但是你还是没打不是 甚至一句话也没有
But you never phoned, not to say anything.
“谢谢 很愉快”
“Thank you. It was fun.”
You don’t make love to someone and then never call them…
…unless you were greatly disappointed.
Quite the opposite
…you have plans to marry…
所以我想我们最好从此毫不相干 以免最后将大家都推向了尴尬的境地
…and I thought it best to stop anything before it led to a bad situation for everyone.
I’m only saying that we made love and you seemed to drop off the face of the earth.
我是说 这让我感觉你对这种事毫不在意
I mean, I realize these things don’t mean much to you.
去追究在意不在意只会让你不安 让我失望
To pursue matters would have only caused you anxiety, and me, a disappointment.
I had the ability to hurt you after one night?
Maria Elena used to say that…
…only unfulfilled love can be romantic.
行 好吧
Right. Okay.
Well, the truth is, you’re much more suited to Cristina
I’ve grown very fond of Cristina.
那么 祝贺你和你的未婚夫
So, I’m very happy for you and your husbandtobe.

And I…
…for you and Cristina.
And so the morning came when Vicky’s husbandtobe arrived from New York.
琼·安东尼奥 和一些艺术家一样 离不开女人的陪伴
Juan Antonio, like certain creative men, needed always to live with a woman…
他邀请克莉丝汀娜和他同居 她答应了
…and had invited Cristina to move in with him, which she accepted.
你在环球企业工作 汤姆·萨特是我的老朋友
So you’re with Global Enterprises? Tom Sutter’s an old friend of mine.
你认识汤姆·萨特 我和他打过高尔夫
You know Tom Sutter? We play golf!
真的 这方面我故事很多 汤姆从没打赢过我
You do? Well, I got some stories. Tom has never beaten me.
理解 他可不是世界高尔夫高手
Well, he’s not the greatest player in the world.
老天 你在这完全变了一个人
My God. You’re a whole different person here.
有吗 哪里变了
Yeah? What does that mean?
You were so into it.
是么 我以前不这样的吗
Well, am I not usually?
是 当然也是
No, of course you are.
I’m giving you a compliment.
Maybe it’s the Barcelona air.
过来 搂着我 搂着我
Come here, hold me. Hold me.
你没事吧 没事
You okay? Yeah.
How’s Cristina doing?
She’s already moved in with some guy.
真速度 不要告诉我是和斗牛士 不是
That was quick. Don’t tell me he’s a bullfighter. No
作家 作曲家 有自杀倾向的苦难假智者
Writer? Composer? Tortured pseudointellectual and selfdestructive?
是 我知道 有时我对她不切实际的爱情观也很伤脑筋
Yeah, I know. Sometimes she gets on my nerves with her crackpot love affairs.
听着 我喜欢她纯粹因为她是你的朋友
Look, I love her because she’s your friend…
我跟你警告过她 她是个很忧郁的人
…but I’ve warned you about her. She’s an unhappy person.
She can’t part with that selfimage of the ohsospecial woman…
…the artist trying to find herself.
她认为普通的价值观太虚伪 完全是陈腔滥调
I find her contempt for normal values pretentious. It’s a boring cliche.
可男人都喜欢她 因为她漂亮
Well, men like her. She’s pretty.
And not exactly difficult to maneuver into the sack.
而你 相反的 需要一番努力才行
Now you, on the other hand, took a little effort to get to bed.
But it was worth the struggle.
是吗 是的
Yeah? Yeah.
琼·安东尼奥想带我去一个老游乐园 他说我会很喜欢
Juan Antonio wants to take me to this old amusement park he said I would love.
我想我们可以先一起吃顿午饭 四个人
I thought we could get lunch, all of us…
…then we could all see it together.
什么 明天一起吃午饭
What, tomorrow for lunch?
我们不行 我们已经有约了
We can’t. We have plans.
没关系 随时都可以和马克与茱蒂去划船
No, we can always go boating with Mark and Judy.
我想去克莉丝汀娜和琼·安东尼奥那边 可我很想去划船
I’d like to go with Cristina and Juan Antonio. I really want to go boating.
好的 我们很乐意 明天 好的
Yeah, that would be great. Tomorrow. Okay.
两对情侣一边吃饭一边聊天 谈着谈着 尴尬的事发生了
The couples met for lunch and during the course of conversation, an awkward moment occurred.
琼·安东尼奥忽然想挑逗克莉丝汀娜 然后试着伸脚过去
Juan Antonio, having warm thoughts about Cristina, tried to brush his foot…
在桌下摩擦她的 却不小心摩到了维琪
…against hers under the table, and accidentally brushed Vicky’s
The amusement park was everything Juan Antonio led them to believe.
古旧 迷人 还可以在上面俯瞰整个巴塞罗那
It was antique and charming, and overlooked all of Barcelona
终于理解为什么你爱你的未婚夫了 他很有魅力
I see why you love your fiance. He’s very charming.
是的 他很有趣
Yes, he’s lovely.
And very well suited to you.
I don’t think I like the way you say that.
I only mean you make a comfortable couple in the best sense.
你不理解 我现在还做不了决定
You don’t understand. I can’t do anything about it now.
不是说我没想过这点 只是
I’m not saying the thought hasn’t crossed my mind, but…
维琪 我们俩不能再提那件事了
Vicky, please. We must not get into this conversation again.
事情都过去了 而我现在我真的爱上了克莉丝汀娜
Things have moved on and I’ve developed real feelings for Cristina.
那怎么会 你为什么在桌下摩擦我的脚
Then what…? Why did you rub your foot against mine under the table?
我没有 你有
I didn’t. Yes.
我没有 在我看着你的时候
I didn’t. When I looked over at you.
没有 就算我真做了 那也是我搞错了 我是想去碰克莉丝汀娜的
No. If I did, it was a mistake. My intention was to touch Cristina.
好的 抱歉 我为我的失误道歉
Okay, I’m sorry. I apologize for my mistake.
对不起 是我的错 但听我说
I’m sorry, it was my mistake, but listen.
你一直想过全新的不同生活 想和自己爱的人一起生活
You are all set to enter a completely different life. A life you always wanted with the man you love.
是啊 见鬼 然后我遇到你
Yes, goddamn it, and then I met you…
度过个疯狂可笑的周末 还到了这个 我不知道的地方
…and we had this ridiculously irrational weekend together and now I don’t know where I am.
我现在和克莉丝汀娜在一起 而你两周后就要结婚了 维琪
I’m with Cristina and you’re getting married in two weeks, Vicky.
I know.
你是对的 克莉丝汀娜爱着你 我不该
I know. You’re right. Cristina loves you. I would never…
对 克莉丝汀娜和我很配
Yes, and Cristina and I are a good fit.
她和我想法相似 而你和我
She speaks my language. You and I…
…we’d be at each other’s throats in a month.
All right?
Maybe our paths will cross again someday, under different circumstances.
Who knows about life?
对 你是对的 我是傻子
You’re right. You’re right, I’m an idiot.
I don’t know what I expect to happen.
婚礼到来 维琪嫁给了道格.
And so the wedding day came and Vicky married Doug.
克莉丝汀娜也在场 她没带琼·安东尼奥来 他编了个借口
Cristina was there. She did not bring Juan Antonio, who made an excuse.
接着 新郎和新娘去Seville度蜜月
Following the ceremony, the bride and groom left for a minihoneymoon in Seville.
与此同时 克莉丝汀娜开始察觉这种 她过去逃避了
Meanwhile, Cristina began to sense the possibility of the kind of relationship she had always sought…
…but in the past had eluded her.
她是一个令人兴奋的 她深信不疑的画家的恋人
She was the lover of an exciting man, an artist whose work she believed in.
She was already thinking of herself as a kind of expatriate…
…not smothered by what she believed to be America’s puritanical and materialistic culture…
…which she had little patience for.
她已把自己视为典型欧洲人 与那个把她带进悲剧而又浪漫
She saw herself more a European soul, in tune with the thinkers and artists…
…she felt expressed her tragic, romantic, freethinking view of life.
在琼·安东尼奥的朋友圈中 她与各类有创意的人倾谈
With Juan Antonio’s circle of friends, she hobnobbed with creative people of all sorts.w
她爱这群人 并与他们共同思考写作和摄影
She loved their company and continued to experiment with writing and taking pictures.
玩得如何 当然 Seville非常壮观
You have a good time? Yeah. Seville is breathtaking.
We ran into some friends from New York, got to spend some time with them.
A little too much time.
You’re just angry because they beat our brains out at bridge.
我不喜欢桥 我也是
I don’t like bridge. Me, either.
这是 花饰 请看这里
What is this? Swag. Your attention, please.
Cristina and Juan Antonio sent you this wedding gift.
当我发现她真的在和琼·安东尼奥交往时 我真不敢相信
When I found out she was seriously dating Juan Antonio, I couldn’t believe it.
正是我们想要的 一个罗尔沙赫氏测验
Just what we need…a Rorschach blot.
I don’t think I like it.
We’ll buy you one of Alejandro’s.
玛利亚·爱莲娜她 她试图自杀
Maria Elena is…she tried to kill herself.
Is she okay?
啊 可能 我不知道 我得去看看
Yes. Yes, I think so. I don’t know. I have to go.
Where are you going?
I’m going to the hospital.
Should I come with you?
我想这不是个好主意 她很麻烦
I don’t think that would be a good idea for her. She’s a mess.
好吧 想我去就打个电♥话♥
Well, call me if you want me to come
好 当然 会的
Okay, of course. Of course.
Juan Antonio hurried out in the dead of night.
克莉丝汀娜想再睡会儿 但一直感觉不好
Cristina tried to go back to sleep, but had an uneasy feeling.
