-Whoa! -Uh-oh.
-是阿薛 -不准动
-It’s Sid! -Don’t move!
-I thought he was at summer camp.
-They must’ve kicked him out early this year.
-不对 不是阿薛
-Oh, no, not Sid!
-Who is it this time?
-我…我看不清楚是谁 雷尼呢
-I…I can’t…I can’t tell. Hey, where’s Lenny?
-我在这儿 胡迪 -不 我受不了残忍♥的画面
-Right here, Woody. -Oh, no, I can’t bear to watch one of these again.
天哪 是战斗兵卡尔
Oh, no, it’s a Combat Carl.
-What’s going on?
-这不关你们太空人的事 是我们玩具自己的事
-Nothing that concerns you spacemen; just us toys.
I’d better take a look anyway.
-那个阿兵哥 为什么绑着爆♥炸♥装置
-Why is that soldier strapped to an explosive device?
That’s why: Sid.
-Hmm, sure is a hairy fellow.
不是 那是阿德 白♥痴♥
No, no, that’s Scud, you idiot.
-That is Sid.
-那个天真的小孩 -他才不天真呢
-You mean that happy child? -That ain’t no happy child.
He tortures toys, just for fun!
Well, then we’ve got to do something.
你在干什么 快下来
What are you doing? Get down from there!
-我要给那孩子一个教训 -是啊 好 尽管去
-I’m gonna teach that boy a lesson. -Yeah, sure. You go ahead.
-Melt him with your scary laser.
小心 别乱碰 那是非常危险的
Be careful with that! It’s extremely dangerous.
点火了 他点火了
He’s lighting it! He’s lighting it! Hit the dirt!
-好耶 死了 他死了
-Yes! He’s gone! He’s history!
-Whoo! -I could’ve stopped him.
巴斯 我是很想领教你的本事
Buzz, I would love to see you try.
更想看看 你是怎么去当烈士
Of course, I’d love to see you as a crater.
-The sooner we move, the better.
To infinity and beyond!
All this packing makes me hungry.
-What would you say to dinner at, oh, Pizza Planet?
-比萨星球 哦酷
-Pizza Planet? Oh, cool!
去洗手 我替茉莉换衣服
Go wash your hands, and I’ll get Molly ready.
我可以带玩具去吗 你只能带一个玩具
-Can I bring some toys? -You can bring one toy.
-只能带一个啊 -一个玩具?
-Just one? -One toy?
-Will Andy pick me?
“Don’t count on it”?

巴斯 巴斯 巴斯光年
Buzz! Oh, Buzz! Buzz Lightyear.
巴斯光年 老天爷 我们有麻烦了
Buzz Lightyear, thank goodness. We’ve got trouble!
-麻烦 在哪儿 -下面 就在下面
-Trouble? Where? -Down there. Just down there.
一个无助的玩具 它被困住了
A helpless toy, it’s.. it’s trapped, Buzz!
Then we’ve no time to lose.
-什么都没有耶 -就在那下面 再找找
-I don’t see anything! -Oh, he’s there! Just, just keep looking!
-What kind of toy…

Oh! Whoa, whoa! Oh!
I don’t see him in the driveway.
-我猜他弹到阿薛的院子了 -巴斯
-I think he bounced into Sid’s yard! -Oh! Buzz!
各位 遥控车好像有话要说 什么事 老弟
Hey, everyone, R.C.’s trying to say something. What is it, boy?
-他是说这件事情并不是意外 -什么意思
-He’s saying that this was no accident. -What do you mean?
-巴斯是被推出去的 天哪 胡迪推的
-I mean Humpty-Dumpty was pushed… by Woody! -No!
-什么 -等一下
-What? -Wait a minute.
You…You don’t think I meant to knock Buzz out the window,
是吧 蛋头
do you? Potato Head?
-你该叫我蛋头先生 你这暗箭伤人的凶手
-That’s Mr. Potato Head to you, you back-stabbing murderer!
那是个意外 各位 拜托你们…
Now, it was an accident, guys. Come on.
Now, you, you gotta believe me.
我们相信你 胡迪
We believe ya, Woody. Right, Rex?
对吧 抱抱龙 这个…我不喜欢跟人家对质
Well, yea.. N.. I don’t like confrontations!
你的荣誉到哪儿去了 你真的是军人的一大耻辱
Where is your honor, dirt bag? You are an absolute disgrace!
You don’t deserve to.. Hey!
受不了巴斯光年占去了你的时间 对吧 胡迪
You couldn’t handle Buzz cutting in on your playtime, could you, Woody?
你受不了巴斯可能成为 安弟最喜欢的玩具这件事实
Didn’t wanna face the fact that Buzz just might be Andy’s new favorite toy.
So you got rid of him. Well, what if Andy starts playing with me more, Woody
如果安弟花很多时间玩我呢 你也要把我丢到窗外吗
You gonna knock me outta the window too?
-我们不能让他胡作非为 -他来了
-I don’t think we should give him the chance. -There he is, men.
-抓住他 -用他的拉绳把他绑起来
-Frag him! -Let’s string him up by his pull string!
-我要他的帽子 -你们快住手好吗
-I got dibs on his hat! -Would you boys stop it!
-抓住他 -不…等等…我可以解释
-Tackle him! -No, no, no! W-W-Wait! I can explain everything!
-安弟 快点 -好 马上来 我要拿巴斯
Okay, Mom, be right down. I’ve gotta get Buzz.
妈咪 你有没有看到巴斯
Mom, do you know where Buzz is?
-没有 我没有看到
-No, I haven’t seen him. -Psst!
安弟 我要锁门罗
Andy, I’m heading out the door!
-But, Mom, I can’t find him!
-儿子 先拿别的玩具 快走了
-Honey, just grab some other toy. Now, come on!
Oh, okay.
我找不到巴斯 我明明放在桌上的
I couldn’t find my Buzz, know I left him right there.
乖乖 他一定还在那儿 你会找到的
Honey, I’m sure he’s around You’ll find him.
太短了 我们还需要连环猴
It’s too short! We need more monkeys!
已经没有了 整桶都倒光了
There aren’t any more! That’s the whole barrel!
巴斯 这些连环猴不够
Buzz, the monkeys aren’t working!
我们会再想其他的办法的 保持冷静
We’re formulating another plan! Stay calm!
Oh, where could he be?
-我来帮忙加油 -好啊 我还能让你开车呢
-Can I help pump the gas? -Sure! I’ll even let you drive.
-真的? -对 等你十六岁
-Yeah? -Yeah, when you’re 16.
-真讨厌 妈咪又在骗人家
-Yuk, yuk, yuk! Funny, Mom.
天啊 我要怎么说服那些家伙 那只是个意外
Aw, great. How am I gonna convince those guys it was an accident?
巴斯 你还活着
Buzz! Ha! You’re alive!
太棒了 我有救了 我有救了
This is great! Oh, I’m saved! I’m saved.
安弟会发现你 他会带我们两个回房♥间
Andy’ll find you here; he’ll take us back to the room;
and then you can tell everyone that
this was all just a big mistake.
对吧? 伙伴
Huh? Right? Buddy?
我只是要让你知道 虽然你一直想要毁灭我
I just want you to know that even though you tried to terminate me,
但是在我们的星球 并不鼓励我们复仇
revenge is not an idea we promote on my planet.
-那很好 -但这里不是我的星球 对吧?
-Oh. Well, that’s good. -But we’re not on my planet, are we?
好 你来啊
Okay, come on!
You want a piece of me?
-Owww! -Buzz, Buzz, Buzz Lightyear to the rescue.
-Aah-ouch! -Next stop.
-Pizza Planet! Yeah!
Wh… Doesn’t he realize that I’m not there?
I’m lost!
Oh, I’m a lost toy!
Buzz Lightyear mission log.
警长跟我似乎在一个 很巨大的燃料补给站
The local sheriff and I seem to be at a huge refueling station of some sort.
-According to my nava-computer, the- -Shut up!
-闭嘴 给我闭嘴 白♥痴♥
-Just shut up, you idiot!
-警长 现在没有时间惊慌
-Sheriff, this is no time to panic.
现在是惊慌的好时机 我被遗弃了 安弟走了
This is the perfect time to panic. I’m lost. Andy is gone.
他们再过两天就要搬家了 这全是你的错
They’re gonna move from their house in two days, and it’s all your fault!
My… My fault?
如果你一开始 没有把我推出窗外…
If you hadn’t pushed me out of the window in the first place…
对 如果不是你
Oh, yeah? Well, if you…
hadn’t shown up in your stupid little cardboard spaceship

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
