And then you say, “Excuse me, miss, but may I have a spot of tea?
当然 叮当小姐 刚泡的好茶
Why, certainly, Miss Bell. A nice, fresh cup.
噢 当然 你也可以来一杯
Oh. But of course you may have one, too.
This is a tea party after all.
能给我一杯吗 格里菲斯女士
How about a cup for me, Miss Griffiths?
当然可以 博士
Why, of course, Doctor.
-我想这是我的荣幸 -谢谢
-It’s my pleasure, I’m sure. -Thank you.
And would you ike one lump or two?
-给我三块 -噢 爸爸
-Make mine three. Oh. father!
Thank you.
-这样真好 是吧 爸爸 -我觉得好得不能再好了
-Isn’t this pleasant, Father? -I can’t imagine anything better.
就是大本钟又响了 时间过得真快
Although, chiming the Big Ben comes a close second.
-噢 真过瘾 -味美之极
-Oh, my goodness. -Scrumptious.
Don’t even think about it.
那 我们说到哪里了 哦 这儿
So, where were we? Ah, yes.
“仙子们有很多奇妙的能力 他们和动物交谈”
“Fairies have many magica talents. They can ta k to an mals,
“让花儿开放 吹夏日清风”
make the flowers bloom, create warm summer breezes.”
噢 莉兹 这幅画真好看
Oh. Lizzy, what a beautiful drawing.
“And some invent the most clever little gadgets.”
叮当 后来你找到要修理的东西了吗
Well, Tink you found something to fix after all.
是的 我想我找到了
Yeah. I guess I did.
“他们变换季节 还在很多方面帮助大自然”
“They bring the change of seasons, and help nature in many ways.
“但是 仙子们最好的能力 就是成为朋友”
“But the best talent a fairy can have is simply being a friend. ‘
The breezes blow the clouds away
A million things I want to say
I don’t ever want this day To be done
Summer’s just begun
Never seen the sky so blue Everything is clear and new
Happy just to be with you in the sun
Summer’s just begun
携手共飞翔 我们不分开
Hold my hand and fly Never say goodbye
穿行碧空里 尘世尽抛开
Cross the open sky Leave the world behind
有你在身边 烦忧不再来
I will be all right If you stay by my side
无论春与夏 相爱尽欢笑
Spring and summer Love and laughter
我们常相守 快乐到永久
We’ll live happy ever after
比翼齐高飞 超越我想像
We’ll fly higher Than we thought we’d be
只因你教我 如何去相信
Because you showed me How to believe
闪亮如明星 我知你是谁
Tiny shining star I know who you are
你并不遥远 我们在一起
You’re never very far We’ll never be apart
闪烁我眼中 光辉耀夜空
Sparkle in my eye Light the sky tonight
无论春与夏 相爱尽欢笑
Spring and summer Love and laughter
我们常相守 快乐到永久
We’ll live happy ever after
比翼齐高飞 超越我想像
We’ll fly higher Than we thought we’d be
只因你教我 如何去相信 我自己
Because you showed me How to believe in me
无论秋与冬 相爱尽欢笑
Fall and winter Love and laughter
我们常相守 快乐到永久
We’ll live happy ever after
比翼齐高飞 超越我想像
We’ll fly higher Than we thought we’d be
只因你教我 如何去相信
Because you showed me How to believe

携手共飞翔 我们不分开
Hold my hand and fly Never say goodbye
