-Well, let’s see. We got double-A’s.
小心 站住 什么人
Watch yourself! Halt! Who goes there?
别开枪 没事 是朋友
Don’t shoot! It’s okay. Friends.
-你认识这些生物吗 -是 他们是安弟的玩具
-Do you know these life-forms? -Yes! They’re Andy’s toys.
好了 你们可以上来了
All right, everyone, you’re clear to come up.
我是巴斯光年 和平使者
I am Buzz Lightyear. I come in peace.
我好高兴 你不是恐龙
Oh, I’m so glad you’re not a dinosaur!
Bye, bye. Thank you!
Now, thank you all for your kind welcome!
-那个按钮是干什么的 -我来示范
-Say, what’s that button do? -I’ll show you.
Buzz Lightyear to the rescue! -Oh!
胡迪也有那样的东西 他的是拉线的
Hey, Woody’s got something like that. His is a pull string.
-只是… -只是听起来像被车子压过
-Only it’s… -Only it sounds like a car ran over it.
对 不像这个 这个是高品质声音系统
Oh, yeah, but not like this. This is a quality sound system.
Probably all copper wiring, huh?
对了 你从哪里来的 新加坡? 香港?
So, uh, where you from? Singapore? Hong Kong?
不 事实上 我是驻扎在 第四区域的珈玛象限
Well, no. Actually, I-I’m stationed up in the Gamma Quadrant of Sector Four.
我是宇宙保护小组 太空警备队的队员
As a member of the elite Universe Protection Unit of the Space Ranger Corps,
I protect the galaxy from the threat of invasion…
from the evil Emperor Zurg, sworn enemy of the Galactic Alliance.
是吗? 我来自儿乐宝
Oh, really? I’m from Playskool.
而我来自美泰儿 其实我并不是来自美泰儿
And I’m from Mattel. Well, I’m not really from Mattel.
I’m actually from a smaller company
结果被美泰儿收♥购♥了 我想…
that was purchased in a leveraged buyout.
一群土包子 没看过新玩具
You’d think they’d never seen a new toy before.
是 你看看他
Well, sure. Look at him.
身上的小东西 比瑞士刀还要多呢
He’s got more gadgets on him than a Swiss Army knife.
-Ah, ah, ah, ah! Please be careful.
You don’t want to be in the way when my laser goes off.
雷射 你怎么会没有雷射呢? 胡迪
Hey, a laser! How come you don’t have a laser, Woody?
那不是雷射 那只是会闪的灯泡
It’s not a laser! It’s a.. It’s a little light bulb that blinks.
-他怎么了 -嫉妒雷射
-What’s with him? -Laser envy.
好了 够了
All right, that’s enough!
-我们对安弟的新玩具都印象深刻 -玩具?
-Look, we’re all very impressed with Andy’s new toy. -Toy?
玩 具
T-O-Y. Toy!
对不起 我想你用的字应该是太空骑警
Excuse me, l-l think the word you’re searching for is “Space Ranger.”
The word I’m searching for I can’t say
because there’s preschool toys present.
Gettin’ kinda tense, aren’t ya?
巴斯先生 我很好奇
Uh, Mr. Lightyear, uh, now, I’m curious.
What does a Space Ranger actually do?
He’s not a Space Ranger!
他不会打击邪恶 发射雷射 也不会飞 -打个岔
-He doesn’t fight evil or, or shoot lasers or fly! -Excuse me.
-了不起的翅膀 了不起
-Ooh! -Oh, impressive wingspan! Very good!
什么 什么嘛 这些是塑胶 他不会飞
Oh, what? What? These are plastic. He can’t fly!
这是碳化合金 而且我的确会飞
They are a terillium-carbonic alloy, and I can fly.
-不 你不会 -会 我会
-No, you can’t. -Yes, lean.
-你不会 -会
-You can’t. -Can.
-不会 不会 不会
-Can’t. Can’t. Can’t!
-就算我闭着眼睛 也可以飞遍整个房♥间
-I tell you, I could fly around this room with my eyes closed!
-好啊 泡泡头先生 证明一下 -那好吧
-Okay, then, Mr. Light Beer, prove it. -All right, then, I will.
Stand back, everyone!
To infinity and beyond!
-Can! -Whoa!
-Oh, wow, you flew magnificently!
-我找到搬家的伙伴了 -谢谢 谢谢你们 谢谢
-I found my movin’ buddy. -Thank you. Th-Thank you all. Thank you.
那不叫飞行 那只是花拳绣腿
That wasn’t flying! That was… falling with style.
小妞们一定迷死你了 教教我好吗
Man, the dolls must really go for you. Can you teach me that?
刚刚那一招真是太酷了 -闭嘴
Golly bob howdy! -Oh, shut up!
You know, in a couple of days,
这里就会恢复老样子了 等着瞧吧
everything will be just the way it was. They’ll see.
-They’ll see.
I’m still Andy’s favorite toy.
# I was on top of the world livin’ high #
-Whoa! -# It was right in my pocket #
# I was livin’ the life #
# Things were just the way they should be #
# When from out of the sky like a bomb #
# Comes some little punk in a rocket #
“从此我发现 一些奇怪的事要发生”
# Now all of a sudden some strange things are happening to m
Buzz Lightyear to the rescue!
# Strange #
# Things are happening to me #
# Strange #
# Things #
-# Strange # -Ha!
-# Things are happening to me #
# Ain’t no doubt about it #
# I had friends I had lots of friends #
# Now all my friends are gone #
“我叫他们 他们对我是冷冰冰的”
# And I’m doin’ the best I can #
-# I had power # -# Power #
-# I was respected # -# Respected #
# But not anymore #
# And I’ve lost the love of the one #
# Whom I adore #
# Let me tell you ’bout it Strange #
-# Things are happenin’ to me #
# Strange #
# Things #
# Strange #
# Things are happen in’
# Ain’t no doubt about it #
# Strange #
# Things #
# Strange #
-# Things #
Hey, who’s got my hat?
大家好 我是胡迪 大家好 大家好
Look, I’m Woody! Howdy, howdy, howdy!
Ah-ha! Ah-ha, ha, ha! Gimme that!
抱抱龙 弹簧狗 给你们看样东西
Say there, Lizard and Stretchy Dog, let me show you something.
It looks as though I’ve been accepted into your culture.
-你们老大安弟 把他的名字刻在我身上
-Your chief, Andy, inscribed his name on me. -Wow!
With permanent ink too!
好了 我要回去修我的船了
Well, I must get back to repairing my ship.
胡迪 不要让他影响到你
Don’t let it get to you, Woody.
-你说什么 -什么意思 谁?
Uh… let what? I don’t, uh- What do you mean? Who?
I know Andy’s excited about Buzz.
但是你在他的心目当中 一直占有一席之地的
But you know he’ll always have a special place for you.
-是啊 是块畸零地 -好了 我受够了
-Yeah, like the attic. -All right, that’s it!
-Hmm. Unidirectional bonding strip.
Mr. Lightyear wants more tape.
听着 泡泡头 你最好离安弟远一点
Listen, Light Snack, you stay away from Andy.
他是我的 没有人可以拆散他跟我
He’s mine, and no one is taking him away from me.
-你到底在说什么啊 我的连结带呢
-What are you talking about? Where’s that bonding strip?
还有一件事 从现在开始 少再说什么太空的事
And another thing: Stop with this spaceman thing!
-It’s getting on my nerves!
-Are you saying you wanna lodge a complaint with Star Command?
好 我看你是 敬酒不吃吃罚酒
Oh-ho, okay! Ooh, well, so you wanna do it the hard way, huh?
-警长 不要无理取闹 -是吗? 硬汉
-Don’t even think about it, cowboy. -Oh, yeah, tough guy?
The air isn’t…toxic.
How dare you open a spaceman’s helmet on an uncharted planet!
打开我的头盔 我的眼球很可能被吸出去的
My eyeballs could’ve been sucked from their sockets!
你真的以为 你就是那个太空人巴斯光年吗
You actually think you’re the Buzz Lightyear?
Oh, all this time I thought it was an act!
各位 快看 这是真的巴斯光年
Hey, guys, look! It’s the real Buzz Lightyear!
You’re mocking me, aren’t you?
不… 巴斯 有外星人
Oh, no, no. No, no, no, no, no. Buzz, look, an alien!

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
