So, I would buy the food every day.
Theesan, on the other hand, had food that his mom made every day.
And every day, the meal was curry.
I know this
because every day, we’d sit down together
Theesan would open his little lunchbox
he’d take out his little can of juice
he’d unwrap his sandwich with little triangles cut out.
And then he’d pull it out
he’d open the bread
往里面看一眼 然后仰天大喊
look inside, and then he’d scream at the top of his lungs.
He’d be like, “Curry!”
“Damn it, Mommy.”
“可恶 妈咪”
Every day.
每天我俩坐在一起 我吃我的 他吃他的
Every day, we’d sit down, I’d have my food, he’d have his.
他每天都是拿出果汁 打开三明治 往里看一眼
He’d take the juice out of the box, unwrap the sandwich, look in between
and be like, “Curry!”
“可恶 妈咪”
“Damn it, Mommy.”
Every single day.
Without fail.
每天都是咖喱 羊肉咖喱
Every day. Mutton curry.
Lamb curry.
土豆咖喱 只有你想不到 没有她做不了
Potato curry. Every curry you can imagine.
虽然配料不同 但每天都是咖喱
But it was curry every single day.
“咖喱!” 这是一天中我最爱的时刻
“Curry!” It was my favorite part of the day.
Some days, I wouldn’t even open my lunch for fear of missing the moment.
有时候我都不急着开饭 就是为了等这个精彩时刻
我就坐在他旁边 眼巴巴地等着
I would just sit there next to him, waiting.
每次都是打开 看一眼 大喊“咖喱!”
And he’d open it up and be like, “Curry!”
我还会在旁边对口型“可恶 妈咪”
And I’d mouth it next to him. “Damn it, Mommy.”
Every day for months and months and months and months, this happened.
And then finally
at the risk of breaking it all
我说出了自己的想法 锡森还是在大喊:“咖喱!”
I turn to Theesan one day, he screams, like, “Curry!”
“可恶 妈咪”
“Damn it, Mommy.”
And I was like, “Theesan.”
“You know it’s gonna be curry every day.”
He said, “What?”
I said, “It’s gonna be curry every single day.”
“Every day, you open the bread
每天你都特别吃惊 然后大喊‘咖喱!可恶 妈咪’
and then, every day, you’re shocked and you’re like, ‘Curry! Damn it, Mommy.'”
“But it’s always gonna be curry.”
他说:“我知道 特雷弗 我知道
And he said, “I know, Trevor. I know.”
我不是吃惊 我只是失望
“I’m not shocked. I’m just disappointed.”
“Right? Because every single day, right, I come to school
上课的时候 满脑子都是‘我想吃午餐’
and then every day, I’m like, ‘I wanna eat lunch.'”
但是每次打开饭盒 我都知道里面是什么
“And every day, I open the box and I know what it’s gonna be
because last night, we had the curry.”
“Then what my mom does is she takes last night’s curry
塞到三明治里 给我当午餐
then she put it in a sandwich for me
and then that’s the curry I’m gonna have today.”
“Then I know when I go home tonight
也会是咖喱 剩下的就成了明天的午餐
I’m gonna eat the curry I know is coming the next day.”
“So every single day, I’m getting curry.”
现在吃咖喱 晚上还会吃更多的咖喱
“It’s curry and then there’s gonna be more curry.”
特雷弗 我知道 我是印度人 但我真的受不了了
“Trevor, I know I’m Indian, but it’s too much, man.”
“I just want something different, you know?”
我只是想吃点别的东西 你懂吗?
人们总说变化才是 生活的调味品 而不单单是咖喱”
“They say variety’s the spice of life, not just curry.”
我说:“可是 这真的很糟吗?”
I was like, “Ah, but, Theesan, is it… Like, is it bad?”
He said, “I don’t even know anymore.”
“I lost perspectives.”
“Here, you can have it.”
And he gave me his curry sandwich.
I bit it.
多伦多 人生中总有一些时刻
And, Toronto, there are moments in your life…
…that’ll forever shape who you are.
Moments that will define who you grow on to be.
This was one of those moments.
I put that sandwich in my mouth
咬了一口 我的嘴好像活了过来
I bit down, and my mouth came alive.
My tongue discovered its purpose.
I didn’t know potatoes could pop like that.
The flavors were bouncing around.
My eyes opened wide.
我只觉得“哇哦!” 然后仰天大喊:“咖喱!”
It was… I was like, “Wow!” I was like, “Curry!”
“Thank you, Mommy.”
“谢谢你 妈咪”
And I said, “Theesan, this is amazing. You eat this every day?”
我说:“ 这太好吃了 你每天吃的都是这个吗?”
And he’s like, “Every damn day.”
And I was like, “Okay, let’s swap.”
我说:“好吧 那我们来交换
从今以后 我把我的钱给你
“I’ll give you my money for tuck shop
and then you give me your curry food, every day.”
And we did that. We traded.
Let me tell you something. You thought we were best friends before
从那以后 我们成了灵魂伴侣
we turned into soulmates.
Yeah, because we both got everything we dreamed of.
因为我们都得到了 自己梦寐以求的东西
从那以后 我每天都吃到了美味的家常菜
All right? I got to have a home-cooked meal every single day.
而作为印度人的锡森开始了 自己的生意 开心得不得了
And as an Indian person, he got to start a business. Theesan was in heaven.
It was perfect.
And since then, I’ve loved curry.
从那之后 我就爱上了咖喱
好了 快进到 很多年后的苏格兰爱丁堡
So, fast-forward many decades. Edinburgh, Scotland.
Going out with my friends.
We’re choosing a spot. I choose Indian.
原汁原味的印度菜 那个地方特别正宗
Authentic Indian. We get to the place, and it’s legit.
特别地道 餐馆里面放着印度音乐
Like, it is legit. We walk in and there’s Indian music playing.
客人是印度人 厨师是印度人
There are Indian people eating. Indian cooks in the back.
服务员也是印度人 墙上还挂着印度服装
Indian waiters. Indian garbs on the wall.
我心想“就是这里 我回家了”
I’m like, “This is it. I’m home.”
We walked in, sat down.
我们进去后 找了个位置
刚一坐下 我的朋友史蒂夫
And as soon as we sat, one of my friends, Steve
就把手伸向了菜单 我说:“史蒂夫
launches for the menu. And I was like, “Steve, Steve.”
不着急 我来为大家点菜”
“It’s cool. I’ll just order for everyone at the table.”
他说:“没关系 特雷弗 我自己点就行 谢谢”
And he’s like, “Oh, that’s fine, Trevor. I’ll order for myself, thank you.”
我说:“不是这个原因 史蒂夫
I was like, “No, it’s not about that, Steve.”
我只是想帮大家点菜 可以吗?
“I just prefer to order for all of us, yeah?”
“All right? You good?”
他说:“我觉得没这个必要 我⋯
He’s like, “Uh, I don’t know why that’s necessary. I…”
我想自己点 可以吗?”
“I think I’ll just order for myself. Is that okay?”
我说:“不行 不可以 史蒂夫
I was like, “It’s not, no. It’s not okay, Steve.”
“It’s not okay. All right?”
我不接受 可以吗?
因为你很可能会 在我的印度族人面前
“Because you’re probably gonna say some shit that’s gonna embarrass me
说些让我尴尬的话 懂吗?”
in front of my Indian people. All right?”
“So I just need you to back off for a moment.”
他说:“抱歉 我会在你的印度族人面前
He’s like, “I’m sorry. What would I say that could embarrass you
in front of Indian people?”
我说:“我不知道 但我不希望发生这样的事
I was like, “I don’t know, and I don’t want it to happen.”
点菜的事就交给我 好吗?”
“Just let me handle this, okay?”
He’s like, “Let you handle this?”
特雷弗 我吃咖喱已经吃了好多年了”
“Trevor, I’ll have you know that I’ve eaten curry for many, many years.”
我说:“史蒂夫 别跟我吵好吗?现在不是时候”
I’m like, “Steve, not the time. Just let’s not argue, okay? Not the time.”
他说:“什么意思? 我怎么会让你尴尬呢?”
He’s like, “What do you mean? Why would I embarrass you? Why?”
我说:“你不需要 知道原因 没必要因此吵架”
I was like, “You don’t need to know why. Let’s just not.”
“No, why? Because I’m white?”
我说:“这是你说的 我可没说”
I was like, “You brought it up, not me. All right?”
“I wasn’t gonna bring up race, but you did.”
“我不想提 种族这回事 但你非要说
既然你提出来了 那我们就好好说一说”
“You brought it up. Let’s talk about it.”
Every time I take my white friends to an ethnic restaurant
they always say some shit that embarrasses me.
每次都是这样 每次
Every single time. Every time.
Either they don’t know how to pronounce the food
or they’ll say some random shit.
