Is your character dyslexic?
-不 我没有 -那么你是制图师了
-No, my character’s not dyslexic. -So you a cartographer.
我累了 我要回家
I’m tired, I want to go home.
哦 你就可以回去拍《肥仔之家:第20屁了》这样的烂片了?
Why, so you can get back and make Fatties: Fart 20, or some shit?
是《肥仔之家:第2屁》 不是… 喂 你不是胖子没资格
It’s Fatties: Fart Two, there’s no… Hey, you wish you had a Fatties franchise.
-什么? -是《肥仔之家:第2屁》
-What? -It’s Fatties: Fart Two.
-没错 -我可不想放屁
-Yeah, you do. -I don’t want no Fatties franchise,
-我有钻石级别的洗手间 -你个白♥痴♥
-I got a diamond toilet. -Your stupid-ass commercials.
你都搞砸了 你累了
You’re all fucked up, man, you look tired.
You look like you bumped your head or something,
所以我来看看你是不是正常 仅此而已
so I came over to see if you’re fucking all right, that’s all.
-你怎么不说重点? -我正在说
-Yeah, why don’t you get on point? -I’m on point right here.
…我的屁 比他们放的都要漂亮
…my farts are fucking more beautiful than…
You still got that shit upside down.
要注意数字 数字…
The numbers help, man, the numbers…
文字是剧本 但是数字
The letters go across the top and then the numbers.
-你想要地图? -是的 我想看地图
-Want the map? -Yeah, I want the fucking map.
你不能看 因为戴门给我的
Well, you can’t have it, ’cause Damien gave it me.
你希望能和我一样放屁 我的屁就是音乐
You wish you had my farts, my farts are fucking music.
好了 够了
All right. That’s enough.
Everybody’s obviously a little bushed from all this humping.
所以休息一下 休息一下!
So take a chow break. Chow break!
But stay alert.
记住 蠢蛋不在乎你是否休息
Remember, Charlie don’t care if you’re on break or not.
好吧 午饭时间 吃完后继续同样的场景
All right, that’s lunch. Coming back to the same scene afterwards,
“Lost in the goddamn jungle.”
Captain Simple Jack.
Fuck you.
I fucking hate movies.
这是在胡搞 我可不想拍这种烂片
This is bullshit. I don’t wanna be in this shitty movie.
不行 把我的豆粒软糖还给我! 不!
No! That’s my jellybeans! No!
小子 抓住蝙蝠! 求你了! 靠!
Kid, grab the bat! Please! Shit!
-算了 我这儿有高♥潮♥坚果棒 -你去死吧! 它在那
-Yo, man, I got a Bust-A-Nut. -You go to hell! There he is.
我靠啊 跑哪去了?
God damn it! Okay. Where’d he go?
你个小烂屎 回头把你翅膀扯下来
You little piece of shit! I’m gonna fucking rip your wings off!
山德祺 别动 小声保密
Sanducci. Hold up, man, keep it on the down-low.
我不是来尿尿 而是想跟你聊聊
I don’t really gotta piss. I’m trying to talk at you, man.
诱饵 我需要诱饵
Bait, I need bait.
你参加过新兵训练营吧? 会看地图吧?
You went to boot camp, right? You can read a map?
Yeah, I think so.
I know Speedman got everyone convinced we out here
在拍能上Youtube的《人猿星球》或什么鬼东西 可我不信
making Planet of the Apes on YouTube or some shit, but I don’t buy it.
你想踩着真地雷吗? 想死吗?
You wanna step on a real landmine? You wanna die?
You wanna get shot by a real motherfucker?
-向前看 伙计 -我当然不想
-Keep looking ahead, man. -No, of course not.
试着离开这里吧 伙计
Trying to get home, man.
Got a big job coming up next year.
-真的? -真的
-Oh, yeah? -Yeah.
It’s about Abe Lincoln and John Wilkes Booth when they were both young.
-棒极了! -没错
-Oh, wow! -Yeah.
-眼下流行这种电影 -你看上去有几分象林肯
-That’s a classy picture. -Dude, you kind of look like Abe.
Slap a beard on you.
-你♥他♥妈♥的叫什么名字? -凯文
-What’s your fucking name? -Really? It’s Kevin.
-凯文 山德斯基 -哦
-Kevin Sandusky. -Yeah.
我要是把地图交给你 能够信任你吗
If I can put that map in your hands, can I count on you?
-行 我想可以 -好小伙 那我走了
-Well, yeah, I guess you can. -Dynamite. I’m out.
That smelled just like bologna for some reason.
Is anyone gonna fucking help me get this fucking thing?
Why are they even out in the daytime?
跟你说实话 我不想尿尿 只是跟你谈谈
I’m gonna level with you, bro. I don’t need to pee. I need to talk to you.
Lazarus is gonna torpedo the movie.
He’s way out on a limb with this character,
and I think he’s getting cold feet.
And the men respect you, ’cause you went to boot camp
and rehearsal.
-我需要你站在我这边 凯尔 -我叫凯文
-Can I count on you, Kyle. -It’s Kevin.
好 那我能相信你吗
可以 你要是想让我帮你看地图也行
If you want I could give the map a look-see.
-我会看地图 -好的
-I’ll handle the map. -Okay.
你按照计划走 咱们肯定能把电影拍完
You stick with the program, we get this movie in the can,
I’m thinking there could be a Teen Choice Award in it for you.
你有这潜力 孩子们会追捧你 就这么回事
You have that potential. They’ll slime you, the whole deal.
-听起来不错 -那就好
-Yeah, that’s wicked. -Good.
在那儿呢 你死定了
There it is! Yeah, now you’re dead!
You O.D.’d!
你等等 杰夫
Hold up now, Jeff.
Fucking hell!
你搞什么鬼? 那是个蝙蝠
What the hell, Jeff? That’s a bat, man!
I don’t have any more jellybeans.
You land there!
Wow. Look at these ruins.
-我们到底在哪? -当考河
-Where the hell are we? -D’ang Kwook River.
真的? 你怎么知道的? 你确定?
That so? How do you know that? How you sure?
伙计们 检验办法只有一个 咱们走
Only one way to find out, dude. Let’s go.
我有点不舒服 说真的 我皮肤特别疼
Yeah. I’m not feeling so good right now. Seriously, my skin hurts!
别老在雅座里呆着了 下水吧 小妞们
Enough from the peanut gallery! Into the water, ladies!
等等 让我看一眼地图 很快的
No, man. Let me take a look at that map right quick.
Why is everybody all obsessed with the map?
‘Cause we’re tired of being your trail donkeys!
Acting like you some one-man GPS!
我靠! 咱们迷路了! 他妈的彻底迷路了!
God damn it! We lost! We fucking super lost, man!
麦考斯基 告诉他几点了
Tell him, McClusky. Tell him what time it is.
I don’t believe you people.
What do you mean “you people”?
What do you mean, “you people”?
奋力 其实想说的是…
I think what Tugg means is…
别解释 你看他眼睛
No, look at his eyes, man.
-…我是说你们这些演员… -你看他那邪恶的白色水泡眼
-…you people, you actors. You people… -Look at them beady, white devil eyes.
我必须得回旅馆 真的!
I gotta get back to the hotel, for real!
-没戏! -闭嘴!
-Hell, no! -Silence!
都给我冷静! 行吧?
Chill! All right? Just chill it.
现在 去找那些越共们
Now, let’s go get those Viet Congs.
-“越共”! -什么?
-“Viet Cong”! -What?
是”越共” 不是”越共们” 越共已经指多人了
It’s “Viet Cong.” There’s no “S.” It’s already plural.
You wouldn’t say “Chineses.”
行了 别跟咱们的领导抬杠了!
All right, that’s enough of this insubordination!
咱们核心垮了 大家也活不了
If the machine breaks down, we break down.
你知道在《第一滴血1》里 兰博还有点肥肉
Hey, man, you know how in Rambo I, he was big but a little puffy
可到了《第一滴血2》 他全是肌肉块了?
and then Rambo II, he got all shredded up?
-知道 -你现在就那样
-Yeah. -That’s kind of how you look right now.
-真的? -不是指《第一滴血1》而是指《第一滴血2》
-Yeah? -Not Rambo I but II.
-真的吗? -对 愤怒兰博那样
-Really? -Yeah, when he was cut up.
我不是…我当然想变成那样 可…
I’m not that… I mean, that’s what I’m going for, but you know…
得了 你可比切成条的色拉还有型
Come on, dude. You more shredded than a julienne salad, man.
-谢谢 -你有什么秘诀吗?
-Thanks. -What’s the secret, dude?
-是食谱 我在控制饮食 -真的?
-It’s a diet. I’m just dieting. -Really?
其实我也想长点肌肉 可不容易
‘Cause I’m trying to come up a little, but it’s just… It’s tough.
-你看着挺好的 -来点建议?
-You look good. -Any tips?
-什么? -给我点建议?
-What? -Any tips, you got?
比方说 菠萝之类的…
There’s, like, the pineapple…
把破地图给我! 去你♥妈♥的♥
-Give me that goddamn map! Fuck you! -Hey!
-嗨 -现在好了!
-Hey! -All right, now!
怎么说 斯考斯基? 我们究竟在哪儿?
What it is, Sikorski? Tell us where we really at.
胡扯个屁! 你这是傻子白费劲
That’s fucking bullshit! It’s a chump move.
我们只想听听不同意见 假博士
We just getting a second opinion, doc.
We’re going the wrong way!
-靠! -混♥蛋♥
-Damn! -Son of a bitch.
天哪 我想咱们本来应该这么走
God! I think we were supposed to be doing this,
and instead we did this.
我靠! 我靠! 我靠靠靠!
Shit, shit, shit, shitty shit, shit!
