你若热爱生活 就会喜爱法国
然而 此波犯罪手法确出自其人
服务费 服务费
罗比 你已经用掉九命中的八命了 别赌上最后一命
是的 夫人
我的珠宝 我的珠宝
My jewels! My jewels!
我被偷了 有人偷了我的珠宝
I’ve been robbed! Someone stole my jewels!
救命 救命 警♥察♥
Help! Help! Police!
我的钻石 我的钻石 它们不见了
My diamonds! My diamonds! They’re gone!
Monsieur Robie!
谢谢你 乔娜
Merci, Germaine.
-勒皮克 -马希埃
– Lepic. – Mercier.
罗比先生 我们代表公共安♥全♥部♥门
Monsieur Robie, we represent the Surete.
in reference to a number of jewel robberies.
我们有理由相信 你能给我们提供信息
We have reason to believe you could provide us with information…
that would help us in our investigations.
可以请你跟我们 到尼斯警局走一趟吗
Would you be good enough to accompany us to our office in Nice?
好吧 但你不介意 让我换件正式一点的衣服吧
All right, but would you mind if I put on something more formal?
嗨 伯唐尼
Ah, Bertani.

You left in a hurry, huh?
-他们一小时前来逮我 -警♥察♥
– They came for me an hour ago. – The police?
-有五个人 -自然你是无辜的
– Five of them. – Naturally you are innocent.
I haven’t stolen a piece of jewelry in 15 years.
-啊 诚实 -这让我感觉很好
– Ah, honesty. – It has a good feeling.
你觉得我的厨房♥看来如何 像个工作机器吧
What do you think of my kitchen? Works like a machine, yes?
-伯唐尼 -就像我们在战时的地下勤务
Just like our little band in the Underground during the war.
切 削 有如往日
Cutting, slicing, just like the old days.
他们认定这些窃案是我♥干♥的 是吗
They think I’m responsible for these robberies, don’t they?
噢 他们全都会被你拖下水
Well, once they were all imprisoned with you.
我知道 只要里维耶拉有任何犯罪
I know. If there’s any crime on the Riviera…
we’re the first to be suspected by the police.
但是 自战后 我已经让他们改过自新
But since the war, I’ve obliged all these men to be honest.
I have beat honesty into their skulls.
I did not want them to break their paroles and return to prison.
我若违誓 他们会把钥匙扔了
If my parole is broken, they’ll throw away the key.
I came here for one reason… to tell these men and you…
that I had nothing to do with the robberies.
或许我相信你 但你的同志们对你非常生气
Perhaps I believe you, but your comrades are very angry with you.
-他们对你感到失望 -再见了 伯唐尼
– They think you let them down. – So long, Bertani.
不论是谁犯下这窃案 我不会放过他的
I wouldn’t put it past any of them to be doing the robberies.
天真 你没读过书吗
Simple men without education?
-不 罗比 -伯唐尼先生
– No, Robie. – Monsieur Bertani.
对不起 业务上的电♥话♥ 别走
Excuse me. Business calls. Don’t go.
早啊 弗萨
Bonjour, Foussard.
但是 你知道 巧合的可怕
But, you know, coincidence can be terrible.
这些窃案全都有你的特征 但你却说自己是无辜的
These robberies all bear your mark, but you claim to be innocent.
我确实无辜 我坚持
I do more than claim. I insist.
但我不理解这窃贼 怎么能这么完美地模仿我
I can’t understand how this thief could imitate me so perfectly.
It has to be someone who knew every detail of my technique.
-或许他是个警♥察♥ -啊 有可能
– Maybe somebody in the police. – Ah, voila!
他挑选完美的受害者 只偷走正确的宝石
He picks perfect victims with only the right stones.
爬墙 攀屋顶 从天窗下去
Goes up walls, over the roofs, down through the skylights…
没有留下线索 消失在黑夜里
leaves no clue and then disappears in the night.
Just like John Robie, the Cat.
You don’t believe me any more than the rest.
喔 你怎么像只猫一样慌张
You’re as nervous as a cat.
如果有人逮住这模仿犯 我们都可以松口气 不是吗
If somebody caught this imitator…we’d all be off the hook, wouldn’t we?
-当然 -没有人相信我 但警方追错人了
– Surely. – No one believes me…but the police are chasing the wrong man.
Someone’s got to start chasing the right one.
One day he’ll make a mistake.
伯唐尼 答案只有一个 我应该早点想到
There’s only one answer, and I should have seen it sooner.
I’ve got to catch this imitator myself.
You couldn’t do more than the police.
我可以 而且我是唯一能够的人
Oh, but I could, and I’m the only one who could…
因为我能预测他 猜出他下一步行动
because I can anticipate him, try to figure out his next move…
and then get there ahead of him…
and catch him with his hand right in the jewel case.
如果你被逮到 没有人会相信你说的
If they catch you, nobody will believe what you say.
现在谁又相信我了 最大的难题在于抓紧时间
Who believes me now? The biggest problem is time.
在他发现我之前 我必须先打击这个模仿犯
I’ve got to hit this copycat before he hears I’m after him.
要追上他的脚步 我需要掌握比他更多的数据
To catch him in the act, I need better information than he has…
the kind that takes months to dig out.
Like who has jewels that deserve to be stolen?
是呀 还有她们的住所在哪 哪个房♥间 如何存放宝石
Where they live? Which room they keep the stones in?
喔 看在过去的份上 也许我能帮帮你
Well, for old times’ sake, perhaps I can help you.
两天前 有个人来到本餐厅
Two days ago a man came into this restaurant.
-我并不喜欢他 -为什么
– I did not like him. – Why not?
他找我到他的座位 打听有关犯罪 犯人
He called me to his table.He asked me about crime and criminals.
我 一位诚实 值得尊敬的餐馆经理
Me, a respectable, honest restaurateur.
You think he may know something about the robberies?
He asks me strange questions.
I refuse to answer.
然后他向我打听 我的顾客所戴的珠宝
Then he asks me about the jewels my clients wear.
我告诉自己 他一定和夜猫有关
I said to myself, “You are something to do with this new Cat.
Maybe you are the new Cat.”
Foussard’s daughter will take you out of here by boat.
好的 猫先生 跟我来
Okay, Mr. Cat, let’s go.
丹妮尔 拜托 别叫我夜猫
Danielle, do me a favor. Don’t call me a cat.
I only do one favor a day.
你会做的 要问问你父亲吗
Will you do as your father here asks?
Did I brush your fur the wrong way?
I’ll thank you not to mention that word again.
A man should never regret his past.
I only regret one thing.
That you never asked me to marry you?
不 是我没花时间教好你英文
No, that I ever took the time to teach you English.
你只教我名词 我还是自己学形容词的
You only taught me the nouns. I learned the adjectives myself.
-“猫”这单字是名词 -但你可不是这么用的
– The word cat is a noun. – Not the way you use it.
对你而言 那字代表刺♥激♥ 危险 富裕
For you it means excitement, danger, affluence.
What do you think of that word, affluence?
It means wealth.
-你在想什么 -没什么
– What’s on your mind? – Nothing.
I was just thinking about you…
imagining you in your expensive villa, enjoying life…
而我们却像笨蛋般辛苦工作 就为了一条面包
while we work like idiots for a loaf of bread.
I work for a living, too, raising grapes and flowers.
还有红宝石 钻石 珍珠
And rubies and diamonds and pearls.
or “How To Get Spanked In A Hurry.”
你管不到我 我早就毕业了
You can’t touch me. I’ve graduated.
You going to South America?
不 只是去坎城的海滩俱乐部
No, just the Beach Club at Cannes.
I’ve always dreamed of going to South America.
People say it’s a virgin country.
我可以煮饭 缝纫
I can cook, sew, keep my mouth shut…
and peddle stolen jewels on the black market.
丹妮尔 你该不会以为 最近的窃案是我♥干♥的吧
You don’t think I’m responsible for all those recent robberies?
-我是这么想 没错 -是
– I think so, yes. – Yes.
还有你老爸 以及我昔日的反抗军战友
Together with your father and the rest of my old Resistance pals.
But there is one great difference.
他们对你感到愤怒 我不会
They are furious with you. I am not.
丹妮尔 仔细听着
Danielle, listen carefully.
很久以前 我因为窃盗而服监
I stole once a long time ago. I went to jail.
我知道 后来德军轰炸监狱 让你们全部逃走了
I know. The Germans bombed the prison, and you all escaped…
接着加入地下组织 并成为英雄
joined the Underground and became heroes.
I joined because I wanted to make up for some of the things I’d done.
-之后我都没有再偷窃过 -我不知道你要什么
