…with some lingering clouds around Kodiak Island.
Look for a chance of overnight showers
along the mountainous areas of South Eastern Alaska.
阿♥拉♥斯加的听众们 欢迎回到KBWZ音乐广播
And now back to music on KBWZ, Alaska listens.
等一下 你放弃啦 为什么
Wait, you cut out. What?
不是 我父母去欧洲了
No, dude, my parents went to Europe
把我们送到 阿♥拉♥斯加的叔叔家
and they sent us to Alaska to hang outwith my uncle.
It’s fine.
是啊 我叔叔是一个古生物学家
Yeah, my uncle is a paleontologist.
他收集恐龙骨骼化石 我猜他会带我们一起去工作
He collects dinosaur bones. I guess he’s taking us to work with him.
布拉德 布拉德 你在吗
Brad? Brad, are you there?
真是的 没有信♥号♥♥了
Great, no signal.
Where are we going anyway?
I’ll give you a clue.
I got it in here somewhere.
Ah, there we go!
Check it out.
What is it?
That, my friend, is the tooth of a Gorgosaurus.
-酷 -难道不是吗
-Cool! -Isn’t it?
你知道吗 他几乎和暴龙一样大 但速度更快
You know, it was almost as big as a T-Rex, but way faster.
数百万几年前他们生活在地球上 最后灭亡了
They roamed the Earth millions of years ago and they got wiped out.
他们唯一活着的后代 是鸟类…
Their only living descendants are birds and blah, blah, blah.
小子 你过去很喜欢研究他们啊 像专家似的
Oh, come on, man. You used to love dinosaurs, you were an expert.
This guy must have been really scary.
How do you think he lost his tooth?
-蛇发女怪龙吗 -是啊
-The Gorge? -Yeah.
I wonder if he was in, like, a huge fight
with a load of other dinosaurs.
我的朋友娜塔莉 她撞到了学校的旗杆 掉了两颗牙
My friend, Natalie, she ran into a flagpole at school and lost two teeth.
There was blood everywhere.
是啊 这事时有发生
Yeah, a flagpole will do that.
Let’s go!
您确定 不想跟来吗
You sure you don’t want to come?
我真的不想 挖死掉的东西
I’m not really into digging up dead things.
好的 不要离开卡车
All right. Well, stay close to the truck.
如果您改变主意 只要顺着小路走 就能找到我们
If you change your mind just follow the trail up.
Got it.
好吧 小子
Okay, bud.

嘘 嘘
Psst! Psst!
Hey, kid.
喂 就是你 我在跟你说话呢
Yeah, you. I’m talking to you.
怎么 你以前没听过鸟说话
What’s wrong? You never heard a bird talk before?
You think you’re pretty smart, don’t you?
好吧 我并不会…
It’s all right. I’m not offended about
those things you said about my ancestors.
很酷吧 你应该了解一下自己的祖先
Totally cool with it. You should see your ancestors.
你知道吗 每个化石都在诉说着一个故事
But you know that every fossil tells a story…
…而这牙齿 更是隐藏着一个精彩的故事
…and this tooth tells a pretty good one.
所以 把它捡起来 来吧 来吧 把它捡起来
So go ahead and pick it up. Come on, come on, pick it up.
把它捡起来 捡起来
Pick it up, pick it up!
Come on, it won’t bite you. Not anymore, at least.
它将打开一个窗口 带你进入远古的过去
it will, however, open a window into the ancient past.
一个充满活力的世界 险象环生
A vibrant world of wonder and danger,
when dinosaurs roamed the earth…
…and birds looked a little more like this.
在那里 你看到了吗 现在我们可以开始了
There, you see? Now we can begin.
请试着跟上 你愿意吗
And try to keep up, will you?!
七千万年前 地球的白垩纪中后时期…
70 million years ago, in the late Cretaceous period of planet Earth…
…there lived a miraculous…
…鸟 这就是我 亚历克斯
…bird. That’s me, Alex!
阿克西鸟——白垩纪晚期亚历山大的鸟 食虫目
Alexornis, meaning Alexander’s Bird, insectivore.
还有 美丽的羽毛…
Note the beautiful plumage…
雄伟的…双翼 经典锯齿状的嘴
…majestic wingspan, the classically curved beak.
不是吹牛 我一点也不挑嘴
Not to brag, but I am kind of the whole package.
当然 如果你熟悉白垩纪
Of course, if you’re familiar with the Cretaceous Period,
you probably know all of this.
Now watch closely.
这是一个技巧性的行为 最好留给专业人士
This is a delicate operation, best left to the professionals.
Ah, the enticing smell of decay.
Look at this tartar build-up. Mmm!
Hey, watch it!
我告诉你 鸟类生活艰辛
I’m telling you, it’s hard out here for a bird!
But enough about me.
你即将看到的故事 是关于我的一个朋友
The story you’re about to see concerns a friend of mine.
我可以说 是一个相当不错的朋友
I gotta say, it’s a pretty good one,
充满着 神秘和冒险…
filled with mystery and adventure…
…hope and despair.
原谅我 关键时刻 我先飞走了 你懂的
Excuse me while I take a personal moment. Gotcha!
顺便说一句 这位不是我说的主角 这是他的母亲
By the way, this isn’t the guy I was talking about. it’s his mother.
She is a Pachyrhinosaurus.
厚鼻龙——厚鼻恐龙 草食动物
Pachyrhinosaurus, meaning thick-nosed lizard, herbivore.
请注意 她的儿子 派奇的冒险…
But pay attention, because the adventures of her son, Patchi…
…are the stuff of legend.
Which has nothing to do with that stuff right there.
我在这 这不公平
Let me at it. Hey, that’s not fair!
他在那儿 这是派奇
There he is! That’s Patchi.
Mm-mm, barf.
这个家伙 是这一窝中最矮小的
The runt of the litter, the guy
at the bottom of the pecking order.
-派奇 -现在没空闲聊 亚历克斯
-Hey, Patchi! -Can’t talk now, Alex!
努力的吃 是我的生存本能
Trying to work on my survival instincts!
对不起 大男人主义的来了
Excuse me, Alpha male coming through.
借过 我只是要去吃一口
Pardon, I’m just gonna have a bite.
退后 派奇
Back off, Patchi.
What about my fair share?
您的那一份 很美味
Your fair share was delicious.
这是我的大哥 斯考勒 他平时真的很酷
That’s my big brother, Scowler. He’s usually really cool.
他刚刚吃了周围的食物 那里现在还有一些吧
He just gets weird around puke. Mm, there’s some of it now.
有时候 你会想去巢外
Sometimes you gotta think outside the nest.
所以 现在我只好走出巢
So now I just gotta get out of the nest.
伤齿龙——伤人的牙齿 杂食动物
Troodon, meaning wounding tooth, omnivore.
亚历克斯可能会说我矮小 要看你从什么地方看起
Alex might say I’m a runt, but you gotta start somewhere.
从零到英雄 宝贝
From zero to hero, baby.
坚持住 我要讲这个故事了
Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold on. I’m the one telling the story!
亚历克斯 这是我的故事 我说的更可信
I have more credibility here. It’s my story, Alex.
是的 但说得更客观
Yeah, but I have a more neutral perspective.
等一下 你真的会吃吗
Wait a minute. Are you really gonna eat that?
你知道 这是妈妈做的饭 还是热的
You know it. Mom’s cooking, and still warm!
-哦快跑喔 -你去哪儿
-Uh-oh! Run away! -Where you going?
好吧 它比较适合我
All right, more for me.
惨了 你后面有一个大怪物
Seriously, there’s a big monster behind you!
当然 你身后才有一个大怪物呢
Sure, there’s a big monster behind you too!
So much for your survival instincts!
好吧 所以我很快就发现
Okay, so I quickly learned that
不是每个人都 吃吐出来的叶子
not everybody eats puked-up leaves.
There are things out here called meat-eaters.
除了你 我的朋友 其他人几乎全部都是肉食性
Exactly, and you, my friend, are made up almost entirely of meat.
放我下来 我不是一个咬在口中的玩具
Hey, put me down! lam not a chew toy!
你这坏东西 好消息 我爸爸出现了
Patchy. Good thing my dad showed up.
这是布德斯特 派奇6,000磅重的爸爸
That’s Bulldust, Patchi’s 6, 000-pound papa.
Nobody messes with him.
爸爸 救我一下
Hey, Dad, little help?
Thank you!
