

[verb] be or go beyond the range or limits of (something abstract, typically a conceptual field or division)
[动词] 超出(抽象事物,通常是概念领域或划分)的范围或界限


Transcend 是一个与小站(微信公众号:田间小站)推送过的 condescend 同词根的单词。该词由前缀 trans- (越过、横过)+词根 scend (爬、攀)构成,14世纪中期经古法语 transcendre (超越、超出)或者直接经拉丁语 transcendere (爬过、越过、超越)进入英语后,也是用来表示“超越、超过、超出”,常作正式用语使用,主要指显著高于或超出经验、理性、信念等抽象概念的通常范围或界限,比如:

  • 最优秀的影片是那些超越了民族或文化障碍的影片。
    The best films are those which transcend national or cultural barriers.

等到了15世纪初期后, transcend 开始进一步用来表示“胜过、优于”,主要指在属性、品质或影响力等方面超过某人、某个作品、某个成就等,比如:

  • 一个因阅历而变得成熟的作家不会去写自我陶醉、故作清高的垃圾作品。这就是为什么他的最新小说超越了他从前所写的任何作品。
    A writer seasoned by experience will not write smug, sanctimonious rubbish. That’s why his latest novel transcends anything he has ever written before.


And when she had discovered this she was plunged into a misery which transcended that of the child’s simple loss.

出自英国小说家托马斯·哈代的长篇小说《德伯家的苔丝》(Tess of the d’Urbervilles)。


  • The conflicts Mr Schelling considered transcended the case of two parties scrapping for a bigger slice of a fixed pie.
  • Even in a country as turbulent as Egypt is today, some traditions transcend the sharpest divisions and provide brief periods of calm.


  1. Transcend boundaries: 超越界限
  2. Transcend limitations: 超越限制
  3. Transcend expectations: 超越期望
  4. Transcend time: 超越时间
  5. Transcend cultures: 跨越文化
  6. Transcend differences: 超越差异
  7. Transcend the norm: 超越常规
  8. Transcend the self: 超越自我
  9. Transcend the past: 超越过去
  10. Transcend the present: 超越现在
  11. Transcend the material: 超越物质
  12. Transcend boundaries of knowledge: 超越知识界限
  13. Transcend the physical: 超越物理
  14. Transcend the ordinary: 超越平凡
  15. Transcend limitations of the mind: 超越思维限制
  16. Transcend societal norms: 超越社会规范
  17. Transcend fear: 超越恐惧
  18. Transcend language barriers: 超越语言障碍
  19. Transcend boundaries of possibility: 超越可能性的界限
  20. Transcend personal boundaries: 超越个人界限
  21. Transcend the mundane: 超越平庸
  22. Transcend the physical realm: 超越物质世界
  23. Transcend political divisions: 超越政治分歧
  24. Transcend the ego: 超越自我意识
  25. Transcend traditional norms: 超越传统规范
  26. Transcend cultural barriers: 超越文化障碍
  27. Transcend personal beliefs: 超越个人信念
  28. Transcend the ordinary experience: 超越普通经历
  29. Transcend the human condition: 超越人类境遇
  30. Transcend the boundaries of art: 超越艺术的界限


excel: be exceptionally good at or proficient in an activity or subject
trump: beat (someone or something) by saying or doing something better
eclipse: deprive (someone or something) of significance, power, or prominence

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
