噢 它打到我脸了 老天啊 -我有手电筒
Oh, it hit me in the face! Oh, my God! – I have a flash light.
妈的 -就只有那个吗
Fuck! – Was that everything?
这个 这个如何
How about… How about this one?
噢 那 那 -噢 狗东西 该死
Oh! That… That! – Ow! Shit! Goddamn it!
I want to read you something that I wrote.
到这来 带上手电 -好的
Come over here. Bring the light. – Okay.
我记得在我七岁的时候 发现我母亲在厨房♥里
And I recall, I was seven years old walking into the kitchen
to find my mother crying inconsolably.
Martin Luther King had been shot.
两个月后 她又在哭了 因为罗伯特·肯尼迪被杀了
Two months later, she was crying again. Bobby Kennedy was killed.
我现在才知道 那条串联着马丁·路德·金
I couldn’t know then what I know now, that the invisible thread
connecting Martin Luther King, the Kennedy brothers, and Malcolm X,
每一回我的政♥府♥都准备好了扣动扳机 但当时的我对此一无所知
was that in each case, my government had their finger on the trigger.
等等 等等 -但每个
Wait. Wait! – But every…
Say it again.
我的政♥府♥谋杀了马丁·路德·金 马尔科姆·艾克斯
My government murdered Martin Luther King, Malcolm X,
罗伯特·肯尼迪 还有约翰·F·肯尼迪
Bobby Kennedy, and John F. Kennedy.
我的政♥府♥推♥翻♥了善良 诚实 民♥主♥的
‘My government overthrew good, honest, democratic leaders
智利 委内瑞拉 阿根廷 秘鲁
‘of the people in Chile, Venezuela, Argentina, Peru,
萨尔瓦多 尼加拉瓜 巴拿马和玻利维亚的人♥民♥领导人
‘El Salvador, Nicaragua, Panama, and Bolivia.
‘Along with Britain, we carved up the Middle East,
‘creating artificial geographical boundaries
‘and installing puppet dictators.’
War itself became our most lucrative industry.
每投一个炸♥弹♥ 就有人获利百万美元
Every bomb that’s dropped, somebody makes a million dollars.
You don’t have to know where those bombs are exploding.
You don’t have to see the grieving mothers
and the mangled bodies of their children.
1918年 尤金·德布斯在俄亥俄州坎顿市发表演讲时说
‘Eugene Debs gave this speech in Canton, Ohio, in 1918:
纵观历史 战争从来都是为了征服和掠夺而发动的
‘”Throughout history wars have been waged for conquest and plunder.
‘”The master class has always declared the wars.
而参战的却一直是下层阶级 -嘿 给你手榴弹
‘”The subject class has always fought…’ – Hey, hand grenade.
‘”They’ve taught you to believe it to be your patriotic duty to go to war
在他们的命令下参战而后被屠♥杀♥ 就履行了爱国义务
‘”and to have yourselves slaughtered at their command.
当华尔街议论战争时 当媒体报道战争时
‘”When Wall Street says war, the press says war…”‘

这东西不是我们的吗 -哦 不是
Isn’t this one of ours? – Oh, no!

嘿 帮帮我
Hey! Help me!
Are you okay?
Who are you?
嘿 嘿 叫你呢
Hey! Hey, you!
嘿 我在叫你呢 -你叫我
Hey, I’m talking to you. – Me?
对 你是谁
Yeah. Who are you?
I work on the boat.
你在船上工作 -对
You work on the boat? – Yeah.
In T-shirt and shorts?
不 不 这是因为 我下班了
No, no, it’s because, er… I was off duty.
刚才我在睡觉 然后
I was sleeping, and then…
你就下班了 真的 -对
You were off duty, yeah? – Yeah.
有什么问题吗 -奇怪了 我从没见过你
Is there a problem? – Strange, I’ve never seen you.
冷静点 -我在机舱工作
Stay calm. – I work in the engine room.
机舱 -对 没错
In engine room? – Yeah, yeah.
抱歉 我之前从没见过你
I’m sorry, I’ve never seen you before.
他在机舱工作 -他在哪工作不重要
He works in the engine room? – It doesn’t matter where he works.
现在安顿下来 这种局面下要保持冷静
Settle down now. Stay calm in this situation.
我冷静 很冷静 你是怎么回事 哥们
I’m calm, I’m calm. What’s the problem with you, man?
No one else?
You think I’m a pirate?
Are you okay?
就因为我是个黑人 你就觉得我是个海盗 真有你的
Just because I’m black, you think that I’m a pirate. That’s it!
啊 行 真行 -别这样
Ah! Okay, okay. – Don’t go there…
别说我是 -别这样
Don’t say that I’m… – Don’t go there.
You can cry on my shoulder!
他带着块大手表走过来说我是海盗 就因为我是个黑人
He comes to me with his big watch and says I’m a pirate just because I’m black!
你是怎么回事 哥们
What’s the problem with you, man?
He hasn’t said anything about you being black.
你一直在说他有种族歧视 -他眼神不对 我看得出来
You’re calling him a racist. – In the eyes, I can see it in his eyes…
你是谁 你到底是谁 -先生
Who are you? Who are you? – Sir!
我说了我在机舱工作 老兄 -先生
I work in the engine room, man! – Sir!
什么 -打扰一下
What? – Excuse me.
I think you should just calm down now.
It’s not a good time to step up the situation.
保持冷静 保持乐观 -他是在机舱工作吗
Just stay calm and stay positive. – He works in the engine room?
船上有很多人 我们不可能全都见过
There’s a lot of people on the boat. We can’t see each other all the time.
那现在是怎么回事 -求你别这样
So what’s the problem? – Please don’t go there.
抱歉 我得去拿个东西
I’m sorry. I just have to get that.
只说你该说的就行 -住嘴
Just say what you have to say. – Stop.
Say it to me.
是 我知道 我会回来找你的 我知道
Yes, I know. I’ll get back to you. I know.
Sir. Sir!
喔 啊
Oh! Ah!
放松 放松
Easy, easy!

喔 嘘
Ow! Ow! – Shh, shh!
Be quiet.
不 别点信♥号♥♥弹
No, don’t use the flares!
那是我们最后一颗信♥号♥♥弹 别点信♥号♥♥弹
It’s our last flare! Don’t use the flare!
嘿 -什么
Hey! – What?
噢 该死
Oh, shit…
亚雅 醒醒 快醒醒
Yaya, wake up, wake up.
There’s water in there.
那里面有水 -没错
There’s water in there. – Yes!
上锁了 -对 上锁了
Is it closed? – It’s closed. It’s closed.
宝拉 我们需要水 -耐心点
Paula, we need water! – Be patient.
里面有人吗 -对 里面有人
Is somebody in there? – Yeah, there’s someone in there.
冷静 冷静点
Calm down, calm down.
她手上有水吗 -对
Does she have water? – Yes.
开门 快开门
Open up! Open up!
开门 开门 开门
Open up! Open up! Open up!
是阿比盖尔 阿比盖尔 快出来 -宝拉女士
It’s Abigail. Abigail! Come out! – Ma’am Paula?
你没事吧 -什么
Are you okay? – What?
打开舱门 -水 水
Open the hatch! – Water! Water!
好 -宝拉 我们要水
Okay! – Paula, we need water…
嘿 宝拉女士 -你这里有什么
Hey, ma’am Paula! – What do you have?
我们得把这几箱水都搬出来 好吗
We need all of these boxes out. Okay?
好了 各位 冷静点 现在我们有水了
So, everybody, just calm down. We’ll get water now.
这里还有薯片 每个人都可以分到水
There’s some chips in there as well. So, everybody will get some.
薯片也分吗 -对
And chips? – And chips.
What’s she doing?
你在干什么呢 怎么还不出来 快点
What are you doing? What’s taking so long? Come on.
稍等一会 退后 让一让
Just wait a minute. Just back up. Back up a bit.
还有薯片 阿比盖尔 快点 全部都拿出来
And the chips, Abigail. Come on, everything out.
宝拉 拿些食物 好吗
Paula, ask for food, yeah?
还有依云水 -好的 宝拉女士
And the Evian. – Yes, ma’am Paula.
谢谢 你们有几个人
Thank you. And how many are you?
五个人 请耐心等待 每个人都有
You’re five? Just be patient. Everyone will get…
Here you go.
There you go.
Please save it.
里面还有水吗 -没有 这就是全部了
Are there more boxes with water? – No, this is it.
这是什么 -这是面部喷雾
What’s this? – It’s a facial spray.
但是你也可以喝 它就是罐装的水
But you can drink it, it’s just water in a can.
