钞票 钞票 钞票
Money, money, money. Hey!
今天你和正义有个约会 独眼巴特
You got a date with justice, one-Eyed Bart.
真糟糕 警长 我已经结婚了
Too bad, Sheriff. I ‘m a married man.
One-Eyed Betty!
先生 你的东西掉了
I think you dropped something, mister.
-洁西 -束手就擒吧
– Jessie? – Give it up, Bart!
You’ve reached the end of the line!
I always wanted to go out with a bang!
-不 -孩子们
– Oh, no! – The orphans!
真不想提前离场 可我们的车来了
Hate to leave early, but our ride is here.
是追我还是救这些孩子呢 警长 选一个吧
It’s me or the kiddies, Sheriff. Take your pick.
再快一点 大眼仔
Ride like the wind, Bullseye!
Hold him steady!
伍迪 快点儿
Woody, hurry!

Glad I could catch the train!
Now let’s catch some criminals.
飞向宇宙 浩瀚无垠
To infinity and beyond!
Reach for the sky.
你抓不住我的 警长
You can’t touch me, Sheriff!
I brought my attack dog with a built-in force field.
Well, I brought my dinosaur who eats force-field dogs.
Evil Dr. Pork Chop!
That’s Mr. Evil Dr. Pork Chop to you.
巴斯 用你的激光枪射我的胸章
“Buzz, shoot your laser at my badge.”
不 伍迪 那会杀了你的 来吧
“Woody, no. It’ll kill you.” “Just do it!”
你要进监狱了 巴特 小心
“You’re going to jail, Bart.” “Watch out!”
没事儿 继续玩吧 就当我不在
No, no, no. Just keep playing. Just pretend I ‘m not here.
不 茉莉
Oh, no, Molly!
没事 妈妈 来自外太空的50英尺巨婴
No, it’s okay, Mom. It’s a 50-foot baby from outer space.
她会摧毁一切 快逃啊
And she’s on a rampage. Run for your lives!
巴斯特 出来 红灯是在录像吧
Buster, get out of there. Does the red light mean it’s going?
来吧 和茉莉说生日快乐
Come on. Say “Happy birthday” to Molly.
-生日快乐 -真乖
– Happy birthday! – Charming.
Happy birthday!
– Look how tall you’re getting. – Yeah!
我已经尽快赶来了 巴斯 注意后面
“I came as fast as I could. Buzz, behind you!”
知道了 伍迪
“Got it, Woody.”
Buzz Lightyear to the rescue!
干的好 巴斯
“Good work, Buzz.”
好了 快点 所有人各就各位
Okay, places, everyone. Come on, come on. Get in position.
等等 我的那只眼睛不见了
Wait! I can’t find my other eye.
-谁的脚在我脸上 -是我的 还给我
– All right, whose foot’s in my face? – It’s mine. Give it back.
你救了我们 感激不尽
You have saved our lives. We are eternally grateful.
巴斯 不介意我挤在你旁边吧
Buzz! Mind if I squeeze in next to ya?
介意 不 我为什么要介意我挤在你旁边
Yes. No. I mean, why would I mind squeezing next to you?
Is it hot in here?
Here they come!
队长 你们拿到了吗
Sarge, you got it?
Mission accomplished.
小心 小心
Careful. Careful!
兄弟们 我们要抓住这次机会 大家准备好了吗
All right, guys. We got one shot at this. Everyone ready?
准备好了 伍迪 行动
We’re ready, Woody. Let’s do it!
好的 巴斯 打电♥话♥
Okay, Buzz. Make the call.
Target is on approach.
Just like we rehearsed it, guys.
你好 有人吗
Hello? Anyone there?
茉莉 别进我房♥间
Molly, stay out of my room!
I wasn’t in your room.
Then who was messing with my stuff?
It wasn’t me.
Well, that went well.
他拿起我了 他真的拿起我了
He held me! He actually held me!
This is just sad.
骗谁呢 他已经17岁了
Who we kiddin’? The kid ‘s 17 years old.
We ain’t ever gettin’ played with.
伙计们 等等
Guys, hey, hold up.
我们要开个会 所有的玩具都要参加
We need a staff meeting. Everyone! A staff meeting!
Not again!
别这样 弹簧狗 叫大家开会
Come on. Slink, gather everyone up.
伍迪 我们都在这
We are gathered, Woody.
好了 首先
Okay. First of all,
we all knew operation Playtime was a long shot.
More like a misfire.
可我们常说我们的工作不是被玩 而是为了
But we’ve always said this job isn’t about getting played with. It’s about…
为了陪着安迪 我们知道
Being there for Andy. We know.
我们还以再试一次 对吧
But we can try again! Right?
听我说 伙计们 我们收工了
I ‘m callin’ it, guys. We’re closing up shop.
安迪马上就要上大学了 那是我们最后的机会
Andy’s going to college any day now. That was our last shot.
We’re going into attic mode, folks.
Keep your accessories with you at all times.
备件 电池 任何合理过渡期需要的东西
Spare parts, batteries, anything you need for an orderly transition.
合理过渡 你还不明白吗 我们完了 一切都结束了 我们老了
Orderly? Don’t you get it? We’re done! Finished! Over the hill!
别这样 伙计们 我们都知道这一天迟早会来
Hey, hey, hey, now. Come on, guys. We all knew this day was coming.
是啊 现在不就是吗
Yeah, but now it’s here.
听着 每个玩具都有这一天 没人想看到
Look, every toy goes through this. No one wants to see…
队长 你们在干吗
Hey, Sarge! What are you doing?
战争结束了 我们要去其他地方继续战斗
War’s over, folks. Me and the boys are moving on.
-其他地方 -你是要擅离职守吗
– Moving on? – You’re going AWOL?
我们完成了任务 安迪长大了
We done our duty. Andy’s grown up.
面对现实吧 如果垃圾袋拿来了
And let’s face it, when the trash bags come out,
we army guys are the first to go.
-垃圾袋 -谁说垃圾袋了
– Trash bags? – Who said anything about trash bags?
很荣幸能和你们并肩作战 祝你们好运
It has been an honor serving with you. Good luck, folks.
You’re gonna need it.
不 等等
No, no, no. Wait, wait, wait, wait!
-我们要被丢掉了吗 -不 没人会被丢掉
– We’re getting thrown away? – No. No one’s getting thrown away.
How do you know?
-我们要被抛弃了 -我们会没事的 洁西
– We’re being abandoned! – We’ll be fine, Jessie.
-那队长为什么要离开 -我们要离开吗
– So why did Sarge leave? – Should we leave?
-我还以为我们要去阁楼呢 -我讨厌这种不安的感觉
– I thought we were goin’ to the attic. – I hate all this uncertainty!
等一等 安静
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold on now. Wait a minute. Quiet!
没有人会被丢掉 好吗 我们都还在这
No one’s getting thrown out, okay? We’re all still here.
一路走来 我们是失去过朋友
I mean, yeah, we’ve lost friends along the way.
-企鹅威兹 画板 还有 -牧羊女
– Wheezy and Etch and… – Bo Peep?
对 还有她
Yeah. Even Bo.
All good toys who’ve gone on to new owners.
可是每一次的后院拍卖♥♥会和大扫除 安迪都留下了我们
But through every yard sale, every spring cleaning, Andy held on to us!
他肯定很在乎我们 不然我们就不会在这了
He must care about us, or we wouldn’t be here.
你等着看 安迪会让我们呆在阁楼里 那儿安全又舒服
You wait. Andy’s gonna tuck us in the attic. It’ll be safe and warm…
-我们会一直在一起 -没错
– And we’ll all be together. – Exactly!
那有游戏 有书 还有
There’s games up there, and books, and…
-赛车跑道 -赛车跑道 谢谢
– The racecar track! – The racecar track. Thank you!
-还有旧电视 -没错 旧电视
– And the old TV. – There you go, the old TV.
还有作圣诞装饰的那些伙计 他们很有意思的
And those guys from the Christmas decorations box. They’re fun, right?
也许有一天 如果运气好的话 安迪会有他自己的孩子
And someday, if we’re lucky, Andy may have kids of his own.
And he’ll play with us then, right?
We’ll always be there for him.
来吧 伙计们 把自己的零件都带好
Come on, guys. Let’s get our parts together, get ready,
and go out on a high note.
I ‘d better find my other eye.
Where’d you leave it this time?
Someplace dark. And dusty.
