Something bothering you?
I told the police what you were going to do.
Well, I didn’t expect them to like my arrangement.
你错了 他们认为你这主意太妙了
You were wrong. They thought it a splendid idea.
他们等着你自己提供证据 好让他们对付你
They hope you’ll provide them with evidence they need against you.
噢 是呀 他们是会这么干的
Ah, yes. It had to be something like that.
Suppose the whole thing goes wrong?
来吧 休森 你是在浪费时间
Come on, Hughson. You’re wasting time.
好 我觉得我需要
Yes, I think I will.
I wish I’d known somebody in the insurance racket…
when I first started in the burglary business.
我来瞧瞧 我第一个饵该是这史蒂芬太太
Let me see. My first bait will be this Mrs. Stevens…
美国妇女 有钻石和女儿
the American woman with the diamonds and the daughter.
-你认识她吗 -我明晚要和她共进晚餐
– Do you know them? – I’m having dinner with them.
I could possibly arrange a meeting.
休森 在这一行里 做事不能太过老实
In this business, you can’t do things the honest way.
Remember that.
不 史蒂芬太太 我的意思是 这么会比较好
No, what I mean, Mrs. Stevens, wouldn’t it perhaps be better…
或许你该将珠宝 保存在旅馆的保险箱
if you left some of that jewelry in the hotel safe?
Stop acting like an insurance agent.
我可不是因为老年昏花才买♥♥它 我买♥♥它是为了戴上它
I didn’t buy these for my old age. I bought them to wear.
收起你的钱包 你可以骗取到这笔支出津贴
Put your money away. You can cheat a little on your expense account.
That’s France.
Everyone from the vegetable scrubber to the manager…
gets a tip whether he’s earned it or not
妈妈 你总是抱怨小费
Mother, everywhere you go you complain about tipping.
我会继续抱怨 我刚刚才为这特权付了钱
And I shall continue to complain. I’ve just paid for the privilege.
走吧 去赌场 我想牌桌上赌的正热呢
Let’s go over to the casino. I want to hit the tables while they’re hot.
Perhaps I should just mail them the money.
喔 不 别这样 皮尔 我承受不起
Oh, no. Don’t bother, Pierre. I can’t afford it.
嗯 帅哥 我不会介意你上他
Handsome. I wouldn’t mind buying that for you.
-喔 妈妈 -走吧
– Oh, Mother. – Come along.
Maybe Mr. Hughson doesn’t care for gambling.
每个人都喜欢赌博 无论是谁 包括你
Everyone likes to gamble, one way or another, even you.
I have an intense dislike for it.
亲爱的法兰茜 当赌盘正确了 你会睹的
Francie dear, when the stakes are right, you’ll gamble.
这是赝品 真的
Is it imitation? Really?
You mean, costume jewelry?
哦 你怎么知道的 现在还有人在做这种事
Well, what do you know? The things they make these days.
哦 根本无法分辨真假
Why, you can hardly tell it from the real thing.
这做的真是好 比起我们奥勒冈的都还要好
It’s better than anything we have back in Portland, Oregon.
Almost everything is.
Thank you.
我在这里总是无法停手 扑克牌是我的游戏
I should never have stopped here. Baccarat’s my game.
Why did you let me get so close to this whirling pickpocket?
Wouldn’t ya know?
喔 抱歉 夫人
I’m terribly sorry, madame.
是的 但夫人
Yes, but, madame, that…
嗯 这是价值10万法郎的牌
Well, that was a ten-thousand franc plaque.
嗯 或许她不
Well, maybe she doesn’t…
Well, if you’d rather not take my word, it’s all right.
谢谢 我也相信你 我不会用它的
Thank you. I’ll trust you too. I won’t count it.
If Jeremiah were only here…
But he’d think all this flying around…
from Palm Springs to St. Moritz to the Riviera…He’d think it was all foolishness.
He used to say, “I wouldn’t be one of those silly society gadabouts…
if they promised me I could live forever.”
嗯 他如愿以偿了
Well, he got his wish.
-伯恩斯先生 你是哪里人 -奥勒冈
– Mr. Burns, where are you from? – Oregon.
Jeremiah would have liked you.
一个踏实的人 这就是他
A man with both feet on the ground, that’s what he was.
可惜的是 他从来不知道
Unfortunately for him, he never realized how valuable…
the ground was he had his feet on.
-我们有座牧场 它不是 -妈妈 拜托
– We had a ranch. It wasn’t… – Mother, please.
Mr. Burns would be very interested.
我们有座牧场 不算太大
We had a ranch. It wasn’t a very big one.
没有水电 但这只是小事 可怜的杰里米
No plumbing, a little thing out back. Poor Jeremiah.
他永远不会知道 他离两千万桶石油有多么的近
He’ll never know how close he came to 20 million barrels of oil.
波本威士忌是唯一的酒 你可以把所有香槟倒入英吉利海峡
Bourbon’s the only drink. You can take all that champagne stuff…
葡萄园 巨大的木桶永远变老
Grape vineyards, huge barrels aging forever…
可怜的老修道士 终日奔波就为了尝尝它
poor little old monks running around testing it…
只有俄克拉荷马的妇女 能说出它的美味
just so some woman in Oklahoma can say it tickles her nose.
妈妈 我们该就寝了
Mother, I think we ought to go to bed.
Nobody ever calls me Jessie anymore.
伯恩斯先生 你能叫我洁西吗
Mr. Burns, would you call me Jessie?
-我很乐意 -很好
– I’d be happy to. – Good.
休森先生 你能叫我洁西吗
Mr. Hughson, would you call me Jessie?
-如果你喜欢的话 -我喜欢
– If you like. – I like.
-伯恩斯先生 你做木材生意的 -是的
– Mr. Burns, you said lumber? – That’s right.
你怎么还没有对我提出 想要我的女儿
How come you haven’t made a pass at my daughter?
不要对我说”喔 妈妈”
And don’t say, “Oh, Mother” to me.
伯恩斯先生 我在问你问题呢
Mr. Burns, I asked you a question.
非常漂亮 气质又有魅力
Very pretty, quietly attractive.
-走吧 妈妈 -上♥床♥睡觉
– Come on, Mother. – And so to bed…
where I can cuddle up to my jewelry.
I think I’d rather have 100,000 Jeremiahs.
I think I’ll toddle along to my cot.
I’ll be delighted to escort you to your suite.
你真是体贴 来吧 洁西
That’s very thoughtful of you. Come on, Jessie.
伯恩斯先生 你做木材生意可有赚大钱
Mr. Burns, do you make much money at lumber?
Right now building is booming.
Would you mind if I had you investigated a little?
不介意 查哪一方面
Not at all. With what object?
如果我和法兰茜一样年轻 会说你好得不够真实
If I were Francie’s age, you’d sound too good to be true.
谢谢你 伯恩斯先生
Thank you, Mr. Burns.
你知道 这一带木材很少
You know, there’s very little lumber around here.
Just why did you come to the Riviera anyway?
To meet someone as charming as you.
男孩 我是该好好调查你
Boy, now I am going to have you investigated.
-你不进去吗 -我房♥间在另一边
– Aren’t you going in? – I’m down the other end.
How much did he get away with last night?
投保的珠宝共三万五千 美元
The gems were insured for 35,000… in dollars.
有人赢 有人输
Somebody wins, somebody loses.
洁西 我同情你
Hughson, I sympathize with you.
Pretty rough having to send bad news into your home office.
噢 至少你知道这个窃贼
Yeah. Well, at least you know that the burglar…
-他叫什么来着 -夜猫
– What do they call him? – The Cat.
喔 是的
Oh, yes.
至少你知道他还在 而且就在附近
At least you know he’s still around and getting closer.
太好了 不是吗
That’s something, isn’t it?
能请你把你的珠宝保存在 饭店的保险箱里吗
Would you kindly keep your jewelry in the hotel safe?
我要出门时怎么办 在我的脖子上挂个保险箱吗
What do I do when I go out, wear the safe around my neck?
哦 不是 只不过
Well, not literally. It’s just that…
只不过每次一有东西被偷 你的保险公♥司♥就会心惊胆跳
It’s just that your insurance company goes into shock…
这就是赌注 现在你准备接受吗
That’s what it was, a bet. Now, you want to welch?
万一你的首饰被偷了 我们当然会赔偿
If your jewels are stolen, you will be paid, of course…
但我们无法弥补你对于那些 钟爱的珠宝特别的感情
but we couldn’t replace the sentiment and affection…
我更喜欢一张 能带我到其它地方的火车票
than I have for a train ticket that gets me somewhere.
They’re pretty, and they attract attention.
更重要的是 它们能让我女儿
Most of all, they make it possible for my daughter…
to go to the right places and not be ashamed of me…
that is, too ashamed of me.
-早安 休森先生 -早安 史蒂芬小姐
– Good morning, Mr. Hughson. – Good morning, Miss Stevens.
-伯恩斯先生 -你找我吗
– Mr. Burns. – You sent for me?
是的 我想我们可以去游泳
Yes, I thought we might go for a swim…
or if you’re not athletic, sunbathing.
我想我还浮得起来 谢谢
I think I can manage to stay afloat. Thank you.
休森先生告诉我们 昨晚发生了一起窃案
Mr. Hughson’s been telling us about a robbery last night…
-就在我们上♥床♥之后 -哦 谁
– after we went to bed. – Oh? Who?
鲁德夫人 高级政♥府♥官员之妻
Madame Leroux, wife of a high government official.
-三万五千元 -噢 太糟了
