-There’s gotta be another way outta here.
巴斯 是…是你吗
Uh, Buzz? W-Was that you?
你好 小家伙
Hey, hi there, little fella.
出来啊 你知道出去的路吗
Come out here. Do you know a way outta here?
J-B-B-B-Bu- Buzz!
B-B-B-B-Bu- Buzz!
-They’re cannibals.
-求救 求救
-Mayday, mayday.
-星际总部请回答 请派后援部队
-Come in, Star Command. Send reinforcements.
Star Command, do you copy?
-I’ve set my laser from stun to kill.
好极了 好极了 如果有人攻击的话
Aw, great. Great. Yeah, and if anyone attacks us,
we can blink ’em to death.
-各位 我找到他了
-Hey, you guys, I think I found him!
-巴斯 是你吗
-Buzz, is that you?
咪♥咪♥ 拜托你走开好吗
Whiskers, will you get outta here!
-You’re interfering with the search and rescue!
你们看 他们回来了
Look, they’re home.
妈咪 你看到胡迪没有
Mom, have you seen Woody?
-你最后是把他放在哪儿啊 -就在车上啊
-Where was the last place you left him? -Right here in the van.
他一定在的 只是你没好好找罢了
Oh, I’m sure he’s there. You’re just not looking hard enough.
他不在车上 胡迪不见了
He’s not here, Mom. Woody’s gone.
Woody’s gone?
老天 那黄鼠狼逃走了
Yeah, boy, the weasel ran away.
Huh? Huh? I told you he was guilty.
谁也没有想到 他会做出这么可怕的事情来
Who would’ve thought he was capable of such atrocities?
弹簧狗 我希望他没事
Oh, Slink, hope he’s okay.
有生还者 叛军的基地在哪儿 说
Oh, a survivor. Where’s the rebel base? Talk!
I can see your will is strong.
不过我们有很多办法 让你开口
Well, we have ways of making you talk.
Where are your rebel friends now?
阿薛 你的点心好了
Sid, your Pop Tarts are ready!
All right!
还好吗 我真以你为荣
Are you all right? I’m proud of you, Sheriff.
A lesser man would’ve talked under such torture.
I sure hope this isn’t permanent.
还是没有星际总部的消息 我们离太空站不远了
Still no word from Star Command. We’re not that far from the space port.
那扇门…没关 我们自♥由♥了
The door. It’s open! We’re free!
-胡迪 我们不知道外面有什么 -我会告诉你…
-Woody, we don’t know what’s out there! -I’ll tell you wha-
-他们要吃我们 巴斯 快想办法 -遮住眼睛
-They’re gonna eat us, Buzz! Do something quick! -Shield your eyes.
奇怪了 我离开前才充的电 应该能发射…
It’s networking. I recharged it before I left, I..It should be good for…
你这个白♥痴♥ 你只是个玩具 用你的空手道打它们
You idiot! You’re a toy! Use your karate chop action!
-走开 -你在干什么
-Get away! Hoo-cha! -Hey! Hey! How’re you doin’ that? Stop that.
退后 野蛮人让开
Back! Back, you savages! Back!
-胡迪 放手 -抱歉 各位 不陪你们玩了
-Woody, stop it! -Sorry, guys, but dinner’s canceled!
我们可以回家了 我们可以回家了
There’s no place like home! There’s no place like home!
-There’s no place like home.
Another stunt like that, cowboy, you’re gonna get us killed.
-不用你教我该怎么做 -嘘
-Don’t tell me what to do. -Shh!
-快点 伙伴
Yee-haw! Giddyap, pardner!
-We got to get this wagon train a-movin’!
-Split up!
呼叫巴斯光年 巴斯光年请回答
Calling Buzz Lightyear. Come in, Buzz Lightyear.
-This is Star Command. Buzz Lightyear, do you read me?
-星际总部 巴斯光年 你收到了吗
-Star Command!
巴斯光年回答 听得非常清楚
Buzz Lightyear responding. Read you loud and clear.
巴斯光年 目前地球需要你的帮忙
Buzz Lightyear, planet Earth needs your help.
-出动了 -巴斯光年
-On the way! -Buzz Lightyear!
全世界最棒的超级英雄 现在是全世界最棒的玩具
The world’s greatest superhero! Now the world’s greatest toy!
巴斯应有尽有 手腕锁定通讯器
Buzz has it all! Locking wrist communicator!
-呼叫巴斯光年 -还会空手道
-Calling Buzz Lightyear! -Karate chop action!
-Wow! -Pulsating laser light!
-彻底的消灭 -多段式声音模拟器
-Total annihilation! -Multi-phase voice simulator!
在一个未知的宇宙 有秘密任务
There’s a secret mission in uncharted space.
在一个未知的宇宙 有秘密任务
There’s a secret mission in uncharted space.
And best of all, high pressure space wings!
-飞向宇宙浩瀚无垠 -不是飞行玩具
-To infinity and beyond! -Not a flying toy.
Get your Buzz Lightyear action figure…
你就能拯救邻近的星际 -巴斯光年
and save a galaxy near you! -Buzz Lightyear!
艾耳玩具 各大百货公♥司♥均有出♥售♥
Available at all Al’s Toy Barn outlets in the Tri-county area.
And welcome back…
to the Point Richmond Bowling Championship.
# Out among the stars I sit #
# Way beyond the moon #
# In my silver ship I sailed #
# To a dream that ended too soon #
# Now I know exactly #
-# Who I am and what I’m here for #
你是玩具 你不能飞
You are a toy! You can’t fly!
# And I will go sailing #
# No more #
“哦不 不是这样”
# But no, it can’t be true #
“我能飞 假如我愿意”
# I could fly if I wanted to #
# Like a bird in the sky #
# If I believed I could fly #
# Why, I’d fly #
To infinity and beyond!
# -Clearly, I. #
# Will go sailing #
-妈 你有没有看到我的莎莉娃娃
-Mom! Mom, have you seen my Sally doll?
什么? 什么事啊
What, dear? What was that?
Never mind!
钱 钱
Oof! Oof!
巴斯 安全了吗 巴斯 你在哪里
Buzz, the coast is clear. Buzz, where are you?
在一个未知的宇宙有秘密任务 出发
There’s a secret mission, in uncharted space. Let’s go.
是吗 好有意思喔
Really? That is so interesting.
你要喝点茶吗? 纳斯比太太
Would you like some tea, Mrs. Nesbitt?
-巴斯 -临时邀请你 你还能来真是太好了
-Buzz! -It’s so nice you could join us on such late notice.
-不 -好可爱的帽子 纳斯比太太
-Oh. no! -What a lovely hat, Mrs. Nesbitt.
It goes quite well with your head
汉娜 汉娜
Hannah! Oh, Hannah!
妈 失陪了 小姐们
Mom? Please excuse me, ladies.
I’ll be right back.
妈 什么事 妈 你在哪里
What is it, Mom? Mom, where are you?
巴斯 巴斯 你还好吧
Buzz. Hey. Buzz, are you okay?
完了 全都完了
Gone! It’s all gone.
全都完了 再见 拜拜
All of it’s gone. Bye-bye. Whoo-whoo. See ya.
-你是怎么了 -前一分钟你还在扞卫全宇宙
-What happened to you? -One minute you’re defending the whole galaxy.
突然间 你就跟路易十六的王妃
And suddenly you find yourself suckin’ down Darjeeling with…
Marie Antoinette and her little sister.
I think you’ve had enough tea for today.
快起来 我跟我走吧 巴斯
Let’s get you outta here, Buzz.
你还不明白吗 看到帽子没有
Don’t you get it? You see the hat?
-我是纳斯比太太 -清醒一点 巴斯
-I am Mrs. Nesbitt! Ha-ha-ha-ha! -Snap out of it, Buzz!
-我…我很抱歉 你说的对
-I-l-I’m sorry. I.. You’re right.
I am just a little depressed. That’s all.
I can get through this.
-Oh, I’m a sham! -Shh!
-安静 巴斯 -看看我
-Look at me. -Quiet, Buzz.
I can’t even fly out of a window.
但是…这个帽子很好看 告诉我这个帽子很好看
The hat look good? Tell me the hat look good.
-飞出窗外 巴斯 你是个天才
-The apron is a bit much. -“Out the window”! Buzz, you’re a genius!
-快 跟我来
-Come on, come on. This way.
Years of academy, training, wasted!
Ha, ha. B-3.
-没中 G6
-Miss! G-6. -Oh!
-你猜对了 你偷看
-You sunk it. Are you peeking? -Heh, heh!
不要啰嗦了 快交出来 不…不要耳朵
Oh, quit your whinin’ and pay up. No, no, not the ear.
-把鼻子给我 快点 -五战三胜怎么样

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
