thwart 英 [θwɔːt] 美 [θwɔːrt]



  • The Chinese suspect that America is motivated by a desire not for fair trade but for thwarting a new rival.
  • Just as some scientists are working on quantum computers, others are working on quantum security techniques that could thwart the code-breaking abilities of these machines of the future.


[verb] prevent (someone) from accomplishing something
[动词] 阻止(某人)完成某事


Thwart 一词源自古北欧语 thverr (横向的、横断的),13世纪进入英语时本是个副词,表示“横跨着、斜横地”,后来也用作形容词表示“横放的、横贯的”。但这些含义现今都不再流行,只能从介词 athwart (横跨于;与…不一致、与…相反)中找到一丝影子。

好在类似 balk 从横在面前的“田脊、田埂”引申出“障碍、阻碍、挫折”一样, thwart 后来也发展为动词流传至今,主要表示“阻止、阻挠、挫败”,强调反对某人某事或与之背道而驰,使其无法取得进展,比如:

  • 他正试图阻挠她实现雄心壮志。
    He’s trying to thwart her ambition.


In spite of all the temptation you have endured, all the suffering, you remain pure of heart, just as pure as you were at the age of eleven, when you stared into a mirror that reflected your heart’s desire, and it showed you only the way to thwart Lord Voldemort, and not immortality or riches.

出自英国作家J.K.罗琳创作的长篇小说《哈利·波特与混血王子》(Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince)。该小说是《哈利·波特》系列的第六部。

  • J·K·罗琳2008年哈佛大学经典毕业演讲


thwart” 通常用来表示阻挠、挫败或妨碍。以下是与这个词相关的 50 个短语,附带中文解释:

  1. thwart a plan – 阻挠计划
  2. thwart an attempt – 挫败企图
  3. thwart an effort – 阻碍努力
  4. thwart a scheme – 妨碍方案
  5. thwart a plot – 阻止阴谋
  6. thwart a conspiracy – 阻挠阴谋
  7. thwart a strategy – 阻碍策略
  8. thwart a goal – 阻碍目标
  9. thwart a proposal – 阻止提议
  10. thwart a project – 阻止项目
  11. thwart a movement – 阻碍运动
  12. thwart a plan – 挫败计划
  13. thwart an attempt – 阻止尝试
  14. thwart an effort – 妨碍努力
  15. thwart a scheme – 阻止方案
  16. thwart a plot – 阻挠阴谋
  17. thwart a conspiracy – 阻碍阴谋
  18. thwart a strategy – 阻止策略
  19. thwart a goal – 妨碍目标
  20. thwart a proposal – 阻止提议
  21. thwart a project – 挫败项目
  22. thwart a movement – 阻碍运动
  23. thwart a plan – 阻挠计划
  24. thwart an attempt – 挫败企图
  25. thwart an effort – 阻碍努力
  26. thwart a scheme – 妨碍方案
  27. thwart a plot – 阻止阴谋
  28. thwart a conspiracy – 阻挠阴谋
  29. thwart a strategy – 阻碍策略
  30. thwart a goal – 阻碍目标
  31. thwart a proposal – 阻止提议
  32. thwart a project – 阻止项目
  33. thwart a movement – 阻碍运动
  34. thwart a plan – 阻止计划
  35. thwart an attempt – 阻碍尝试
  36. thwart an effort – 挫败努力
  37. thwart a scheme – 阻挠方案
  38. thwart a plot – 妨碍阴谋
  39. thwart a conspiracy – 阻止阴谋
  40. thwart a strategy – 挫败策略
  41. thwart a goal – 阻止目标
  42. thwart a proposal – 阻碍提议
  43. thwart a project – 阻挠项目
  44. thwart a movement – 阻碍运动
  45. thwart a plan – 挫败计划
  46. thwart an attempt – 阻止企图
  47. thwart an effort – 妨碍努力
  48. thwart a scheme – 阻止方案
  49. thwart a plot – 阻挠阴谋
  50. thwart a conspiracy – 阻碍阴谋


  • foil: prevent (something considered wrong or undesirable) from succeeding
  • frustrate: prevent (a plan or attempted action) from progressing, succeeding, or being fulfilled
  • balk: thwart or hinder (a plan or person)
