trickle 英 [ˈtrɪkl] 美 [ˈtrɪkl]


These simple words uttered by an old woman led by a child made the perspiration trickle down his limbs.
出自法国作家维克多·雨果的长篇小说《悲惨世界》(Les Misérables,原意为“悲惨的人们”“可怜的人们”)。该小说是19世纪最著名的小说之一,故事的主线围绕主人公土伦苦刑犯冉·阿让(Jean Valjean)的个人经历,融进了法国的历史、革命、战争、道德哲学、法律、正义、宗教信仰等,多次被改编演绎成影视作品。



[verb] (of a liquid) flow in a small stream
[动词] (指液体)小股流淌


Trickle 一词词源不详,最早出现于14世纪末期,现主要作动词表示液体“滴、淌”,多指小股流淌,比如:

  • 眼泪顺着她红润的面颊流了下来。
    Tears were trickling down her ruddy cheeks.
  • 往配菜沙拉上滴些油。
    Trickle some oil over the side salad.

眼泪这种小股流淌的液体往往流动缓慢,从这个概念出发, trickle 还可以引申指“缓慢移动、慢慢走”,多用于形容人或物小批地移动。这个含义既可以搭配 away 构成动词短语 trickle away 引申表示人群、感情等“渐渐消散”,也可以搭配 out 构成动词短语 trickle out 引申表示消息“逐渐传出”,比如:

  • 欢腾的人群开始缓步进入大厅。
    The jubilant throng began trickling into the hall.
  • 她费劲收集到的消息都开始渐渐传了出来。
    All the news she gleaned is starting to trickle out.
  • 他对数学的痴迷渐渐消失。
    His obsession with numbers trickled away.

用作名词时, trickle 除了表示“涓流、细流”外,也可以指“稀稀疏疏缓慢来往的人或事物”,比如:

  • 早上我们店里通常只有零星的常客。
    We usually only get a trickle of patrons in the mornings.

另外在经济领域, trickle down 还可以表示“富人的财富向穷人滴流”,即富人的财富最终会惠及穷人。这又被称为下渗经济学或滴流经济学(trickle-down economics)。不过普遍观点认为该项经济学所主张的政策不能刺激经济,但一定会导致贫富差距扩大,通胀率及赤字上升。


  • Or that the much-vaunted sea passages are likely to carry only a trickle of trade.
  • Did humans flood out of Africa in a single diaspora, or did we trickle from the continent in waves spread out over tens of thousands of years?


trickle” 通常表示缓慢地流动、滴下或渗出,意指涓涓细流的流动。

以下是包含单词 “trickle” 的 50 个短语及其中文解释:

  1. trickle of water – 水的细流
  2. Slow trickle – 缓慢的流动
  3. trickle down – 逐渐流下
  4. trickle from the faucet – 从水龙头滴下
  5. Gentle trickle – 轻柔的流动
  6. trickle of tears – 泪水的细流
  7. trickle from the roof – 从屋顶渗下
  8. trickle from the melting ice – 从融化的冰中滴下
  9. trickle from the bottle – 从瓶中滴下
  10. trickle from the leaves – 从树叶中滴下
  11. trickle from the rock – 从岩石中滴下
  12. trickle of rain – 雨水的细流
  13. trickle of sweat – 汗水的细流
  14. trickle from the eaves – 从屋檐滴下
  15. trickle from the mountain – 从山上流下
  16. trickle of blood – 血的细流
  17. trickle from the spring – 从泉水流下
  18. trickle from the pipe – 从管道中滴下
  19. trickle from the melting snow – 从融化的雪中滴下
  20. trickle from the sky – 从天空滴下
  21. trickle from the stream – 从溪流中流下
  22. trickle from the roof – 从房顶滴下
  23. trickle from the waterfall – 从瀑布中流下
  24. trickle from the cliff – 从悬崖滴下
  25. trickle from the river – 从河流中流下
  26. trickle from the bottle – 从瓶子中滴下
  27. trickle from the melting glacier – 从融化的冰川中滴下
  28. trickle from the tap – 从水龙头滴下
  29. trickle from the rock – 从岩石中流下
  30. trickle from the leaves – 从叶子中流下
  31. trickle from the fountain – 从喷泉中流下
  32. trickle from the pipe – 从管道中流下
  33. trickle from the eaves – 从屋檐流下
  34. trickle from the mountain – 从山上流下
  35. trickle from the spring – 从泉水中流下
  36. trickle from the rooftop – 从屋顶流下
  37. trickle from the stream – 从小溪中流下
  38. trickle from the river – 从河流中流下
  39. trickle from the melting ice – 从融化的冰中滴下
  40. trickle from the sky – 从天空滴下
  41. trickle from the faucet – 从水龙头滴下
  42. trickle from the roof – 从屋顶滴下
  43. trickle from the leaves – 从树叶中滴下
  44. trickle from the rock – 从岩石中滴下
  45. trickle from the mountain – 从山上流下
  46. trickle from the spring – 从泉水流下
  47. trickle from the eaves – 从屋檐滴下
  48. trickle from the river – 从河流中滴下
  49. trickle from the faucet – 从水龙头流下
  50. trickle from the rooftop – 从屋顶流下


drip: let fall or be so wet as to shed small drops of liquid
dribble: (of a liquid) fall slowly in drops or a thin stream
drizzle: trickle a thin stream of (a liquid ingredient) over food

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
