I can’t feel my legs.
Ain’t nothing but a thang.
嗨 小林
Hey, Linc.
怎么了 伙计?
What, man?
Why does man
got to pick up sticks against another man?
Instead of using them sticks to
prop a man up?
I’ll never know.
Hold my hands,
’cause I got something to
I got something to say.
Oh, boy.
-你握着了没? -我握的很紧
-You holding ’em? -I got ’em tight.
When we get back to the world,
we gonna put together that three-piece combo band we talked about?
-我是贝司手 -约翰尼是鼓手
-Me on stand-up bass. -Johnny on drums.
And me tickling the ivories.
I ain’t never been worth a nothing in this life,
…but I want you to know something.
什么 哥们?
What, man?
You are my…
You are my brother.
你是我兄弟 你是…你是我…
You are my brother. You are my… You are my…
I am your brother.
抱歉 咱们停下行吗?
I’m sorry. Could we cut?
-他说什么? -达门 暂停行吗
-What’s he saying? -Damien, can we cut?
-不行 不行… -得了 你得明白?
-No. No, no, no, no, no… -All right, you know what?
再过2分钟 飞机就要过来弄个大爆♥炸♥场面了
We got the jets coming in, big explosion, two minutes.
Still rolling.
我看算了 别拍了 暂停好吗?
You know what? No, not still rolling. Can we cut?
-咱们别拍了 -不 没停拍 快点!
-We’re cutting. -No, we’re not. Get out!
怎么不动了? 我屁♥股♥可疼死了!
Hey, what’s going on? For real, my butt is hurting!
This harness is riding up my crack!
-达门 暂停了吗? -没有 还在拍呢!
-Damien, are we cutting? -No! No! Still rolling!
考蛋先生! 停拍了吗?
Mr. Cockburn! Are we cutting, sir?
没停 没停! 还在拍摄!
No! No. I’m not cutting! We’re still rolling!
达门 你什么指示?
Damien, what’s the dealy, dude?
Are we gonna blow this tree line or what?
Tuk Tuk and Kim got the blue balls here.
一声令下 马上射飞!
I’m gonna let them squirt if we’re a go!
-继续演 还在拍呢 -迪特 听得见我吧?
-Play it through. Still rolling! -Dieter, can he hear me?
笨蛋 这是C4炸♥药♥ 快放回去 我要的是雷♥管♥
That’s C-4, dipshit. Put that back. I said a detonator.
我需要些懂英语的家伙 真见鬼
I need some dudes up here who speak American, God damn it!
He’s making a fucking sweater back here.
I’m trying to put Tiger Balm on this jungle’s nuts.
Everyone, please shut up.
飞机马上就过来了 必须一次就拍摄成功!
The jets are coming in. We only have one chance at this!
And go!
我们来你有感觉吗? 感觉的到我吗?
Let’s do it. You feel it? You feel me?
-你是我的 -我是你的兄弟
-You are my… -I am your brother.
我们全看到了 哥们(指话筒)
We’ve seen it all, man.
什么 达门?
I’m sorry, Damien?
Are you seeing that?
大麦克风上的那个小青蛙? 我正看着呢
The little froggy on the boom mike? It’s right in my eyeline.
唐尼! 什么事 伙计?
Donny! What’s up, man?
It’s been there the whole show.
嗯 现在它就在我的脸的正上方
Yeah, well it’s right in my face,
我害怕青蛙 我感到
I’m staring at a frog, I’m trying to feel…
每到星期五 黄色青蛙会带黑色青蛙出来找乐子 哥们
It’s always the yellow frog that brings them black frog on Fridays, man.
妈的 不是 我没有朝那女孩撒尿
Hell, no, I didn’t pee on that girl.
不是 我没在她身上撒尿 听着 听着 听着 听着 不 不
No, I didn’t pee on her, listen, listen, listen, listen. No, no.
事情是这样的 她在路上的时候我正在撒尿 然后她走了过去
The story is this. She was in the way when I was peeing, she walked past.
What the fuck is going on here?
宝贝 我数3下 1…2…呼吸
On three, baby. One, two, breathe.
帮个忙好吗? 我不想每次都倒计时
Look, do me a favor. I don’t want to do a countdown before I do the scene.
-不倒计时? -不倒计时
-No countdown? -No countdown.
-好吧 -那说”开拍”好了
-Okay. -Can we just do it off of “Action”?
Just… In your own time.
-好 -又不是要发射火箭
-Good… -I’m not a rocket ship, okay?
-得了 伙计们 -开拍!
-All right, dude. -And action!
不管想什么办法 靠! 别死!
Whatever floats your boat, baby. Fuck! Don’t die!
Erika, get me a VitaminWater!
知道么 达门 我先道歉
You know what it is, Damien? I’m sorry.
我不是要管他的事 可我哭了他也要哭?
Not to get into his thing, but if I’m crying, should Osiris be crying, too?
-都要哭… -停拍还是接着哭?
-No, it’s everyone cry… -We cutting or we crying?
-不不不 接着哭 -停拍得了!
-No, no, no, we’re crying! -Just call it, man!
-柯克你要哭 奋力也哭 -谢谢
-Kirk, you can cry. Tugg, you can cry. -Thanks!
-两人都要哭… -其实
-Everybody cry… -You know what?
-你看他的情绪也上来了 -确实
-You see how agitated he is now? -I know.
-我俩再挤出点酸水吧 -好 继续拍!
-Let’s make lemonade. Let’s go to work. -Okay. Still rolling!
这里是猎鹰一号♥ 已经看见山脊 估计还有3公里
This is Falcon One. We have the ridge in sight, approximately two miles out.
迪特 飞机马上就要飞过山脊了
Dieter, these jets are about to crest this ridge line.
They got about 200 pounds of shit your pants.
I need to know if we’re ready to go.
-你是我的…我的 -我是你的…
-You’re my… You’re my… -I am your…
总算搞明白了 达门 是台词的问题
See, that’s what I think it is, Damien. I think it’s the line.
I don’t know if Four Leaf would say that… Four Leaf?
Were you crying when your hands blew up?
你看他摇头了 这样才符合…
No. See, he didn’t. Yeah, I mean, just that’s what…
So now we in re-writes, right?
-你上哪去? -那咱们重写好了
-Where you going? -Let’s re-write it!
牛B主角不会哭 这么写好了
Action Jackson can’t cry. That’s what’s going down.
柯克你别走了 我已经准备好拍这镜头了
You know what, Kirk? I’m ready to do the scene!
这个镜头? 这段是情感戏 你感情呢?
What scene? The scene is about emotionality. Where is it?
-那现在你们就改剧本吧! -柯克…
-Now it’s time to flip the script! -Kirk…
就算等到中国人过年了 这老兄也哭不出来
Be here till Chinese New Year waiting for my man to cry.
你缠住我了 妈的你缠住我了
You’re tangling me, you’re fucking tangling me.
你缠住我了 妈的!
You’re tangling me, God damn it!
-克里克 不! -别跟着我 你这个白茶包!
-Kirk, no! -Stop tailgating me, you pasty tea bag!
我要去找个夜壶 你想握我的小弟?
I’m going potty. You want to hold my dick?
日你们两个混♥蛋♥在干什么 天啊!
Shit! What are you fucking both doing, Good Lord!
我们会来个大范围的轰炸 对不?
We’re getting this in a wide shot, right?
Of course we’re getting it in a fucking wide.
What, do you think I’m a dick or something?
Get that fucking food
Here they come!
-飞机来了! -妈的 靠!
-The planes are inbound! -Shit! Shit!
-柯克 别走啊 -别挡道 你个舔别人软蛋的小白脸
Shit, shit, cocksucker, bollocks. Tropic tits!
这是信♥号♥♥ 快开始!
That’s the signal! Go, go, go, go, go!
Let’s go freaking Tet here!
Goddamn shit-picking cock!
That’s my shit!
Mother Nature just pissed her pantsuit!
爽啊! 爽啊! 靠!
-Sweet. -Oh, mama!
Bungle in the jungle.
More bad news from the Vietnamese set of Tropic Thunder,
where a $4 million explosion charred the Asian location
and the camera wasn’t even rolling.
Financed by hotheaded mega-mogul Les Grossman,
才拍摄了5天 就有传言说电影会比原计划
the film is already rumored to be one month behind schedule
拖后1个月 要问原因?
just five days into shooting. The reason?
Fingers are pointed at rookie director Damien Cockburn,
知情人透露 他根本镇不住这些明星
who, insiders say, can’t control a star-studded cast,
其中有超人气浮夸影星 肥胖大仙 杰夫·波特牛
including flatulent star of the popular Fatties franchise, Jeff Portnoy.
我告诉你们 很多人都瞧不起我
Let me tell you something. A lot of people are disrespecting me.
说这电影就是放屁 其实它是家庭片
They say that the movie’s just about farts. It’s about family,
去…你♥妈♥的♥! 你们可没我放屁的本事
and… you! You can’t do what I do.
因为私藏各种毒品的罪名 他新近才被释放
Fresh from his most recent arrest for heroin, glue and crack possession,
