

[noun] a distinguishing quality or characteristic, typically one belonging to a person
[名词] (通常属于某一个人的)一种显著的品质或特征


看到 trait 一词,即便是对其不熟悉的,也容易联想起两个以其结尾的熟词, 一个是之前在熟词僻义栏目推送过的 strait ,另一个则是用来表示“肖像、半身画像、半身照”的常见词 portrait 。

就 trait 单词本身来说,其最早源自拉丁语 trahere (拖、拉),15世纪末期经法语 trait (线条、笔划、特征)进入英语,最初也是用来指铅笔、钢笔等的“一比、一划”。因此, one trait of sth 也就可以用来表示“某物的一点、少许、微量”。

在工作生活中,由于每个人的字迹都带有自身特色,所以常用签名作为身份证明。而在英语中, trait 就相应被用来表示个人的“特征、特性、特点”,也可以用于形容某个民族、种族或某一类型的人等,多指其独特鲜明的性格或思想品质,强调先天秉赋的持久行为模式或性格特征,比如:

  • 具有幽默感是她更讨人喜欢的特点之一。
    Her sense of humour is one of her better traits.
  • 胆小绝非女性才具有的特征。
    Timidity is by no means a female-only trait.


Never to have lied, never to have said, for any interest whatever, even in indifference, any single thing which was not the truth, the sacred truth, was Sister Simplice’s distinctive trait; it was the accent of her virtue.

出自法国作家维克多·雨果的长篇小说《悲惨世界》(Les Misérables,原意为“悲惨的人们”“可怜的人们”)。


  • The peculiar traits of each emerging market, from macroeconomic management to productivity growth, will have a greater say in how its economy performs as well as how investors view it.
  • Allies describe Trump as warm, engaging and witty, traits at odds with the totemic stance she often takes in public.


词义: “trait” 是一个名词,用来描述个人的特点、品质或特征。它表示一个人在性格、行为或外貌方面所具有的固定特点。

词源: “trait” 这个词源于法语中的 “trait”,意为 “特点、特征”,源自拉丁语的 “tractus”,意为 “拉、拖”。

用法: “trait” 一词常用作名词,用于描述个人的特征或品质。以下是一些详细的用法和相关短语:

  1. 名词用法:
    • Honesty is one of her most prominent traits.(诚实是她最显著的特点之一。)
    • He has inherited many of his father’s personality traits.(他继承了父亲许多的个性特征。)
    • Organization and attention to detail are important traits for a successful project manager.(组织能力和注重细节对于成功的项目经理来说是重要的特质。)

以下是一些与 “trait” 相关的常见短语:

  1. Personal traits: 个人特质
  2. Character traits: 性格特征
  3. Positive traits: 积极的特点
  4. Negative traits: 消极的特点
  5. Inherited traits: 遗传特征
  6. Identifying traits: 识别特征
  7. Common traits: 共同特点
  8. Unique traits: 独特特征
  9. Key traits: 关键特点
  10. Personality traits: 个性特质


hallmark: a feature or quality that is typical of sb/sth
attribute: a quality or feature regarded as a characteristic or inherent part of someone or something
feature: a distinctive attribute or aspect of something
