-巴德 你好吗 -好极了 卡洛琳
– How you doing, Buddy? – Great, Carolyn.
Doing any better would be a sin.

早 丹 今天什么股票看好
Morning, Dan. What’s looking good today?
我知道的话就不会干这行了 趁年轻快离开 小伙子
If I knew, I wouldn’t be in this business. Get out while you’re young. Kid.
有一天我来到这 坐了下来 看看现在的我
I came here one day, I sat down, and look at me now.
Look at you now.
早 布莱恩
Morning, Brian.
-查克 你这个花♥花♥公♥子♥过得如何 -还在找18岁的老婆啊
– Chuckie! How’s the woman slayer? – Looking for an 18-year-old wife.
-你好吗 伙计 -若我有你的脸蛋就更好了
– How you doing, pal? – Well, if I had your looks, better.
这要靠家族优良基因 大学要念耶鲁 还有找对裁缝
Takes years of genetics, a Yale education and the right tailor.
你还是啥也没学会 查克
Not that you learned anything, Chunk.
马文 我有预感 今天我们会大开杀戒
Marv, I got a feeling that we are gonna make a killing today.
是吗 那你的机关枪呢
Yeah? Where’s your machine gun?
You can’t make a buck in this market.
这个国家衰败的速度 比罗斯福那混♥蛋♥在位时还快
The country’s going to hell faster than when RooseveIt was in charge!
Too much cheap money sloshing around the world.
我们最大的错误 就是放任尼克森放弃金本位
Worst mistake we ever made was letting Nixon get off the gold standard.
Putney Drug …you boys might wanna look at it.
-不 那公♥司♥要再5年才会有转机 -可是他们推出的新药不错
– No. They’ll take five years to come around. – But they got a good new drug.
要坚守基本面 IBM和希尔顿就是这样扎根的
Stick to the fundamentals. That’s how IBM and Hilton were built.
Good things sometimes take time.
各位 今天可要张大眼睛 尤其是你们这些菜鸟
Look sharp, especially you rookies.
Nikkei lndex closed up 90 points last night.
We expect heavy Japanese buying on the opening.
我们有20万股钢铁股要卖♥♥ 1百万股的IBM股票
The firm has 200,000 steel for sale. A million Big Blue.
350,000 pork and beans.
打给你们的法人等大户 挑他们有兴趣买♥♥的股票下手
Get on the horn with your institutions.
These utilities are our top priority today.
-好 上工吧 -今天开♥盘♥的气势很旺
– OK. Let’s go to work. – And they’re off and running!
我们买♥♥进了6万股XGC股票 价位是48.5美元 对 正在盯
We cleared up to 60,000 XGC at 48 1/2. Yes, that’s right. Right.
-涨了 刚刚翻了一番 -美科公♥司♥的股
– The market just doubled. – Brenner!
Research has put thrifts on the recommended.
What? Dump it for chrissake!
买♥♥进3万股 最高3/8 我预测这支会涨到23美元
30,000. Three-eight top. I go along at 23. You got it.
没问题 买♥♥进了 你要康威航♥空♥我查查看
Now you own it! Conwest Air? Let me check it.
Circle 29,000 Niagaras for Templeton.
Mr Harrison,
are you aware that we are in the biggest bull market of our generation?
不您误会了 您只要拔5分钟
No, sir, it’s not what you think. If you take five minutes of your time…
Dreyfus is looking for 50,000 Conair!
9月的认股价是每股50元 那10月的呢
September 50s? How about Decembers?
Mr Zaros? Bud Fox, Jackson Steinem.
你给我听好 这我全都知道
Yes, sir, I am aware of that.
您只要拔5分钟 容我解释国际债券市场
But if I could have five minutes to explain the opportunities emerging…
..in the international debt market.

No, no…
Bud Fox, Jackson Steinem.
是 我了解 容我解释国际债券市场
Yes, I am aware of this. But if I could just explain the opportunities emerging…
..in the international debt market…
I’m sure that…
事关我的前途 我要在收盘前得到消息
Yesterday concerns my future. I need the info now, before the close.
不 10分钟后我就成为历史了 等到4点后我就变成废物了
No, in ten minutes it’s history. At four I’m a dinosaur!
霍华 我以为你是正人君子
Howard, I thought you were a gentleman.
这支股票当然在跌 不过这是你跟我说的
Sure it’s gone down. You got the tip. I didn’t.
-我没叫你买♥♥ 怎么叫你卖♥♥ -把股票还回去
– Why would I tell you to sell it? – Give it back!
还给谁 你已经买♥♥了
To who? I can’t give it back. you own it!
No, he’s not here.
-这是你教我们说的 -电♥话♥给我
– That’s what you told us to say. – Gimme that phone.
-喂 -喂
– Hello? – Hello.
-你是哪位 -我是营业部经理 有什么问题
– Who am I talking to? – The sales manager. What’s the problem?
你就放我一马吧 我怎么知你在动手术
What? Will you gimme a break? How was I supposed to know you were in surgery?
What am I – Marvin the Mindreader?!
你是要我取消帐户不 我和会计部商量后再联络你
Uh, no, sir. I’ll discuss that with the account executive, and I’ll get back to you.
不 不客气
No, no, sir. You’re welcome.
我要关掉他的帐户 如果他明天不付钱 你来付
I’m closing the account. If he doesn’t pay tomorrow, you pay.
林先生 我发誓他在说谎
Mr Lynch, I swear to you, he’s lying.
We give you a rich man’s account,…
..and you tell me he’s gonna DK you for a lousy quarter point?
您这样有欠公道 把这个以前就有过这种不良纪录家伙分给我
You’re being unfair, sir. You know he’s got a history for bullshit.
Somebody’s got to pay.
Ain’t gonna be me.
巴德 今天不顺利啊
Buddy, Buddy. A little trouble, huh, today, Buddy?
霍华这混♥蛋♥反咬我一口 我得帮他负担7千元的损失
Howard the jerk reneged on me. I gotta cover his losses to the tune of seven grand.
对 我还在等
Yeah! I’m holding!
我破产了 美国运通一定请了杀手在找我
I’m tapped out. American Express got a hit man looking for me.
情况可能会更糟 对吧
It coulda been worse, right? Coulda been my money.
来菜鸟 我来救救你 我看我有多少 一百元
Here, here, rookie, let me help you out. I got… a C-note.
-谢了 马文 我会报答你的 -对 我还在
– Thanks, Marv. I’ll make it up to you. – Yes, I am still here!
你知道我的梦想是什么 就是有天能换到电♥话♥那一头
You know what my dream is? To one day be on the other end of that phone.
Oh, you got it, baby. Where the real cheesecake is.
巴德 你是不是忘了什么
Hey, Bud, you forgetting something?
The Gekko phone call?
巴德 你几时才能明白
Bud, When are you gonna realise it’s the big game hunters
赚钱的是大户 不是我们
who bag elephants not guys like us.
-我找戈登·盖柯 -盖柯玩的太漂亮了
– Gordon Gekko, please. – Gekko’s beautiful.
挑战者号♥爆♥炸♥后30秒 他就卖♥♥空了太空总署的股票
30 seconds after the Challenger blew up, he’s selling NASA stock short.
对 但他在马康股票赚了4千7百万
Yeah, but… 47 million he made on the Melcore deal.
23 on the lmperial deal before he was 40.
The guy makes 20 times what Dave Winfield makes in a year,
and he talks to everybody.
And he had an ethical bypass at birth.
-喂 娜塔丽 你猜我是谁 -福先生
– Hello, Natalie. Guess who? – Mr Fox.
没错 我每天都对自己说 可能就是今天 你愿意嫁给我吗
Right. Every day I say to myself that today could be the day. So will you marry me?
-我会考虑的 -可以帮我接盖柯先生吗
– I’ll think about it. – Then can you get me through to Mr Gekko?
-他现在很忙 -他当然很忙 我只要求5分钟
– He’s very busy. – Of course he is. Five minutes is all I ask.
福先生 我相信你是个优秀的营业员 但只有散户才会找营业员
Mr Fox, I’m sure you’re a good broker, but our traders deal with the brokers.
Mr Gekko deals with investment bankers.
-那至少跟他说我打电♥话♥来过 -好 我会替你留话给他
– Tell him I called. There are big changes… – Yes, I’ll give him your message.
李欧 我了解
Leo, I understand,
but you have to realise there’ll be major subordinated debt involved.
-巴德小子 你好吗 -很好 再好就是罪过了
– Buddy, how ya doing? – Great, Charlie. Any better would be a sin.
天啊 我听说你们华尔街的人全都是百万富翁
Jesus Christ! Listen, I hear all you guys on Wall Street are millionaires.
-你何时让我们大家发财啊 -先开个帐户 才能中大奖
– When you gonna make us all rich? – You need an account to win the lottery.
给我5万元 赶明年圣诞 我包准你能在佛州买♥♥幢别♥墅♥
Give me 50 grand. I’ll get you a condo before next fall.
Sure! We’ll own the airline by then!
Why don’t he make himself rich, so he can pay off his school loans?
爸 难得看你心情这么好 老妈又煮鱼给你当晚餐
Nice to see you’re in such a good mood, Dad. Did Mom give you fish for dinner?
你烟抽得太凶了 你要进出去医院几次才会
You smoke too much. How often you gotta go to the hospital to realise?
你别管我行不行 只剩下抽烟能让我舒服了 法兰克 全好了
Leave me alone. It’s the only thing that makes me feel good. There, Frank. All set.
Spaghetti! Your mother still makes lousy spaghetti.
-现在叫通心面 意大利面已经过时了 -我也一样 你要啤酒吗
– It’s pasta now. Spaghetti’s out of date. – So am I. You want a beer?
比利 给他来瓶淡啤酒
Billie! Bring a Molson Lite for the kid!
-他看起来不错吧 -他看起来好极了
– Looking good, huh? – He looks terrific.
卡尔 我们会在吧台
Carl, we’ll be at the bar.
-我们可不想错过班机 -好 查理
– I’ll catch up with you. – All right, Charlie.
You look like you’ve grown another inch, but you don’t look so hot, Buddy.
-你有眼袋了 跟你老子一样 -我折腾了一天
– You’re gonna get bags under your eyes. – Yeah, I had a tough day.
-有个混♥蛋♥赖帐 我得替他赔钱 -说英文好吗
– Some jerk DK’d me. I gotta cover his loss. – Speak English.
Didn’t Know who I was when the options he bought took a bath.
-那个混♥蛋♥反咬我一口 -我早跟你说过别进这一行
Bastard reneged on me! – I told you not to get into that racket.
You coulda been a doctor or a lawyer.
If you’d stayed at Bluestar,
可能早都当上督查或是公♥关♥了 而不是跑去当业务员
you coulda been a supervisor now, instead of being a salesman.
爸 你要我跟你说几次 我不是营业员 我是帐户经理人
Dad, how many times I gotta tell you I am not a salesman? I’m an account executive.
Soon I’m moving into investment banking.
你打电♥话♥跟陌生人要钱 对吧 这就是业务员
You ask strangers for money, right? you’re a salesman.
爸 这要花时间 我正在建立客户名单
Dad, it takes time. You gotta build a client list.
I can make more money in one year as a broker than in five at this airline.

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
