没有 有的
No. Yes.
What’s my talent?
You take beautiful photographs.
没错 她经常拍照片又不让我看
That’s true. She always takes pictures that she hides from me.
没有 那是因为那些照片什么都算不上 你怎么知道我摄影的
That’s because they’re nothing. How do you know I take pictures?
I found them in your luggage.
You went through my luggage?
我当然翻过 搬进来的第一天晚上我并不信任你
Of course I did. First night I was in the house, I didn’t trust you.
I didn’t believe you were who you said you were.
I wanted to know who was really sharing the bed of my exhusband.
谁知道我能发现些什么 我怎么能确定你不会伤害我
Who knew what I would find? How could I be sure you were not going to hurt me?
毕竟 我是曾想过要杀了你的
After all, I had thoughts of killing you.
So here are a few more.
Don’t say you like them if you don’t.
你说什么呢 太漂亮了
What are you talking about? They are beautiful!
看见没 看看这张
You see? Look at this.
第二天 玛利亚·爱莲娜跟着克莉丝汀娜一起去摄影
The next day, Maria Elena went out photographing with Cristina
她有着卓越的眼光 也很了解摄影艺术
She had a superb eye and knew a lot about the art of photography…
…and taught Cristina much about the aesthetics and subtleties of picture taking.
她建议她用老式相机代替数码相机 以拍出更棒的效果
She advised her to get rid of her digital camera and use an old one, for more interesting results.
她说得有个暗室 并许诺要在地下室帮克莉丝汀娜布置一个
She said it was important to have a darkroom, and she would set one up in the basement for Cristina…
…and teach her various techniques of developing her own pictures.
从看上去傻傻的狗 到面无表情的孩子 她们什么都拍
They photographed everything, from sillylooking dogs to grimfaced children.
But the best subject was Maria Elena herself.
某个下午 维琪和道格逛街的时候 碰见了亚当 和莎莉
Shopping one afternoon, Vicky and Doug ran into Adam Tabachnick and Sally.
亚当和道格是同行 即便在纽约
Adam was in the same business Doug was in and they were friendly…
相处得也很友好 他们并不常混在一起
…although in New York, they did not spend a lot of time together.
哦 怎么会这么巧
Oh, you’ve got to be kidding me.
电视上的任何节目 当然包括现场直播的 都可以在电脑上重放
Any program on TV, obviously anything live, you can play back on your computer.
所以我可以在飞往东京的班机上 4万英尺的高空
So I’m on a flight to Tokyo, 40,000 feet up in the air…
在笔记本上看Mets比赛的直播 (纽约大都会职业棒球队)
…and I am watching the Mets, live, on my laptop.
这太妙了 你永远不会跟人失去联♥系♥
You’re never out of touch.
我们会把新房♥每样电器都安上遥控 我正挑日本的新款高清电视机呢
We’ll have the new house wired for everything. I looking at those new Japanese highdefinition TVs.
你一定要让我用的人给你安装 那家伙是个电脑天才
You have to have my guy do your installation. He’s a genius with computers.
I’ll get his card.
我们在格林威治的房♥子刚装♥修♥好 你们一定要去看看
We just did our place in Greenwich.
设计师很棒 你们也请他吧
We have this wonderful decorator you should use.
他很有创新性 但又有度 知道什么时候适可而止
He’s creative, but he knows when to back off.
我们装的还是现代风格 但各处都有零星的古董做点缀
We did it modern, with just a splash of antiques here and there.
我很喜欢这两者的结合 可是天哪 那价
I love combining the two, but God, the prices.
You have any idea what a good size oriental rug costs?
She’s right. She’s right.
其实 还有个挺老的笑话说 “10万块钱买♥♥个波斯地毯 用5万块都能 ”
Actually, there’s an old joke. “A hundred thousand for a Persian rug? For fifty thousand….”
Life continued predictably for Vicky and Doug…
直到一天下午 突如其来的一幕发生了
…until one afternoon, when an unpredictable moment occurred.
几天后 茱蒂邀请维琪 在外面找地方单独喝咖啡
Several days later, Judy asked Vicky to meet her privately, away from the house, to have coffee.
关于那天发生的事 我
What happened the other day. I…
…don’t want you to get the wrong idea.
不会 不会 这真的不关我的事
It’s really none of my business.
我跟马克的搭档没有婚外情 没有
I’m not having an affair with Mark’s partner. I’m not.
不 我没觉得你们是
No, I didn’t think you were.
Not that I haven’t had fantasies of…
有人闯进我的生活 让我可以脱离现在一切
…someone coming along and taking me out of my situation.
But the fantasies are not Jay Lewis.
即便他有此意 他是愿意
Even though he would like that. He would.
Taking you out of your situation…?
I haven’t been in love with Mark…
不恋爱很多年了 我爱他 但不是那种爱恋
…for years. I love him, but I’m not in love with him.
I’m sorry to hear that.
这很可笑 我刚刚
It’s funny. I just made…
…I just made the same speech to my shrink.
那 他怎么说
Well, what does your shrink say?
He says…
说我害怕 不知怎么行动
…that I too frightened to act and that…
…I’m looking for some kind of magical solution…
…which is unrealistic.
And an affair is not the answer.
I’m sorry to be laying all of this on you…
但是你看见我们的时候 我觉得很丢脸
…but I was so humiliated when you saw us.
Im just…
听着 你不要觉得你得跟我做什么解释
Look, you mustn’t feel that you have to explain yourself to me.
Mark is great.
I’m sure any…
任何不满意的地方 也是我的问题
…any dissatisfaction I have is my own problem.
I’m just….
我不能离开他 我知道我绝不会离开他
I can’t leave him and I know that I never will.
Why not?
我只是 不能离开他
I just…I can’t.
I’m too scared.
那种想要离去的时刻 已经不在了
The moment’s passed.
很显然 你跟琼·安东尼奥还深爱着彼此
It’s so apparent to me that you and Juan Antonio are still in love…
…when I see you together.
我们的爱是永恒的 但就是不能在一起
Our love will last forever. It’s forever, but it just doesn’t work.
所以一直都会很浪漫 因为不能完整
That’s why it will always be romantic…because it cannot be complete.
Maybe it can’t be complete because…
I getting in the way.
我不知道 我总感觉
I dont know. I feel like…
不 在你出现之前
No. Before you…
我们带给对方太多痛苦 太多伤害
…we used to cause each other so much pain, so much suffering.
没有你 就绝不可能像现在这样相处 知道为什么吗
Without you, all this would not be possible. You know why?
Because you are the missing ingredient.
你就像是淡白色 调色板上加上一点儿 颜色才会变漂亮
You are like the tint that, added to a palette, makes the color beautiful.
Aren’t you and Juan Antonio tempted to make love?
我觉得是 我也不知道
I feel like…I don’t know.
婚姻结束时 我们没做
At the end of our marriage, we didn’t.
可我得承认那感觉又回来了 多亏了你
But I have to say those feelings are coming back now, thanks to you…
…in a new and deeper way.
我不会难过的 我从没想过要介入你们之间 不会觉得不安的
I wouldn’t be upset about it. I’d never want to get in the way. It wouldn’t upset me at all.
我知道你不会难过 就像每晚我听见你们两个激♥情♥
I know you wouldn’t be upset. The same way I get this warm feeling…
…when I hear you both locked in passion every night.
我听着 而且很高兴
I listen, and I’m happy.
如果玛利亚·爱莲娜和琼·安东尼奥在某个下午上♥床♥ 克莉丝汀娜能接受吗
Was Cristina okay with it when Maria Elena and Juan Antonio made love one afternoon?
刚刚她还真诚地祝福他们 现在感觉却复杂起来了
Beforehand, she gave them both her blessing, but then had mixed feelings.
She was not as openminded as she had always imagined herself…
一想到他们两个在床上 必定是激♥情♥洋溢 她就变得很矛盾
…and the thought of the two of them in bed, and inevitably full of intensity, caused her some conflict.
最终 她还是渐渐放松了心态
In the end, she gradually relaxed…
让自己对那些事情释然 以一种足以自豪的包容心态面对这一切
…and let herself go with the flow of things, a tolerance she was proud of.
一开始还很困惑 不过后来想想这些标准 关于爱的陈词滥调
At first it did bother me, but then I started to think about all these standard, accepted cliches of love…
什么是对 什么是错 “合适条约”里规定的什么是合适的
What’s right, what’s wrong, what’s appropriate according to the “appropriate police”.
You see how screwed up most relationships are.
你是在说你和人共事一夫 像个摩♥门♥教♥徒的妻子啊
What you’re saying is you’re sharing a man. You’re like a Mormon wife.
我知道这听上去很奇怪 但我们都在为这种关系付出 并且都有受益
I know it sounds strange, but we all contribute to the relationship and we’re really nourished by it.
可是如果所有人都这么做 社会就没法运转了 哦 拜托
But if everyone did that, society couldn’t function. Oh, come on!
咱们不要讨论这些没完没了毫无意义的事情了 哪种关系都行啊
Let’s not get into one of those turgid, categorical imperative arguments. Whatever works.
哪种关系都行 玛利亚·爱莲娜相信很多方式都可以生活
Whatever works? Maria Elena says there are many truths in life.
Not just one?
我不知道 你能那么活吗
I don’t know. Could you live like that?
嗯 我没有克莉丝汀娜那种
Well, I’ve never had Cristina’s….
什么 像克莉丝汀娜那样缺乏架构性 这很有架构 事实上
What? Her lack of structure? It’s very structured.
她的勇气 我不会有她的勇气
Her courage, I never had her courage.
她的勇气 下一步她就该跟玛利亚·爱莲娜上♥床♥
Her courage? Next thing, she’ll be going to bed with Maria Elena…
…and glorifying it as some kind of superior alternative lifestyle.
哦 我已经跟她上过床了
I have gone to bed with her.
不会吧 对
No! Yeah.
琼·安东尼奥跟玛利亚·爱莲娜 帮我建了个暗室
Well, Juan Antonio and Maria Elena made this darkroom for me.
他们要我摄影 事实上我觉得很棒
They’re pushing me to take photographs and I’m getting pretty good.
信不信由你们 我感觉越来越自信了
Believe it or not, I’m getting much more confident.
And we were down there in the darkroom.
