

throttle 英 [ˈθrɒtl] 美 [ˈθrɑːtl]


She tied a knot with flashing eyes, as if it throttled a foe.

出自英国作家查尔斯·狄更斯(Charles Dickens)所著的长篇历史小说《双城记》(A Tale of Two Cities)。该小说以法国大革命为背景,情节感人肺腑,是世界文学经典名著之一。其主要思想是为了爱而自我牺牲,书名中的“双城”指的是巴黎与伦敦。


[verb] attack or kill (someone) by choking or strangling them
[动词] 掐死或勒死(某人)


Throttle 一词可能源自中古英语 throte (throat 喉咙)+动词后缀 -le 构成,其基本含义为“掐死、勒死、使窒息”,即通过用力挤压喉咙使人无法呼吸而亡,比如:

  • 他徒手掐死了卫兵,然后把卫兵的枪藏在了竹丛里。
    He throttled the guard with his bare hands and then secreted the guard’s gun in the bamboo thicket.
  • 有时他真让我讨厌,我恨不得掐死他或者拧断他的脖子。
    Sometimes he annoys me so much that I could throttle him or wring his neck.

中文里常说“防微杜渐”,就是要将危害扼杀在摇篮之中,这在英语里也可以用 throttle 引申表示“扼杀、压制、阻挡、阻碍”,多用于形容严格限制甚至摧毁某一进程、组织、机构等,使之无法成功,比如:

  • 对公共经费的挥霍正在阻碍新计划的开展。
    The squandering of public funds is throttling the development of new programmes.

等到了1872年,随着工业发展, throttle 一词又被用来表示汽车、飞机的“节流阀、油门”。


换句话说,开汽油车踩油门踏板(gas pedal or accelerator)时踩的不是油,而是空气。踩得越深空气进得越多,行车电脑(ECU)就随之多喷油,从而实现加速目的。

明白了这个原理,那么常见表达 at full/half throttle 的字面意思也就好理解了,即“全速/半速行驶”。引申用时则表示“尽全力/半力”,比如:

  • 船长让船开足马力全速行驶。但一阵疾风吹翻了他的船。
    The captain of the boat had his engines at full throttle. But a flurry of wind upset his boat.
  • 那个无视法律的流浪汉过着激情四射的生活。
    The tramp who flouts the law lived his life at full throttle.

另外值得注意的是,摩托车的油门把手全称为 twist grip throttle ,也可以直接简称为 throttle 。


Sanctions are now increasingly used in conjunction with other restrictions to throttle China.
The easing takes some pressure off banks, which have complained that the new guidelines would throttle lending and hurt economic growth.


throttle” 这个单词的中文解释是 “油门” 或者 “节流阀”。

以下是包含 “throttle” 这个词的50个短语,每个短语都附有中文解释:

  1. Full throttle – 全油门
  2. Half throttle – 半油门
  3. throttle control – 油门控制
  4. Open the throttle – 打开油门
  5. Close the throttle – 关闭油门
  6. throttle position sensor – 油门位置传感器
  7. throttle cable – 油门线
  8. Adjust the throttle – 调节油门
  9. throttle response – 油门响应
  10. throttle body – 节气门
  11. throttle plate – 节气门片
  12. throttle linkage – 油门连杆
  13. throttle lever – 油门杆
  14. throttle opening – 油门开度
  15. throttle adjustment – 油门调整
  16. throttle valve – 节流阀
  17. throttle lag – 油门滞后
  18. throttle position – 油门位置
  19. throttle cable adjustment – 油门线调整
  20. throttle body assembly – 节气门总成
  21. throttle control module – 油门控制模块
  22. throttle pedal – 油门踏板
  23. throttle plate adjustment – 节气门片调整
  24. throttle cable tension – 油门线张力
  25. throttle body gasket – 节气门垫片
  26. throttle cable lubrication – 油门线润滑
  27. throttle return spring – 油门回弹簧
  28. throttle cable replacement – 油门线更换
  29. throttle body cleaning – 节气门清洁
  30. throttle body spacer – 节气门隔板
  31. throttle control unit – 油门控制单元
  32. throttle cable routing – 油门线布线
  33. throttle plate position – 节气门片位置
  34. throttle cable adjustment screw – 油门线调整螺丝
  35. throttle body injection – 节气门喷射
  36. throttle position adjustment – 油门位置调整
  37. throttle control system – 油门控制系统
  38. throttle plate movement – 节气门片运动
  39. throttle pedal position – 油门踏板位置
  40. throttle response time – 油门响应时间
  41. throttle body cleaning procedure – 节气门清洁步骤
  42. throttle control cable – 油门控制线
  43. throttle plate alignment – 节气门片对准
  44. throttle position adjustment procedure – 油门位置调整步骤
  45. throttle body gasket replacement – 节气门垫片更换
  46. throttle cable installation – 油门线安装
  47. throttle body removal – 节气门拆卸
  48. throttle cable routing diagram – 油门线布线图
  49. throttle plate clearance – 节气门片间隙
  50. throttle body reassembly – 节气门重新组装


choke: (of a person or animal) have severe difficulty in breathing because of a constricted or obstructed throat or a lack of air
strangle: squeeze or constrict the neck of (a person or animal), especially so as to cause death
garrotte: kill (someone) by strangulation, especially with a length of wire or cord

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
