如果我让你改变我 就没事了吗
If I let you change me, will that do it?
If I do what you tell me,
Will you love me?
好吧 我做 我不再关心我自己了
All right, then, I’ll do it. I don’t care anymore about me.
来吧 坐到壁炉边
Here, come on. We’ll sit by the fire.
I’m afraid it’s going to take several hours.
The young lady thought perhaps you’d like to go home.
And then she’ll come there as soon as she’s finished.
不 告诉她 我会在宾馆等她
Well, no. You tell her I’ll go to her hotel and wait for her there.
Oh, and you’re sure about the color of the hair?
是的 那颜色很简单
Oh, yes. It’s an easy color.
-还有其他的… -是的 先生 我们知道您要怎样的
– And all the rest of… – Yes, sir, we know what you want.
Thank you.
头发应该往后梳 盘在脖子那里
It should be back from your face and pinned at the neck.
我告诉她了 也告诉你了
I told her that. I told you that.
试过了 不太适合我
We tried it. It just didn’t seem to suit me.
拜托了 朱迪
Please, Judy.
Where shall we go for dinner?
Anywhere you like.
你很喜欢厄尼氏 对吧
You have a thing about Ernie’s, don’t you?
毕竟 那是我们的福地
Well, after all, it’s our place.
亲爱的 喜欢吗
Hello, my love. Like me?
Is that the best you can do?
Come here.
Oh, no. You’ll muss me.
我就是要那样 过来
Well, that’s what I had in mind. Now, come here.
太迟了 我要化妆
It’s too late. I got my face on.
我突然饿了 你想去其他地方吗
And I’m suddenly hungry. Would you rather go somewhere else?
不 厄尼氏就可以了
No, no. Ernie’s is fine.
I’m gonna have…
I’m gonna have one of those big, beautiful steaks.
我想想 开胃菜我要…
Let me see. To start, I think I’ll…
帮下我 好吗
Help me with this, will you?
I have it.
How do you work this thing?
Can’t you see?
Oh. Now, there you are.
谢谢 差不多好了
Thank you. I’m just about ready.
All I’ve got to do is find my lipstick.
我放哪儿了 一分钟前还在我手上呢
Where did I put it? I had it a minute ago.
不知道是不是在这儿 就在这儿
I wonder if it’s here. Here it is.
好了 我准备好了
There, I’m ready.
但首先 亲热下
But first, muss me a little?
斯考蒂 你是我的了 对吗
Scottie, I do have you now, don’t I?
How would you like to go someplace out of town for dinner?
Maybe we could drive down the peninsula.
好 听你的
All right. If you’d like.
We’re going awfully far.
我刚好想开车 你很饿了吗
I just feel like driving. You terribly hungry?
没有 没事
No. No, it’s all right.
Where’re you going?
One final thing I have to do.
从此 我就能摆脱过去
And then, I’ll be free of the past.
斯考蒂 我们来这儿干吗
Scottie, why are we here?
I told you.
I have to go back into the past once more.
就一次 最后一次
Just once more, for the last time.
Why? Why here?
玛德琳就是在这儿死的 朱迪
Madeleine died here, Judy.
-我不想走 我宁愿待着 -不 我需要你
– I don’t wanna go. I’d rather wait here. – No, I need you.
I need you to be Madeleine for a while.
完事后 我们就都自♥由♥了
And when it’s done, we’ll both be free.
-我很害怕 -我现在要和你说说玛德琳
– I’m scared. – Oh, no. I have to tell you about Madeleine now.
Right there.
我们站在那儿 我最后一次吻她
We stood there, and I kissed her for the last time.
她说 “如果你失去了我”
And she said, “If you lose me,
-“你要知道我爱你…” -斯考蒂
– ”You’ll know that I loved you…” – Scottie.
”…and wanted to keep on loving you.”
我说 “我不会失去你” 但我失去了
And I said, ”I won’t lose you.” but I did.
And then she turned
And ran into the church.
我跟着她 但为时已晚
And when I followed her, it was too late.
I don’t wanna go in there!
It’s too late.
斯考蒂 我…
Scottie, I…
我找不到她 我听到楼梯上的脚步声
I couldn’t find her, and then I heard footsteps on the stairs.
She was running up the tower.
Right here.
-斯考蒂… -看到没有 她跑上楼梯
– Scottie… – See? She was running up the stairs,
Through the trapdoor at the top of the tower.
我想跟着她 但没能上去
And I tried to follow her, but I couldn’t get to the top.
我试过了 但做不到
I tried, but I couldn’t get to the top.
One doesn’t often get a second chance.
I want to stop being haunted.
你是我第二次机会 朱迪 你是我的第二次机会
You’re my second chance, Judy. You’re my second chance.
Take me away!
你现在就是玛德琳 上楼去
You look like Madeleine now. Go up the stairs.
-不 -上去
– No! – Go up the stairs.
上去 朱迪
Go up the stairs, Judy.
And I’ll follow.
之前我只能到这里 但你上去了
This was as far as I could get, but you went on.
那项链 玛德琳 露出马脚了
The necklace, Madeleine. That was the slip.
I remembered the necklace.
-放我走 -不 我们到塔顶去 玛德琳
– Let me go! – No. We’re going up the tower, Madeleine.
你不行的 你害怕
You can’t! You’re afraid!
走着瞧 这是我的第二次机会
Now, we’ll see. We’ll see. This is my second chance.
斯考蒂 求你了
Scottie, please!
那天你知道我没法跟着你 对吧
But you knew that day that I wouldn’t be able to follow you, didn’t you?
你上去的时候谁在那儿 埃尔斯特和他妻子吗
Who was up there when you got up there? Elster and his wife?
-对 -没错 死的是她
– Yes. – Yes, and she was the one who died.
真正的妻子 而不是你
The real wife, not you.
你是假冒的 冒充的 对吧
You were the copy. You were the counterfeit, weren’t you?
-那时她是死是活… -死了 死了 他掐死她了
– Was she dead or alive when… – Dead! Dead! He’d broken her neck.
他掐死她 他没有任何风险 对吧
He’d broken her neck. Wasn’t taking any chances, was he?
当你上去后 他把她推下去了
So, when you got up there, he pushed her off the tower,
但尖叫是你的 你干吗叫啊
But it was you that screamed. Why did you scream?
我想阻止他 斯考蒂 我是上去阻止他的…
I wanted to stop it, Scottie. I ran up to stop it. I…
如果你想阻止 你干吗把我骗到这儿
If you wanted to stop it, why did you scream,
Since you tricked me so well up to then?
你把妻子演得很好 朱迪 他把你改造了 对吧
You played the wife very well, Judy. He made you over, didn’t he?
像我改造你一样 只不过做得更好
He made you over just like I made you over, only better.
Not only the clothes and the hair,
外表 仪态 语气
But the looks, and the manner, and the words,
And those beautiful phony trances.
你的确跳进海里了 对吗
And you jumped into the bay, didn’t you?
我猜你其实水性很好 对吧
I’ll bet you’re a wonderful swimmer, aren’t you? Aren’t you?
-是吗 -是
– Aren’t you? – Yes!
之后他做了什么 他训练你 给你排练吗
And then what did he do? Did he train you? Did he rehearse you?
Did he tell you exactly what to do, what to say?
你真机灵啊 不是吗 非常机灵
You were a very apt pupil, too, weren’t you? You were a very apt pupil.
你们为什么选我 为什么
Why did you pick on me? Why me?
你的事故 你的事故
Your accident! Your accident.
My accident…
我是计划中的 对吗
I was the setup, wasn’t i?
我是设定好的 理想的目击者…
I was the setup. I was a made-to-order witness. I…
