给疲倦的旅人歇歇脚 快进来吧
where a weary traveler might get matted. Come on.
It’s like déjà vu.
我一点印象都没有 这里重装了吗
I don’t remember this at all. Has it been refurbished?
被连锁店收♥购♥了 对吗
Been bought by a chain, hasn’t it?
Part of that nationwide initiative to rob
small, charming pubs of any discernible character.
好比星巴克 哥们 这种事很常见
Starbucking, man. It’s happening everywhere.
不过 味道还和过去一样
Can’t take away that smell, though.
I’m sure they tried.
-晚上好 雷蒙多 浪子们回头了 -什么
-Good evening, Raymondo. The prodigal sons return. -Eh?
Who’s on the guest list tonight?
-你说什么 -宾客名单
-Come again? -The guest ales.
我们几个 先生 我们来重温美好时光了
We, sir, are doing The Golden Mile and you have
the honor of drawing first blood.
-有什么推荐的 -有一个还不错 至高荣耀
-What do you recommend? -There’s one. Crowning Glory.
-再合适不过了 -怎么说
-Rather fitting. -How’s that?
-我叫加里·金 -什么
-I’m Gary King. -What?
-多说点 -关于什么
-So tell me more. -About what?
至高荣耀 带果仁吗 气泡多吗 会让人开心吗
Crowning Glory. Is it nutty? Is it foamy? Is it happy?
是不是有种特殊的果味 会留香唇齿间
Does it have a surprisingly fruity note which lingers on the tongue?
-啤酒而已 -好吧
-Hmm. It’s beer. -Hmm.
We’ll have five of those, please.
不 不好意思 只要四杯外加杯水 谢谢
No. Sorry. Can we have four of those and a tap water, please?
I don’t believe this,
a man of your legendary prowess drinking fucking rain.
It’s like seeing a lion eating some hummus.
-没道理 -的确没道理
-That doesn’t make any sense. -I know it doesn’t make any sense.
发生了那样的事 你还计较我不喝酒
You seriously have a problem with me not drinking, after what happened?
-我不知道 不过亚瑟王知道 -没准有点用
-I don’t, but King Arthur does! -Oh, this’ll be good.
What’s King Arthur got to do with it?
从黑斯廷斯战场归来后 你觉得亚瑟王
Do you honestly think that King Arthur came back from the Battle of Hastings,
-fucking rocked up at Arthur’s Castle… -Camelot.
walked up to the bar and went,
“你好 给我来杯自来水”
“Hello. Could I have a tap water?”
不会 在亚瑟王的时代 根本就没有自来水
No, because they didn’t have running water in Arthurian times.
说的没错 他会要杯蜂蜜酒 亚瑟王的啤酒
Exactly. He would have had a mead. The King Arthur of beers.
And I’m less of a man because I choose to drink water?
的确有点娘 不是吗
Well, it’s a bit “ooh ducky”, innit?
加里 这么说很不友好
That’s not very PC, Gary.
别整老一套 皮特
Get out of the ’90s, Pete.
There’s nothing “ooh ducky” about being teetotal,
尤其是在橄榄球赛结束后 走进酒吧
about walking into a pub after a rugby match
and ordering a tap water at a bar
packed full of big ugly bastards wearing warpaint.
那可是需要极大自信的 朋友 我有的是胆量
That, my friend, takes confidence, yeah? I’m talking balls
谁信啊 傻瓜
You said it, poof.
我不知道你意识到没有 加里 我们已经不是小孩子了
I don’t know if you’re aware of this, Gary, but we are not teenagers anymore.
上帝是不会允许你有孩子的 因为…
And God forbid you ever have children, because if…
I might have kids.
Then you had better be ready to take responsibility…
不 我是说我可能真有孩子
No. I mean I might have kids.
还记得卡伦·艾格顿吗 我们睡过
You remember Karen Eggerton, who I fucked?
他们家移♥民♥去诺曼底的时候 她月经迟到了两周
She was two weeks late when her parents emigrated to Normandy.
我和她再也没联♥系♥过了 她也许有孩子了
I never heard from her again. She might have had a baby.
想象一下 法国孩子
Imagine that? A French kid.
It’s pointless arguing with you.
为孩子干杯 不管他们如何
To kids. Wherever they may be.
-为了孩子 -孩子
-Kids. -Kids.
干杯 我们嘘嘘吧
Drink up. Let’s Boo-Boo.
“嘘嘘” 什么意思
“Boo-Boo”. What is that?
你记得 “我们嘘嘘吧”
You remember, “Let’s Boo-Boo.”
谢菲尔德先生的课 墙上写着
You know, from Mr. Shepherd’s classroom, it said on the wall,
“快逃 熊追上来了” 还记得吗 莎士比亚的剧本
“Exit, pursued by a bear,” you know, from that Shakespeare play?
-冬日絮语 -没错 叫什么来着
-A Winter’s Tale. -Yeah. What was it called?
冬日絮语 就叫这个
A Winter’s Tale. That’s it.
所以如果我们要赶紧撤 就会说
And if we needed to make a quick getaway, we’d say,
“快逃 熊追上来了”
“Exit, pursued by a bear,”
后来就成了 “快逃 瑜伽熊追上来了”
and then it was, “Exit, pursued by Yogi Bear,”
然后是 “练练瑜伽嘘嘘吧”
and then it was just, “Let’s Yogi and Boo-Boo,”
最后就成了 “我们嘘嘘吧”
and then, “Let’s Boo-Boo.”
你的意思是 我们撤
So you’re saying we should go?
没错 这就是重点 对不对
Yeah. it’s shit here, isnit?
老相识 这才是酒吧
The Old Familiar. Now this is a pub.
是啊 和第一个差不多
Yes. This is more like it.
Like déjà vu.
戴维 哥们 听到消息了吗 加里·金回镇上了
David, my man, have you heard the news? Gary King is back in town.
Who’s he?
葬礼怎么样 加里
How was the funeral, Gary?
Your mum’s funeral?
It’s difficult to put into words.
不过用三个词的话 我会说
But if I had to choose three, I would say,
“真的 真的 难过”
“Really, really sad.”
不 这是两个词 对不对
Oh, no, that’s two, isn’t it?
这样吧 “真的 非常 难过”
How about, “Really, very sad”?
真遗憾 你妈妈很好
It’s a shame, she was a good woman.
I really liked your mum.
我也是 伙计 我也是
Me, too, mate. Me, too.
-喂 -你好 伙计
-Hello. -Hello, mate.
Are you here?
是啊 我在这待了好久了 你说什么呢
Yeah, I’ve been here for ages. What are you talking about?
You get lost on the ring road again?
This is Newton Haven.
-打算几点去见双胞胎 -双胞胎
-What time are you meeting The Twins? -Twins?
我们在老相识 没事的话过来吧
We’re all at The Old Familiar. Come by if you want.
没错 他也在 好的 待会见
Yeah, he is. Okay. See you soon.
和谁说话呢 圈仔
Who was that, O-Man?
别叫我圈仔 加里 如果你非要知道的话 是山姆
Don’t call me O-Man, Gary. If you must know it was Sam.
-山姆在这 -山姆在这
-Sam’s here? -Sam’s here?
我听见回音了吗 没错 山姆在这
Is there a fucking echo in here? Yes, Sam’s here.
她从曼彻斯特过来 明天我们一起去妈妈那里
She’s down from Manchester. We’re driving to Mum’s tomorrow.
什么 她要来这
What, and she’s coming here?
-冷静点 史蒂文 我先看到她的 -天啊 又来了
-Calm down, Steve, I saw her first. -Jesus Christ, not this again.
开什么玩笑 是我先看到她的
Are you fucking kidding me? I saw her first.
你有选择性记忆症 对吧
You really have a selective memory, don’t you?
