经典的老爸形象 他是个沉默寡言的人
Classic Dad. He was a man of few words.
事实上 用一个字形容 “够Man”
Actually, he was a man of one word.
That one.
Huh? What is that?
也就是说 我的朋友 你的头上有一个洞
That, my friend, is a hole in your head.
不过不用担心 有一天那个洞 将创造传奇
But don’t worry, one day that hole will be filled with greatness.
没错 再加上你很难看到它
Right! Plus you can hardly see it.
特别是如果你不看它 而且…
Especially if you don’t look at it. Besides…
mistakes are natural at a young age.
Look at that!
离巢 是完全值得的
Leaving the nest was totally worth it!
Hey, what’s going on up there?
What is this?
这就是离开巢穴 有时会付出的代价
That is the price of leaving the nest.
你是谁 你很酷
Oh, who are you? You’re pretty cool.
到这里来 你去哪儿
Come over here! Where you going?
Hey, don’t be afraid.
我不会吃你 或任何东西
I’m not gonna eat you or anything.
He will.
在这里 我叫派奇 想做朋友吗
Hey, there. Name’s Patchi. Wanna be friends?
等一下 等一下
Wait, wait! Wait up!
I don’t always smell like this!
I’m just covered in poop at the moment!
来吧 我们身上有记号♥吗 这是什么
Aw, come on! Are we playing tag? Is that what this is?
好吧 我猜 就是我啦 对不对
Okay, I guess I’m it then, right?
甲龙——融合恐龙 草食动物
Ankylosaur, meaning fused lizard, herbivore.
This thing is huge!
这意味着我也许应该 避开他的屁♥股♥
Which means I should probably steer clear of his butt.
好样的 派奇 你学到了
Good for you, Patchi. You’re learning.
Wow! This is the most beautiful place I’ve ever seen.
这是一个未来的油田 所以不要太执着
It’s a future oil field, so don’t get too attached.
Hey! Pick on someone your own size!
你知道 我的意思是 这就是一个适合你们大小的食物
Uh, you know, I mean, if that’s a convenient option for you.
他跑掉了 你的食物跑掉了
Oop, there he goes. You lost him.
西爪龙——西爪 小型食肉动物
Hesperonychus, meaning western claw, carnivore.
不 我不是这个意思
No, I didn’t mean me!
你误会了 我的意思是我的兄弟
Oh, you misunderstood! I meant my brother!
是啊 他比较大只 且味道更棒
Yeah, he’s bigger, he’s meatier.
他慢多了 而且很温顺
He’s a lot slower! Oh, he’s so tender.
妈 呵呵 我有救了 感谢出来找我
Hey, Ma. Oh, I had it, but thanks for showing up.
因此 由于妈妈的帮助…
And so, with a little help from Mom…
…派奇从第一次冒险后回家 变得聪明一点了…
…Patchi returned from his first adventure a little bit wiser…
…and a whole lot smellier.
伙伴们 你是不会 相信刚刚发生在我身上的事
Hey. guys. you are not gonna believe what just happened to me.
我的天哪 难道你只是去 洗便便澡
Oh, my gosh! Did you just take a poop shower?!
Define poop shower.
他们都眼红 派奇 因为你不断接触外面的世界
They were all jealous, Patchi, ’cause you’d been out in the world.
你会用你的方式 成为一个大人
You were on your way to becoming a grownup.
对了 爸爸 心动不如行动 推倒树
Right, Dad, got it! Knock down the tree
绿叶就在顶端 多么丰盛的一餐
and feast on the leafy greens up top! Mmm-mmm.
是啊 我也会了 爸爸
Yeah, I also got it, Dad.
我正要迎头直上 并且…
I’m just gonna square up here and…
…knock down the tree!
我会正面对决 推倒它
I’ll square up and knock down the tree.
我正要撞到它 它比看起来要强壮
Oh, I’m gonna just gonna grab…He’s stronger than he looks.
Gonna feast on that leafy…
-好吧 -爸爸
-Okay. -Uh, Dad?
难道我们真的 是同一父母生的亲兄弟
Are we really from the same litter?
好吧 泥土有什么特别之处 我不明白这一点
Okay, what’s so special about dust? I don’t get it.
用你的背部打滚 弄出一些声响来
You roll around on your back and you make some grunting noises.
-我的意思是 那怎么成了一种嗜好 -为什么
-I mean, how is that a hobby? -PATCHY. What?
天啊 从出生到现在 你还没有试过
Oh, man! You haven’t lived until
you’ve taken a dirt bath. It’s the best.
在这里 让我在这里躺一下 伙伴们
Here, let me get in there, fellas.
是啊 男孩
Yeah, oh, boy!
-趣味无穷 -你必须也来试试
-It’s so fun. -You gotta try…
Hey, hey, hey! Watch the plumage!
如果我这样做 你会怎么想
How would you like it if I did this?
-留心鼻子 -你小心点
-Hey, watch the nose! -You watch it!
-你小心点 -不 才小心点…
-You watch it! -No, you watch it!
阿法齿负鼠——细小及原始的哺乳齿兽 杂食动物
Alphadon, meaning first tooth, omnivore.
派奇 来吧 等等我
Patch! Pachito, come on, wait for me!
对不起 你来这之前 我去了其他地方 老兄你还好
I’m sorry I went all pre-historic on you back there, okay, buddy?
没关系啦 亚历克斯
It’s okay, Alex.
What’s going on?
Major is challenging your father for the role of leader!
It’s a time honored tradition.
是的 来自领队长的敬意 爸爸会击倒他
Oh, yeah, and Major’s toast! Dad’s gonna crush him!
来吧 爸爸 让他看看谁是老大
Come on, Dad! Show him who’s boss!
用你的角 去撞他的头
Introduce your horn to his head!
-是啊 小子 -到一边去吧
-Yeah, smack. -Ah! Quit it!
Hey. Dad!
爸爸 真棒
Wow, Dad, that was awesome!
一脚踢飞他的屁♥股♥ 把他踹到石器时代
You kicked his butt all the way up to the stone age.
Get back here!
I may have been smaller than my brother.
But you made up for it by running away.
不 不 不 我没有逃跑
No, no, no. I wasn’t running away.
I was racing him…and winning.
-你准备好了吗 -是啊
-Are you ready?! -Yeah.
你确定吗 我非常确定
Are you sure? I’m pretty sure.
你准备好了吗 来吧
Are you ready?! Hit me!
All right!
-我还没有准备好 -是喔
-I wasn’t ready. -Yeah.
-我现在已经准备好了 -闭嘴
-I’m ready now. -Be quiet.
回来吧 你这个胆小鬼
Come back, you coward, both of you!
We’re good.
我还想试试 你还想试试 每个人都想多试一次
I want some more. You want some more! Everybody wants more and more?
你们看到了吗 他完全认输了
Did you guys see that? Totally rang his bell.
所以 年轻的厚鼻龙
And so the young Pachyrhinosaur
嬉戏打闹中 交织了他的青春
frolicked and fritted away his youth.
为什么呢 我不知道 孩子喜欢嬉闹吧
Why? I dunno. The kid likes to frolic.
但一切随风即逝 即将改变
But all that was about to change.
And it all started the day I met…Juniper.
嗨 我是派奇 我是你的菜
Hi, I’m Patchi. I’m made of meat.
不是的 我的意思是说…
That’s not what I meant to say.
我的意思是说 “我是派奇”
I meant to say, “I’m Patchi.”
是喔 你脑袋上有一个洞
Whoa, is that a hole in your head?
没有 我的意思是…技术上来说 是的…
Uh, no. I mean…yeah, technically…
I like it.
太美了 年轻人的爱情如此珍贵 抓到了
Ah, young love, so beautiful, so precious. Gotcha!
说真的 我从来没有见过你
Really, I’ve never seen anything like that before.
-真的吗 -这是我妈妈
-Really? -There’s my mom.
对不起 我得走了
I’m sorry, I have to go.
Ah, but we just met!
I’m not supposed to talk to guys outside my herd.
Stupid rules.
对不起 再见
I’m sorry. Goodbye.
等一会 等一会 不要走 就呆一会
Wait, wait, don’t go! Just stay for one minute!

Ah, no!
下次见面再说 好吗
Sniff me out later, okay?
真棒 她喜欢我
Yeah! She likes me!
And she likes my hole.
在接下来的几天里 派奇回到瀑布…
Over the next few days, Patchi returned to the waterfall…
…因为他已经被爱的虫子咬伤了 正承受相思的苦果
…for he had been bitten by the love bug, the tastiest bug of all.
But the lady proved to be elusive.
不能否认 年轻的恋人
Not to be denied, the young lover
挥洒着他的激♥情♥ 然而…
