But with each passing year and every migration…
…派奇长大了 越来越大
…Patchi grew bigger and bigger
当然 他的洞也越来越大
and his hole grew larger and larger.
我告诉过你吧 有一天他脑袋上的洞将创造传奇
Hey, I told you one day his hole would be filled with greatness.
And here I am!
是的 我的小朋友派奇 不再那么小了
Yes, my little friend Patchi was not so little anymore.
他已长大成人 年轻力壮…
He had grown into a young adult…
…正好赶上 每年的求偶时期…
…just in time for the annual courtship…
…when mature males vie for the affections of the females.
你知道吗 派奇
You know something, Patchi?
我享受我们一起度过的美好时光 真的
I love the quality time we spend together, really.
但 是时候向裘妮波表白了
But isn’t it time you declared your intentions with Juniper?
因为 为爱角力的季节已经来临了
‘Cause headbutting season has already begun.
I hate headbutting season.
这就像所有的成年人 突然失去了心智
It’s like all the adults suddenly lose their minds.
到处充斥着叫喊 喘息和纠缠
With all the yelling and the snorting and the circling…
Don’t forget the headbutting.
是啊 头撞角力 多么原始的决斗方法
Yeah, and the headbutting. It’s so…prehistoric.
But it is how things are done.
什么 等一下 你想说什么
What? Wait! What kind of things?
我不能干涉你内心的想法 这有悖我的原则
I cannot interfere with matters of the heart, it is against my policy!
Patchi loves you.
派奇 我担心你不会露面
Patchi! I was afraid you weren’t going to show up.
什么 我当然会
What? Of course I was.
等一下 要我露面做什么
And, wait, what am I showing up for again?
头撞角力比赛啊 淘气鬼
The headbutting contest, silly.
Major is taking on all challengers.
谁会傻到去挑战他 他那么强壮
Who would be dumb enough to challenge that guy? He’s huge.
And it looks like you’re up.
什么 开玩笑吧你
I should sit this one out,
You know, ’cause I just ate two huge berry bushes and…
派奇 靠边站
Step aside, Patchi.
领队长 是时候和真正的厚鼻龙决一雌雄了
Hey, Major, it’s time you went head to head with a real Pachyrhinosaur!
Scowler does not back down.
有什么大不了 我也能做到那样
What’s the big deal? I could do that!
I’ve got 50 bugs on the big guy.
如果你俩只是打算闲扯 那我准备去吃点东西了
If you’re just going to chit chat, I’m going to get a snack.
Hold my place.
是的 厚鼻龙间的冲突
Ah, yes, the clash of the Pachyrhinosaurs.
One of the great spectacles of prehistoric pugilism. ..
…combining the grace of ballet
with the stupidity of banging into things.
This was to be a very momentous contest…
…for it was on that day…
…that Scowler not only took on Major,
the big boss of the Pachyrhinosaurs…
…but he defeated him.
就这样 一个新的时代诞生了
And just like that, a new era was born.
Scowler was the new leader of the herd.
-太好了 -干得好 斯考勒 真棒
-Yeah! -Way to go, Scowler! Nice.
漂亮的一战 领队长 太糟糕了 有人输了
Good fight, Major. Too bad someone had to lose.
That was you, by the way.
硬汉 酷毙了
Man, that was epic.
干的好 老哥
Great job, buddy.
我不是你的哥们 我是兽群首领了
I’m not your buddy, I’m the leader of the herd now.
Show some respect.
How was I supposed to know?
裘妮波 你要去哪里
Juniper where are you going?
对不起 派奇 我必须遵守那些愚蠢的规则
Sorry, Patchi, it’s those stupid rules.
成王败寇 小兄弟 你打盹 所以你输了
Law of the arctic, little bro. You snooze, you lose.
但我没有 我的意思是…
But I didn’t…I mean…
等一下 重新来过怎么样 咦 最佳三人组
Hold on. How about a do-over? Huh? Best of three?
我现在已经准备好了 让我们开始吧
I’m ready now, let’s do it!
We’re not kids anymore!
快走 裘妮波 走吧
Come on, Juniper. Move out!
派奇 你也跟上
Oh, and Patchi…
我懂 我懂 吃你的灰尘
I know, I know, eat your dust.
兽群进发了 但这次是斯考勒带路
And the herd marched on, but this time with Scowler leading the way.
好吧 这是斯考勒的兽群…
Okay, this is Scowler’s herd…
…and things are gonna be different around here from now on!
规则一 所有兽群成员
Rule number one, all herd members
will walk a minimum four feet behind Scowler!
规则二 斯考勒没跟你说话前 不要去打扰他
Rule number two, do not speak to Scowler without first being spoken to.
规则三 不准直视斯考勒
Rule number three, do not make direct eye contact with Scowler.
规则四 不允许质疑顶撞斯考勒
Rule number four, never question or contradict Scowler.
The first Thursday of every month
将被称为 斯考勒感恩日
will be known as Scowler Appreciation Day.
Suggested gifts include, but are not limited to…
As if Patchi’s bruised ego wasn’t bad enough…
…now he had a big old heap of heartbreak to go with it.
滚开 你这烂棚户区的小子
Hey! Hey, get out, you lousy squatter.
振作起来 派奇 这又不是世界末日
Cheer up, Patchi, it’s not the end of the world.
That won’t come for another couple years.
让我单独待会 行吗
Leave me alone, would you?
你想谈谈吗 交交心
You wanna talk about it? You wanna share?
Get off!
好吧 你是老大 除斯考勒外
Okay, you’re the boss! Besides Scowler.
太快 太快了 对不起
Too soon? Too soon, sorry.
冰雪已经开始消融 但派奇的心
The ice and snow had started to thaw, but Patchi’s heart?
Well, that was another matter.
没错 这些都是我们那笨拙英雄的艰难岁月
Yep, these were tough times for our lumbering hero.
但正如俗话说得好 人生八♥九♥不如意 尚有一分需拼搏
But as the saying goes, when life gives you lemons, make lemonade.
And when life puts your brother in charge
and takes away the girl of your dreams…
那么 这确实是个棘手的问题
Well, that’s-that’s a tough one.
Let me get back to you on that.
太酷了 斯考勒 冰面行走总是乐趣无穷
Way to go, Scowler. Frozen water, always fun to walk on.
I wish Juniper would look back at me,
just give me some sort of sign.
Hey, I don’t remember coming this way.
也许 斯考勒选了捷径
Must be one of Scowler’s shortcuts.
来吧 大伙 尽量在上面站稳
Come on, people, try to keep up here.
我听到有人在笑 谁在笑
Whoa! I heard laughing, who’s laughing?
真不敢相信 正值盛春时节 我们却站在冰冻的湖面上
I can’t believe we’re on a frozen lake in the middle of spring.
等一下 盛春时节 我们正站在冰湖之上
Wait a minute. We’re on a frozen lake in the middle of spring?
告诉斯考勒 这里不安全
Tell Scowler it’s not safe!
他不会听我的 他不会听任何人的
He won’t listen to me. He won’t listen to anybody.
裘妮波 你要相信我 我们需要离开这个冰面
Juniper, you have to believe me, we need to get off this ice!
但斯考勒才是兽群首领 我们要跟着他 这是法则
But Scowler’s the herd leader. We have to follow him, it’s the rule.
Oh, no!
我命令你们 加快脚步
I told you guys to pick up the pace!
快点 撤退
Come on! No retreating!
While Scowler blundered forward…
…派奇知道 他必须带领兽群脱离冰面
…Patchi knew he had to move the herd off the ice.
Everybody, back to shore!
大家 快调头
Turn back, everyone.
大伙 这里不安全 我们需要调头
You guys, it’s not safe! We need to turn back!
加油 小家伙 我来帮你 就是这样
Come on, little guy, I got you. That’s it.
我们走吧 大家跟我来
Let’s go! Everybody follow me!
Everyone off the ice!
大家 快上岸
On to shore, everybody!
Just push in!
派奇 现在怎么办 我们人太多了
Patchi! What now?! There’s too many of us!
好吧 想想吧
Okay. Think! Um…
推倒树 绿叶蔬菜宴就在顶端
Knock down the tree and feast on the leafy greens up top.
就是这样 跟我来
That’s it! Follow me!
This way!
