他和七十五人出了海 只有他回来了
That fixes it. Let’s go.
真的很像他 还是回去吧
Hold on now.
There’s nobody on this island ever heard of Darby, none but us.
这个岛上没听说有人叫达比的 除了我们没有别人
Also the devil. You hear me.
还有魔鬼 你们听好了
I come to get that treasure.
I was never afeard of Flint in life and by the powers, I ain’t afeard of him dead.
弗林特活着的时候我都没怕过他 现在就算他的鬼魂来了 我也不怕
There’s 700,000 pounds not a quarter mile from here.
几步路的地方 就埋着七十万英镑的金银珠宝
It’s child’s play to find it.
Seven hundred thousand gold and silver.
And jewels too, I recollect. Aye.
还有珠宝首饰 我记得的 没错
Jewels by the bushel baskets.
And silver bars. Aye.
还有银锭子 没错
Think on it, lads.
想象一下吧 伙计们
Seven hundred thousand pounds.
Belay there, John. Don’t you go a-crossing the spirit.
算了吧 约翰 头上三尺有神明啊
Spirit, eh? Well, maybe.
神明 嗯?也许吧
But man or beast or spirit I don’t care if it’s Beelzebub himself…
不管它是人是兽亦或是鬼 我都不放在眼里 就算是撒旦来了 我也不在乎
…I’m going to get that loot.
Aye, that’s about the right bearing.
No time, my mates. All together!
还等什么 伙计们 冲啊!
It’s gone. What?
什么都没有! 什么?!
Someone must’ve been here before us. Son of a dog.
一定有人捷足先登了! 狗♥娘♥养♥的!
Seven hundred thousand pounds, by thunder, gone to the devil.
七十万英镑啊 上帝啊 都见鬼去了!
Here, Jim, standby for trouble.
拿着 吉姆 麻烦来了
Two guineas.
Is that it? By God.
就这样? 上帝啊!
Two guineas.
That’s your 700,000 pounds, is it?
那就是你所谓的七十万 啊?
Keep digging, boys.
接着挖吧 小的们
You’ll find some pignuts, I shouldn’t wonder.
Pignuts? Damn your lies.
Look at him. He knew it all along.
瞧他那神态 他早知道了!
Take a look at his face, mates. You’ll see it right there.
伙计们 看他那个表情 他心里早就有数了
Standing for captain again, George?
乔治 你又当起船长啦?
It’s the doctor!
Now, George, I reckon I settled you.
乔治 现在你终于闭嘴了
Jim, are you all right? Fair enough, doctor.
吉姆 你没事吧? 毫发无损 医生
Thank you, doctor.
衷心感谢你 医生
You come in just about the nick, I’d say.
我得说 你们来得正是时候
Ben Gunn.
Well, here you are.
Aye, I am Ben Gunn. I am.
没错 本·冈 就是我
And how do, Mr. Silver? Pretty well, thank you, says you.
西尔维先生 别来无恙?你肯定会回答 很好 谢谢
Darby McGraw. Darby McGraw.
Ha, ha. It was Ben that found the treasure.
哈哈哈 是本·冈发现了珠宝
By God, how in blazes did he do that without the map?
上帝啊 他是怎么在没有藏宝图的情况下找到的?
I found the skeleton, same as you…
跟你一样 我也发现了那具骷髅…
…and I dug up the treasure and carried it all on my back.
…我挖开了宝藏 一点一点地把它们背走了
Many weary journeys it were too.
And I stored it all safely in my cave.
Ben, to think it was you that done me.
本 难以想象 居然是你把我玩弄于股掌之间
No wonder you was so quick to give us that map, doctor. It weren’t good for nothing.
医生 难怪你那么快就把地图双手奉上 原来它毫无用处
Jim? Jim. Jim, thank God, you’re still alive. You too, squire.
吉姆?吉姆!感谢上帝 你活着回来了 您也是 长官
Good day to you, squire It was life or death on a lee shore for Jim and me.
向您请安 长官!吉姆和我差点就一起命赴黄泉了
Back to back, we were.
Long John Silver, you’re a prodigious villain and a liar, sir.
高个子约翰·西尔维 你这个十足的恶棍 厚颜无♥耻♥的骗子
A monstrous impostor, sir.
The doctor here says I’m not to prosecute you and I’ll keep that side of the agreement.
医生劝我放弃对你的起诉 我也不得不遵守给他的承诺
But the dead men hang about your neck like millstones, sir.
但是 先生 那些死去的冤魂会像磨盘一样吊在你的脖子上的!
Thank you kindly, squire. I dare you to thank me!
长官 感谢你心怀慈悲 你怎么有脸说”感谢”二字!
Jim. Well, Jim.
吉姆你好 吉姆
Silver, I see you’ve managed to save your own neck once again.
西尔维 看来你又一次保全了你的脑袋!
Aye, aye, captain. Come back to do me duties, sir.
是的 船长!我回来尽我的职责来了 先生
Ah, yes.
嗯 好吧
You’re a man to keep your word. We all know that.
你倒是遵守了你的诺言 我们都领教了
Stand aside, sir.
别挡着道 先生
Jim, come with me.
吉姆 跟我来
I have something to show you.
Here, look.
到了 你们看
Oh, my.
噢 上帝
…Flint’s blood money.
Well, squire. Doctor.
长官 医生
I was kept busy all day in the cave packing the minted money into bags.
我整天呆在山洞里 忙着把金币装袋
There was nearly every variety of money in the world
世界上所有的金币 几乎一应俱全
English, French, Spanish, Portuguese Chinese and Arabian coins…
英国的 法国的 西班牙的 葡萄牙的 中国的 阿♥拉♥伯的…
… Georges and louis…
…英国的乔治 法国的金路易…
… gold doubloons and double guineas and moidores…
…西班牙的达布隆 英国的双几尼 葡萄牙的莫伊多…
… and sequins and silver pieces of eight.
…威尼斯西奎 西班牙银币
All the treasure Flint had amassed in a lifetime of blood and murder.
全是弗林特终其一生 血腥杀戮 聚敛而来的财富
All the way, sir.
妥妥帖帖的 先生
You cack-handed old fool, what are you doing?
毛手毛脚的老笨蛋 你在干嘛?
I’ve been ashore too long, sir.
我与世隔绝太久了 先生!
Squire. Thank you, Silver.
长官 谢谢你 西尔维
Come on, come on, come on.
赶紧的 赶紧的
Put your back into it up front.
From the pirates who had fled into the hinterlands, we heard no more.
We rowed out a great kedge anchor on a hawsehole…
… and at the crest of the flood tide winched the Hispaniola off the sandbar…
…涨潮的浪尖推动绞盘 让伊斯帕尼奥拉号♥慢慢地驶出了沙洲…
… and set sail at last for home.
Headsails and courses, Mr. Hunter.
调整前帆和方向帆 亨特先生
Jim? Let go clew lines and foot lines. Haul away!
吉姆?拉出收帆索 盘帆索 拉起来!
Can’t say I’m sorry to see the last of that island be gone.
I hope I never see it again.
A power of good men died aboard there.
And what’s to become of old Long John?
Well, I expect you’ll stand for trial I will testify on your part, as I promised.
我想你会面临审判 而我会遵守诺言为你作证
Aye, Jim, your word’s good, I knows that.
是啊 吉姆 你是个守诺信的人 这一点我很清楚
But them lawyers, they got ways…
…of twisting a man’s words bending them back on him…
…极尽歪曲之能事 倒打一耙…
…till he’s fouled by his own haws, as it were.
…让你掉进自己挖的陷阱 这是他们一贯的做法
I have a mortal fear of hanging.
You know that, Jim.
你是知道的 吉姆
You never seen a man hanged aboard ship, did you?
Ran up to the end of the yardarm by his own mess mates.
Black hood over his face, kicking and screaming, strangling slow.
黑布罩头 又踢又叫 慢慢被勒死
Can take hours to die.
Not a pretty sight at all.
I wouldn’t think so.
But maybe you should’ve thought of that before you turned to piracy.
不过你决定当海盗的时候 就该想到这一层吧
I won’t be fooled by you again, Long John.
我不会再受你的愚弄了 高个子约翰
You saved my life and I’ll try and save yours.
你曾救我一命 当然我也会投桃报李
Meanwhile, maybe you better get below.
话说回来 似乎你该到下面去了
The captain will be piping supper soon.
He’ll have your other leg off, if it’s not ready.
要是到时候你还没把饭菜做好 你的另一条腿恐怕也不保了
You bucko.
What a pair we two could’ve made.
Evening, Ben Gunn.
夜色真美啊 本·冈
Evening, Barbecue.
晚上好 烧烤架!
Wouldn’t it be a mortal shame if you was to cry out now?
如果你此刻大呼小叫的 是不是有点儿娘娘腔了?
I might just let this here knife slip and cut your throat to the neck bone.
这把刀 可以让我从你的喉头轻松劈到颈椎骨
It’s mighty sharp.
Right. Right.
我知道 知道就好
Now, you just stay the course there and give your old shipmate time to get away…
现在 你只需保持航向 给你的老伙伴一点儿时间离开…
…and I’ll forget all about how you done me back there at the island.
