It’s that Silver, he’s a most remarkable man.
He looked remarkably well from a yardarm.
只有把他绞死 才能平我们心头之恨
Now, I see three or four points, if I may.
First, we must go on.
第一 我们必须前进
If I put the ship about, they’d come down around us.
如果我试图改变航向 他们会马上将我们团团围住
Secondly, we have time before us. I would rather come to blows at once…
第二 我们有足够的时间 虽然我很想立刻反击…
…but we must bide our time until the moment is right.
…但是我们必须审时度势 等待时机
And then we’ll strike hard.
Jim here could be more use to us than anyone. The men are used to him.
吉姆是我们的王牌 他已经跟他们混熟了
I’ve noticed that Silver trusts him.
Jim, you must infiltrate the enemy camp.
吉姆 你必须深入敌营
I put prodigious faith in you, boy.
孩子 我对你寄予厚望
You must be our eyes and ears. I’ll do my best.
你来充当我们的耳目 我会竭尽全力
By the mark, men, sail!
伙计 对准测标航进!
Let go of the anchor! Let go!
抛锚! 抛锚!
Quarter less five, sir!
吃水深度28.5英尺 先生!
Well, I don’t know about treasure…
唔 对于宝藏的事我一无所知…
…but I’ll stake my wig there’s fever there.
…不过用我的假发打赌 这里一定有热症
Caught between the devil and the deep blue sea as it were, eh, gentleman?
我们现在是进退维谷了 先生们
Captain, I think it’s… Mr. Anderson…
船长 我认为… 安德森先生…
…those who wish to go ashore on liberty may do so until the evening gun.
…传我的话 在降旗炮之后可自行上岸休息出境
Aye, aye, sir. Silver, you may splash the main brace.
是的 遵命 先生 西尔维 你去把转桁索湿点水
Aye, sir.
遵命 船长
I think we should go below, gentlemen. Certainly, captain.
先生们 我们到后舱去吧 好的 船长
Lower away the long boat.
Hoist now, the boat tackle.
Ah, Hawkins. This here island’s a sweet spot, to be sure.
啊 霍金斯!这肯定是一块风♥水♥宝♥地♥
It’s a pleasant thing to be young, have 10 toes.
年轻真好啊 我年轻时可是四肢健全 健步如飞
Aye, sir.
是的 先生
If you wanna go ashore and do a bit of exploring…
…old Long John will put up a snack for you to take along.
Mr. Redruth, do you know how to use this?
雷德鲁斯先生 您知道怎么用这个东西吗?
I have been the squire’s gamekeeper for 25 years.
I learned how to shoot straight when I was a lad.
Very good. You guard the companionway there.
很好 你就给我守着甲板梯口
Hunter, you take the aft hatchway. I’m sure we can rely on you and Joyce.
亨特 你来把守后舱口 我相信你和乔伊斯办得到
Aye, sir. That you can. I’ll do my best, sir.
是的 先生 决不辜负您 我一定竭尽全力
Joyce, you, um… You stay with Redruth.
乔伊斯 你 呃…你和雷德鲁斯呆在一起
Look here, captain. This is all very well, but we’re outnumbered three to one.
我说 船长 这样安排很好 只是他们的人是我们的三倍之多
Silver will go ashore with his men and calm them down.
西尔维一定会带他的人马上岸 极尽安抚之能事
I expect he’ll keep them in check until they find the treasure.
我相信他能在找到宝藏之前 把他们控制住
What of the men onboard, sir? Silver’s bound to leave some to watch us.
那么 船上的人又怎么办? 西尔维一定会留人监视我们
They could come down on us any moment.
Why, then we hold the cabin, and God defend the right.
所以 我们要守住这个后舱 让上帝来主持公道
Young Jim can tell us…
Hold on. Where’s Jim Hawkins?
打住 吉姆·霍金斯去了哪里?
Go on.
Okay. Here.
很好 给!
Here. Get them muskets in the boat.
给! 把枪传到副艇上去!
All right, all right, all right.
赶紧 赶紧 赶紧
Take that. All right. Yeah.
拿好! 好的 很好
Get that musket stowed.
All right, relax. Quiet now.
好了好了 放松 安静!
Keep her steady now. Here, grab it. Hold it.
稳住了 来 抓住它 攥紧了
Israel, you will stay aboard…
伊斯莱尔 你留在船上…
…and keep an eye on them gentlemen in the cabin.
Aye, aye, Barbecue.
是的 遵命 烧烤架
Good lad, get your head down.
好孩子 低下头
Get aboard, you lubber.
上船去 蠢货!
Cast off forward.
放下来 往前开
Give way together. Oar.
Break your back, you lubbers.
神经绷紧点儿 蠢货!
Give me some sweat there, you swab.
拿出点儿精神来 白♥痴♥!
Stand by the beachhead.
Hey. Easy, guv.
嘿! 慢点 伙计
Jim, wait.
吉姆 停下!
Wait. Wait, Jim!
No sooner had I stowed away aboard the long boat…
我偷偷上了副艇 一靠岸…
… than I could not wait to get out of it.
Remembering the squire’s words, I set off into the hinterlands of the island…
按长官的嘱咐 我跑进这座岛的深处…
… to spy upon Silver and his men.
Look sharp, Joycie. You might…
乔伊斯 提高警惕 你可以…
Load, Joycie, load.
装弹♥药♥!乔伊斯 装弹♥药♥!
You bloody philistine.
I’m doing my bloody best, aren’t I?
Get it. There’s a lot of men.
打中了! 人太多了
Up your ass with your…
Out of the way, Joyce. Move it! Turn about!
闪开 乔伊斯! 把他架走!后撤!
Move out!
I’m terrible sorry, sir. I seem to have wounded one in the leg.
先生 非常抱歉 我好像打中了一个人的腿
Nothing to be ashamed of. You fight in self-defense.
没什么好抱歉的 你是在自卫
No, sir. I was aiming for his head. This musket’s was firing low.
不是这个意思 先生 我瞄准的是头 开枪的时候打低了!
Silver, you’re old, and you’re honest, or has the name for it.
西尔维 你已经一把年纪了 而且你是个正直的人 至少有人这么说
You’ll tell me you’ll be led away by that kind of a mess of swabs. Not you.
告诉我 你只是被那些暴民迷惑了 你不会那么做的
Well, um…
唔 这…
…shine or hang, that’s about the lay of it.
…现在这情形 不是光宗耀祖 便是身首异处
To turn against my duty, I’d soon to lose my hand.
要我背叛我的职责 我宁愿失去双手
In the name of God, what was that? That?
上帝啊 那是谁? 谁?
I reckon that’d be Allan.
Then rest his soul for a true seaman.
正直的水手 愿上帝安息他的灵魂!
Amen to that.
是的 阿门!
As for you, Long John, you can go to the devil.
而你 高个子约翰 你应该下地狱!
Good God, not Jim.
上帝保佑 别是吉姆!
I pray not.
Damn that traitor, Silver.
该死的西尔维 背信弃义!
Down, duck!
Hunter, come with me.
亨特 跟我来
Captain, I’d like to go ashore in the gig and reconnoiter.
船长 我到岸上去侦察一下
If Jim’s still alive, then maybe I can help him.
如果吉姆还活着 我还可以帮到他
Uh, Hunter can row me in, that still leaves you four men to hold the ship.
嗯 亨特划船送我去 这样你还有四个人一起守着这条船
Very well, doctor.
很好 医生
Be sure you’re back before sunset. I will.
一定要在日落之前回来 好的
Doctor, watch out for that scoundrel Silver. Yes.
医生 对付西尔维这个恶棍你要当心 好的
Take him ashore, Hunter. Aye, aye, captain.
亨特 带他上岸去 是的 遵命 船长
Who are you? I’m poor Ben Gunn.
你是谁? 我叫本·冈 是个可怜的人
I’m marooned on this island…
…and I haven’t seen a Christian soul for these three years.
Were you shipwrecked?
No, matey. Marooned.
不是的 朋友 我是被放逐的
Aye, marooned three long year ago.
啊 三年了
And I’ve lived on berries and goats ever since.
从那以后 我就以浆果和野山羊为生
My heart is sore for a Christian diet.
You wouldn’t happen to have a piece of cheese about you now, would you?
No. No.
不 我没有
Many’s a night, I’ve dreamed of cheese.
很多晚上 我都梦见吃上了奶酪
Toasted, mostly.
If ever I can get back aboard my ship, you could have cheese by the stone.
要是我能回到船上 你想吃多少都行
Shall I, matey? Oh, thank you. But that’s neither here nor there.
真的吗 朋友?噢 太谢谢你了 但是 问题是只有船上才有
For how are we get onboard?
Well, there’s my boat, if it comes to that.
嘿 如果是这样 可以用我的船
I dug it with my own two hands.
It’s in the mangrove swamps by the mouth of the river.
We might try that after dark.
What be your name, matey?
朋友 你叫什么名字?
Jim Hawkins.
Jim Hawkins.
Well, I’m pleased to make your acquaintance.
You wouldn’t think to look at me, would you, that I had a pious mother.
你瞧我这副模样 不会想到我有个虔诚信教的母亲吧?
Well, I have. Remarkably pious. And I’m back on piety now, Jim.
