turmoil 英 [ˈtɜːmɔɪl] 美 [ˈtɜːrmɔɪl]



  • At the height of the recent turmoil in the Chinese stockmarkets Apple’s boss, Tim Cook, reassured investors that “I continue to believe China represents an unprecedented opportunity over the long term.”
  • Kin’s career is remarkable partly because it unfolded against such a noisy backdrop: The 1882 Chinese Exclusion Act, as well as political turmoil in China surrounding the fall of the Qing dynasty in 1912.


[noun] a state of great disturbance, confusion, or uncertainty
[名词] 极度紊乱、混乱或不确定的状态


Turmoil 词源不详,有说法认为该词可能是中古法语 tremouille (磨坊料斗)的变体,现主要表示“骚动、混乱”,多用于形容政治、金融等领域处于动荡之中,强调一切都在兴奋中翻腾,比如:

  • 沧海横流,方显出英雄本色。
    When the seas are in turmoil, heroes are on their mettle.
  • 她的婚姻一团糟。
    Her marriage was in turmoil.

除了形容外在事物以外, turmoil 也可以用来表示内心乱作一团,即“心烦意乱、焦虑不安”,强调遭受到无法逃避的烦扰或纷扰,比如:

  • 纷乱的情绪让我心力交瘁。
    My emotional turmoil had drained me.


China’s overseas interests are endangered by immediate threats such as international and regional turmoil, terrorism, and piracy.

出自《新时代的中国国防》(China’s National Defense in the New Era)白皮书。


turmoil” 是一个英语单词,通常用来表示混乱、动荡、骚乱等。


  1. Political turmoil: 政治动荡
  2. Economic turmoil: 经济混乱
  3. Social turmoil: 社会动荡
  4. Financial turmoil: 金融动荡
  5. Global turmoil: 全球动荡
  6. turmoil and uncertainty: 动荡与不确定性
  7. turmoil and chaos: 动荡与混乱
  8. turmoil and instability: 动荡与不稳定性
  9. turmoil and unrest: 动荡与不安
  10. turmoil and crisis: 动荡与危机
  11. Political and social turmoil: 政治和社会动荡
  12. turmoil and disruption: 动荡与干扰
  13. turmoil and conflict: 动荡与冲突
  14. turmoil and change: 动荡与变革
  15. turmoil and upheaval: 动荡与动乱
  16. turmoil and transformation: 动荡与转变
  17. turmoil and protest: 动荡与抗议
  18. turmoil and resistance: 动荡与抵抗
  19. turmoil and instability: 动荡与不稳定
  20. turmoil and uncertainty: 动荡与不确定性
  21. turmoil and disarray: 动荡与混乱
  22. turmoil and confusion: 动荡与困惑
  23. turmoil and volatility: 动荡与波动
  24. turmoil and tension: 动荡与紧张
  25. turmoil and anxiety: 动荡与焦虑
  26. turmoil and crisis: 动荡与危机
  27. turmoil and upheaval: 动荡与动乱
  28. turmoil and uncertainty: 动荡与不确定性
  29. turmoil and chaos: 动荡与混乱
  30. turmoil and instability: 动荡与不稳定性
  31. turmoil and transformation: 动荡与转变
  32. turmoil and protest: 动荡与抗议
  33. turmoil and resistance: 动荡与抵抗
  34. turmoil and uncertainty: 动荡与不确定性
  35. turmoil and disarray: 动荡与混乱
  36. turmoil and confusion: 动荡与困惑
  37. turmoil and volatility: 动荡与波动
  38. turmoil and tension: 动荡与紧张
  39. turmoil and anxiety: 动荡与焦虑
  40. turmoil and crisis: 动荡与危机
  41. turmoil and upheaval: 动荡与动乱
  42. turmoil and transformation: 动荡与转变
  43. turmoil and protest: 动荡与抗议
  44. turmoil and resistance: 动荡与抵抗
  45. turmoil and instability: 动荡与不稳定性
  46. turmoil and uncertainty: 动荡与不确定性
  47. turmoil and disarray: 动荡与混乱
  48. turmoil and confusion: 动荡与困惑
  49. turmoil and volatility: 动荡与波动
  50. turmoil and tension: 动荡与紧张


  • mayhem: confusion and fear, usually caused by violent behaviour or by some sudden shocking event
  • commotion: a state of confused and noisy disturbance
  • ferment: agitation and excitement among a group of people, typically concerning major change and leading to trouble or violence
