This is FUBAR. I say we juice them.
-你觉得呢? -那就给他们”加料”
-What do you think? -Juice them.
Fuck you, Charlie!
Big-ass titties!
炸♥弹♥ 快跑!
Look at that, huh?
And cut!
That’s the trailer right there.
-现在咱们怎么办? -是啊
-What do we do now? -Yeah.
往北走 导演让咱们朝北走
North. Man said to head north.
-看见我开枪的样子了吗? -这才是真正的表演
-Did you see me shooting? -That’s how we do. Good work, baby.
I believed it.
D’ang Kwook River.
I’m betting he’s got more of these battles
and Viet Congs rigged for us along the way.
奥西里斯中士 集♥合♥士兵 整装待发
Sergeant Osiris, get your men. Load and lock.
Real, baby, I’m real.
咱们出发 还要走几公里的路呢
Let’s go! We got a lot of klicks to cover!
扛起枪来 一字小队前进!
Hump it up, gentlemen! Single formation.
Don’t dawdle now!
大棒 大棒 我是胖脸 刚才场景拍得怎么样?
D-Rod, D-Rod, this is Puddingface. How are we coming on that hotplate?
肯定出了什么问题 咱们最好下去看看
Something’s up. I think we better drag ass back there.
Make sure Damien ain’t forgot how to use his talkbox again.
宝贝儿 让我尝尝
Yeah, baby, come on. Just a little taste.
-你在干嘛 杰夫? -他妈的什么都没干!
-What are you doing, Jeff? -Fucking… Nothing, man!
-我在吃豆粒软糖 -我也爱吃 给我点行吗
-I’m eating jellybeans. -Wow, I love jellybeans. Can I please…
不行 屁都不给你吃
No, you can’t have any fucking jellybeans.
They’re mine.
You think you’re the only one who gets sick
when he doesn’t have his jellybeans?
别贪得无厌 靠
Boundaries, man. Fuck.
Hey. I didn’t mean to show you up back there.
It’s just, I feel like we really need to set the example for the other guys.
It’s gonna be tough,
but I think Damien’s gonna get some great shit out of us.
真希望演杰克的时候 导演是他
Just wish I had a director like this on Jack.
演杰克? 什么杰克?
On Jack. What? Jack? What you talking about?
-《笨蛋杰克》 -噢 是那个
-Simple Jack. -Oh, yeah.
笨蛋杰克 尽全力演出的吧?
Simple Jack, yeah. You went all out on that one, huh?
很不错 真是惊世骇俗
You did. Really swung for the fences, huh?
多谢 谢谢
Thank you. Thanks. Yeah.
Yeah, it was an intense experience, you know.
I just did the work.
花时间和很多弱智的人在一起 观察他们
Watched a lot of retarded people. Spent time with them. Observed them.
Watched all the retarded stuff they did.
Then again, I always found mere observation
in and of itself is a tad rudimentary.
有时候 我们得深入挖掘人物的情感矛盾
Sometimes, we gotta dig deeper to mine the true emotional pay dirt.
发掘出痛苦的源头 亲身实践它
Thus, we can diagram the source of the pain and then live it, you know.
是啊 对 亲身实践
Yeah, yeah, live it. Yeah, exactly.
你知道么 我演杰克那阵子
You know, there were times when I was doing Jack
that I actually felt retarded,
-是真的傻了 -我靠
-like really retarded. -Oh, yeah.
I mean, I brushed my teeth retarded,
-I rode the bus retarded. -Damn.
In a weird way, I had to sort of just free myself up
to believe that it was okay to be stupid or dumb.
-当个低能儿? -是啊
-To be a moron. -Yeah.
-大脑低能的人 -对 低能儿
-To be moronical. -Exactly, to be a moron.
-痴呆 -没错
-An imbecile. -Yeah.
Like the dumbest motherfucker that ever lived.
When I was playing the character.
-当你进入角色时 -是啊 我是杰克的时候
-When you was the character. -Yeah, as Jack, definitely.
杰克 蠢蛋杰克
Jack, stupid ass Jack.
Trying to come back from that.
In a weird way it was almost like I had to sort of fool my mind
into believing that it wasn’t retarded,
等拍摄要结束了 我就想
and by the end of the whole thing, I was like,
“我入戏太久了 怎么回到原来的生活? ”
“Wait a minute, I flushed so much out, how am I gonna jumpstart it up again?”
-感觉有点那个 是吧? -是啊
-It’s just like… Right? -Yeah.
你连在澡盆里放屁 笑掉大牙都演了
You was farting in bathtubs and laughing your ass off.

但是 杰克认为他很聪明
But Simple Jack thought he was smart,
甚至是天才 从不想自己是蠢蛋
or rather, didn’t think he was retarded,
所以你不适应演弱智 做个聪明的演员吧
so you can’t afford to play retarded, being a smart actor.
Playing a guy who ain’t smart but thinks he is,
-这很狡猾 -没错
-that’s tricky. -Tricky.
好像神灵附体一样 那可是高深技术 那是艺术
It’s like working with mercury. It’s high science, man. It’s an art form.
-是啊 -你是艺术家
-Yeah. -You an artist.
-咱们就是在艺术创作 -没错
-That’s what we do, right? Yeah. -Yeah.
Hats off for going there,
尤其是知道奥斯卡怎么评奖之后 你还能这样
especially knowing how the Academy is about that shit.
-什么怎么评奖? -你真不知道? 没装傻?
-About what? -You’re serious? You don’t know?
Everybody knows you never go full retard.
-你是什么意思? -不信咱们数数看
-What do you mean? -Check it out.
《雨人》里的霍夫曼长相很傻 表现很傻 但不是真傻
Dustin Hoffman, Rain Man, looked retarded, act retarded, not retarded.
他会数牙签 玩牌时作弊 顶多算自闭症 可不是白♥痴♥
Count toothpicks, cheat at cards. Autistic, sure. Not retarded.
Then you got Tom Hanks, Forrest Gump.
脑筋慢 可能还有点笨 腿上戴着矫正支架
Slow, yes, retarded, maybe, braces on his legs.
可他能赢得尼克松的喜爱 还能赢得乒乓球比赛
But he charmed the pants off Nixon, and he won a Ping-Pong competition.
That ain’t retarded.
1979年《富贵逼人来》里的塞勒 有点幼稚 但不是傻子
And he was a goddamn war hero. You know any retarded war heroes?
You went full retard, man.
Never go full retard.
你还不信? 自己去问01年《不一样的爸爸》的西恩·潘
You don’t buy that? Ask Sean Penn, 2001, I Am Sam.
想起来了? 演成大傻子了 什么奖都没得
Remember? Went full retard? Went home empty-handed.
老天啊 真是见鬼了!
Oh, my God! Holy shit!
Good job, turd. You killed the director.
不 这不可能
No, that’s impossible, man.
我沿着树林线布置的 可他死这儿了
I rigged the whole tree line, and this is here.
-他肯定忘了自己的记号♥了 -忘了?
-He must have missed his mark. -Missed his mark?
是啊 可这不怨我
Yeah, this isn’t me.
得了 找个袋子把他包起来回旅馆吧
Come on, let’s bag and tag the bastard and get back to the hotel.
-你算完了 呆瓜! -咱俩都完了
-You’re in a world of hurt, dumbo! -We’re in a world of hurt!
-就你自己 -不能只怨我
-You’re in trouble. -This isn’t just on me!
-咱们都… 咱们都有份儿 -胡说
-We’re in a… We’re together on this. -Bullshit.
You’re just gonna run away. You’re gonna leave.
What happened to, “No man left behind,” okay?
你等等 听我说
Just wait, just wait! Listen! Listen, okay?
-我才不听 -我跟你说真的
-I don’t wanna hear it. -Let me just be real with you, all right?
I almost blinded Jamie Lee Curtis on Freaky Friday, okay?
再有这事儿 我就彻底完了
This shit will fucking ruin me!
-放开我 你这可怜虫 -我才不是
-Just get off me! You’re pathetic. -No, I’m not.
-放开我 -你不能回去!
-Get off me! -You are not going back!
-这他妈的是怎么回事? -等一下
-What the fuck? -Now wait a minute.
So, what? We’re just supposed to keep walking?
你要入戏 记住 摄像机正对着我们
Try to stay in character. Remember, we’re on camera.
This thing’s too heavy.
I want the rubber one that the prop guy gave me.
Where’s the fucking prop guy?
地图上怎么走 老大?
How’s it going with that map, chief?
-我能看一下吗? -我拿着呢
-Can I have a look at it? -I got it.
导演给我的 知道吗?
Yeah, Damien gave it to me, remember?
是的 为了我们给你的
Yeah, but he gave it to you for us.
-没错 -好吧
-Yeah. -Okay.
-我知道了 -你别弄混了
-I got it. -You got it upside down.
Thank you.
字母表示一条路 数字表示另一条
Letters go one way and the numbers another.
我试着… 我会帮助你
Dude, I’m trying to… I got your back, man.
-我很好 我没问题 -是吗?
-Well, I’m cool. All right, I’m cool. -You are?
