So he did. Here we are, blockhouse, stores, rum, whole blessed boat.
我们谈妥了 碉堡、补给品、朗姆酒 整条船全都归我们
As for them, they tramped away out of here, which I don’t know where.
至于他们离开此地去了哪里 我也不甚了了
Is that all?
It’s all you’re to know for now, my son.
能告诉你的就这些了 孩子
Very well.
You’re in a bad way.
Ship lost, treasure lost, your whole business gone to wreck.
船没了 宝藏也找到 你们整个计划都泡汤了
And if you wanna know who did it…
…it was I. You?
…那就是我! 你?!
Yeah. I was in the apple barrel the night we sighted land.
没错 快靠岸那天 我藏在苹果桶里
I heard you and Dick and Israel Hands who is now at the bottom of the sea.
听到了你们的计划 你、迪克 还有如今葬身鱼腹的伊斯莱尔·汉兹!
As for the ship…
…I cut her cable and brought her to a place where you’ll never see her…
…我割掉了缆绳 开到了一个你们不可能知道的地方…
…not one of you. What?
…谁都不可能知道 什么?
Silence fore and aft.
Is that your answer, lad?
年轻人 那就是你的回答?
Kill me if you like.
想要杀了我 请便
But one thing, if you spare me, bygones are bygones…
但有一点 如果你放过我 不再计较…
…and when you’re all in court for piracy and murder…
…I’ll save you all I can.
Kill another if you like or keep a witness to save you from the gallows.
杀掉我对你们没好处 留着我反而可能救你们一命
Yeah, good.
是的 没错
It was him that knowed Black Dog.
It was him who lifted the chart from Billy Bones.
First to last, I reckon, we’ve split upon you, Jim Hawkins.
从头到尾我们都被你出♥卖♥♥♥了 吉姆·霍金斯
Go on, skin him from the neck.
过去 剥了他的皮
Kill him. Give him the Spanish torture.
宰了他 让他受受西班牙式的酷刑
Well, lad, here goes.
嗯 臭小子 去死吧
Who be you, George Merry?
你以为自己是谁 乔治·梅里?
Maybe you thought you was captain here, perhaps.
By the powers, I’ll teach you better.
I’m captain here by election.
Captain because I’m the best man by a long sea mile.
因为我见的世面多 能力比你们强
I like that boy.
I never seen a better boy than that.
He’s more a man than any pair of you bilge rats a-boarded here.
他血气方刚智勇双全 不是你等鼠辈所能企及的
Let me see the man who’ll lay a hand on him.
Draw a cutlass, him that dares.
要动他 就先和我比划比划
I’ll show you the color of his insides.
Asking your pardon, captain.
You’re pretty free with some of the rules.
Perhaps you’ll kindly keep an eye on the rest.
This crew’s dissatisfied This crew has rights like other crews.
船员们已经心怀不满了 我们对所有船员都应该一视同仁
We claims our rights and steps outside for council.
我们要求行使我们的权利 到外头去商议一下
Fo’c’sle council.
According to rules.
See you, Jim.
吉姆 过来
You’re within half a plank of death, or worse.
你现在危在旦夕 也许更糟
And they’re going to throw me off.
But I’ll stand by you, thick or thin.
但是无论情势多么危急 我都会倾力相救
“You stand by Hawkins,” I says to myself, “he’ll stand by you.”
我对自己说 “你对霍金斯舍命相助 他自然会对你投桃报李”
You mean all’s lost?
That’s about it.
I’ll save your life if I can…
对你的安危 我一定竭尽所能…
…but, Jim, if we gets off this here lee shore…
…但是 吉姆 一旦我们脱离险境…
…you save old John from swinging, huh?
…有朝一日你得阻止别人送我上绞架 懂吗?
I’ll do what I may.
Ah, that’s good enough for me.
哈 这就够了
Oh, here comes a squall, or I’m mistook.
噢 麻烦大了 但愿是我搞错了
Let them come, lad, I’ve still got a shot in me locker.
让他们来吧 孩子 我可有杀手锏呢
Well, hand it over, lubber.
噢 传过来吧 雏鸟
Step up, Dick, I won’t eat you.
过来啊 迪克 我又不会吃了你
The black spot, I thought so.
Where might you have got the paper?
Oh, hello, this ain’t lucky.
噢 天哪 这可不吉利啊
You’ve gone and cut this out of a Bible. What fools cut a Bible?
There. What’d I say? “No good’ll come to that,” I said.
Well, you’ve about fixed it now What soft-headed lubber had a Bible?
哦 这就是你们商量的结果 哪个榆木脑袋的《圣经》?
Well, Dick. Then Dick can get to prayers.
呃 迪克的 迪克 你找人替你念祷文吧
He’s had his slice of luck as Dick. It weren’t my idea.
你的好运到头了 那不是我的本意
Now, look here, Silver.
不要东拉西扯了 西尔维
This crew’s tipped you the black spot Turn it over, read what’s wrote there.
大家给了你黑券 你至少打开看看
Thank you, George. You always was brisk for business…
谢谢你乔治 你向来雷厉风行…
…and knowed the rules by heart. Aye.
各种规矩 你也了然于胸 是的
Very pretty wrote to be sure. Your hand of write, George?
字体真是优雅 乔治 你的手笔吗?
You’ll be captain next, I shouldn’t wonder.
毫无疑问 你就是下一任船长了
You’re done, Long John.
你到头了 高个子约翰
You made a hash of this cruise.
这趟买♥♥卖♥♥ 竹篮打水一场空
You let the enemy out of this trap here for nothing? Why? I don’t know.
你让敌人全身而退 让我百思不得其解
Which you wouldn’t let us go at them on the march, neither.
宜将剩勇追穷寇 你也不追
Which made good sea sense to me.
And there’s this here boy.
更匪夷所思的是 你居然护着这个小子
Now, you just step down here and help vote.
所以 你就离开宝座 参与投票吧
Is that all? Enough too.
就这些? 这些就够了
We’ll all swing and sun-dry for your bungling.
照你这么玩忽职守 我们迟早通通上绞架 在太阳底下晒成鱼干
And you’re near the mark there by Christ.
Looks like a hornpipe in a rope’s end at Execution Dock.
你不过是正♥法♥码头上 套头索旁边跳舞的小丑
But my bungling? For you that done it.
You, George, and you, Tom Morgan…
是你 乔治 还有你 汤姆·摩根…
…you infernal gang of grass-combing lubbers.
Not me.
If I’d had my way, we’d be sitting aboard the Hispaniola right now…
要是你们乖乖听我的话 如今我们早在伊斯帕尼奥拉号♥上…
…eating a plum duff with our hold full of treasure.
…抱着成堆的财宝大吃大喝 歌♥舞升平了
And you have that Davy Jones’ insolence to stand up for captain over me…
可惜你们就只会兄弟阋于墙 篡权换船长…
…George Merry, you miserable son of a whore.
…乔治·梅里 你这个卑鄙小人 婊♥子♥养♥的♥孬种
The map.
It’s Flint’s map.
That’s Flint right enough. J.F. A score below with a clove hitch to it, so he done ever.
一点儿没错 签名J·F下面有一道线 是他特有的丁香结
Where? Mighty pretty.
哪里? 太好了
But how are we going to get away with it? Us and no ship.
I give you warning, George, one more word of your sauce…
我警告你 乔治 要是你再多一句胡话…
…and I’ll eat your liver for breakfast.
…我就把你开肠破肚 拿你的肝脏下酒喝
Now I resign, by thunder.
对上帝起誓 我辞职不干了
I’ll let who you want for captain. I’m done with it.
你们谁爱领头谁领头 我受够了
No, John, you’re captain here.
别这样 约翰 你还是这里的船长
Barbecue for captain. Barbecue for captain.
烧烤架当船长 烧烤架当船长!
Well, George, looks like you’ll have to wait another turn.
唔 乔治 看起来你只好等下一届了
This, uh, black spot, it ain’t good for much now, is it?
Dick’s crossed his luck and spoiled his Bible, that’s about all.
迪克毁了圣经 交了霉运 就这么回事
Here, Jim. Here’s a curiosity for you.
吉姆 看看吧 拿去玩吧
It’s from Revelation.
“With out are dogs and murderers.”
Amen to that.
Blockhouse, ahoy! It’s the doctor.
碉堡里的人 啊…喂! 是医生!
Hello, doctor. Top of the morning.
是你 医生 早上好
We’ve got quite a surprise for you, sir.
我们为您准备了惊喜 先生
A new boarder and lodger.
一位新乘客 也是一位新房♥客
Fit as a fiddle and slept like a supercargo alongside of old John.
穿戴整齐 神清气爽 看来昨晚跟着我睡得可香甜了
Doctor. Jim, what on…?
医生 吉姆 怎么是你…?
Aye, Jim as ever was.
千真万确 就是吉姆
Here’s your patients. All ready, doctor.
你的病人们都到了 医生
Well, well, duty first Let’s overhaul these patients of yours.
好的 好的 职责优先 先帮你们治病再说
Well, George Merry, how goes it?
嗯 乔治·梅里 感觉如何?
You’re a pretty color, certainly. Did you take your bolus?
你气色不错 吃药了吗?
Has he taken his medicine, men? Aye, aye, sir.
他吃过药没有 伙计们? 是的 吃过 先生
Aye, like a soldier. Good. Here’s another draft. Go on.
是的 像个士兵 很好 再给你一帖药 接着吃
Next. Dick don’t feel well, sir.
下一个 先生 迪克感觉不舒服
I feel fine. Oh, step up here, lad.
我没事 噢 上前来 年轻人
Let’s see your tongue. No.
让我看看你的舌头 我没事
