谢谢 比利
Thank you, Billie.
我就是搞不懂你借了钱去上纽约大学 毕业第1年你赚了3万5
l don’t get it, kid. You borrow money to go to NYU. First year out, you make 35 grand.
去年又赚了5万 不过贷款仍旧没还完 你的钱都花到哪去了
You made 50 grand last year, and can’t pay off your loans. Where does it go?!
Dad, 50K does not get you to first base in the Big Apple.
我的薪水4成要缴税 1万5交房♥租
I got 40% in taxes, 15 grand for rent.
还有助学贷款 汽车贷款 饭钱 每月必付的3项 我还得穿西装
I got school loans, car loans, food, that’s three bills a month. I need suits…
那你回家来住不要钱的房♥子 你原本那里继续给蟑螂住算了
Come back home and live rent-free instead of that roach-infected place.
5万元 老天 这世界都疯了
$50,000! Jesus Christ! The whole world’s off its rocker!
我去年才赚了4万7千元 那还是没有扣税之前
I made $47,000 last year. That’s before taxes.
爸 你那里是皇后区只要拿5%的薪水缴房♥贷就能住最好的房♥子
That’s Queens, Dad! A 5% mortgage and you rent the top room.
我得住在曼哈顿才能当玩家 爸 贫穷不再是清高的象征
I gotta live in Manhattan to be a player. There is no nobility in poverty any more, Dad.
等着 有朝一日你会以我为荣
One day you’ll be proud of me. You’ll see.
It’s yourself you gotta be proud of, Huckleberry.
How much you need?
3百可以吗 我保证下个月就能还你
Can you spare 300? I’ll pay you back next month, I promise.
-我身上不知道有没有那么多 -拜托你别在这里
– I don’t know if I got that much on me. – Not in here. Please.
儿子 你要知道积少成多 东借两百 西借3百的 你老弟就不会
It adds up. 300 here, 200 there. Your brother…
我常说 钱是身外之物 对吧 卡尔
I always say money’s sth you need in case you don’t die tomorrow. Right, Carl?
How you doing?
-你最近工作上如何 -那个强制药检真是要命
– How’s work treating you? – Damn mandatory drug test.
我们都快被逼疯了 我那天吃了降压药
They’re driving us crazy. I got flagged the other day.
竟然过不了药检 你相信吗
for my blood pressure pills. Can you believe that?
The good news is we had a meeting with the controller about some union business.
-结果你猜怎么着 -如何
– Guess what? – What?
Remember the accident last year and the investigation?
The FAA is gonna rule it was a manufacturing error in the door-latch mechanism.
I knew it all the time.
我一直说不是保养部的问题 辛辛那提的制♥造♥商只顾赚钱
I kept telling ’em it wasn’t maintenance. It’s the greedy manufacturers in Cincinnati.
-这太好了 -公♥司♥的禁飞令也因此解除
– That’s great. – This gets us out from under suspension.
We can go for those new routes to Pittsburgh and Boston.
We’ll compete with the big guys.
敬蓝星 身为你的营业员 我建议你守着那些股票
To Bluestar. As your broker, all I can advise is you hold on to that stock.
什么股票 你开玩笑啊
What stock? Are you kiddin’?
-这件事你肯定 -什么事
– Are you sure about this thing? – What?
-航管局宣布的事 -我当然肯定
– The FAA announcement. – Sure I’m sure.
你看着我 你又有那种捣蛋的眼神
Look at me. You got that mischievous look in your eye, Buddy.
You used to smile like that when you were a kid sleeping.
没错 就像那样
It’s true. Just like that.
早 戈登
Morning, Gordon.
有盖柯先生的快递 需要他亲自签收
Delivery for Mr Gekko. It’s a personal item. He needs you to sign for it.
Send him in.
你好 娜塔丽 认得出这个声音吗
Hello, Natalie. Recognise the voice?
我给你个暗示 你在认真考虑要嫁给我
Here’s a hint …you’re thinking about marrying me.
-你在这里干嘛 -你比我想像中还要可人
– Why are you here? – You’re lovelier than I pictured.
-我有生日礼物要给盖柯先生 -你不能就这样闯进来
– Got a birthday present for Mr Gekko. – You can’t come barging in here.
-你凭什么认为今天是他生日 -你看 “财星杂♥志♥”里有写
– What makes you think it’s his birthday? – Well, it’s in the bible, see?
You better go buy him a gift.
拜托 娜塔丽 让我把这个拿给他
Please, Natalie, let me give this to him.
古巴制的大卫·杜夫雪茄 他的最爱 很难买♥♥的
Cuban cigars. His favourite and tough to get.
求求你 娜塔丽
Please, Natalie?
你待在这里 我去想想办法
Stay here. I’ll see what I can do.
Wait outside.
好 我待会儿就过去
Yeah, I’ll see you shortly, I hope.
Five minutes.
Well, life all comes down to a few moments.
This is one of ’em.
What the hell’s going on?
我计划要有两万股成交 我们到底买♥♥了没有
I’m looking at 200,000 shares move, pal. I wanna know if we’re part of it.
最好是这样 否则我就过去帮你吃午饭 两分钟后再打给他
We’d better be, or I’m gonna come and eat your lunch for you. Back in two.
抱歉 杰夫 但40我才要买♥♥ 50就太扯了
Sorry, Jeff. Look, I loved it at 40. It’s an insult at 50.
Their analysts don’t know preferred stock from livestock.
你先等这档股价下跌我们再来施压 我再联络你
Wait till it heads south, then we raise the sperm count on the deal. Get back at ya.
就是你这小子 连打了两个月电♥话♥找我 想当玩家
This is the kid. Calls me 59 days in a row. Wants to be a player.
Oughta be in the dictionary under “persistence”.
杰瑞 我要逆势接手那家公♥司♥ 最高买♥♥下3成至3成5
Listen, Jerry, I’m looking for negative control. No more than 30, 35%.
Just enough to block anybody else’s merger plans
and find out if the books are cooked.
若这公♥司♥的资产负债表是真的 那我们就能大捞一笔
If it looks as good as on paper, we’re in the kill zone, pal.
午饭 你别逗了 软脚虾才吃午饭 好 比利 再联络
Lunch? You kiddin’? Lunch is for wimps. OK, Billy. I’ll talk at ya.
你好 盖柯先生 我是福巴德
How do you do, Mr Gekko? I’m Bud Fox.
幸会 很聪明的礼物
So you say. Nice to meet you. Hope you’re intelligent.
-你这些是哪弄来的 -我在航♥空♥公♥司♥有门路
– Where’d you get these? – I got a connection at the airport.
你有什么计划 我♥干♥嘛要听你说话
So what’s on your mind, kemo sabe? Why am I listening to you?
我现在得随时监控血压 你干嘛都好 就是别激怒我
I gotta monitor my blood pressure, so don’t upset me.
不 不会的
No. No, sir.
在45秒内 微处理器就能够 分♥析♥出你的收缩压与舒张压
In 45 seconds, the microprocessor computes your systolic and diastolic pressure.
还有液晶荧幕显示 很划算 比看医生还要省
Got an LCD read-out, cost-effective… Less than one visit to a doctor.
I just wanna let you know
I’ve read all about you at NYU Business. I think you’re a genius.
我认为你是位不凡的天才 也梦想着和你这样的人做生意
I’ve always dreamed of one thing and that’s to do business with a man like you.
-你是哪家公♥司♥的 -杰史证券
– What firm you with? – Jackson Steinem.
这公♥司♥有发展 垃圾债券搞得不错
They’re going places. Good junk-bond department.
You the financing on that Jansen investment?
对 我们也在做其他投资交易
Yeah. I’m working on some other interesting stuff.
Cosmetic company, by any chance?
Are you twelfth man on the deal team? Last to know?
-盖柯先生 这我不能说 -那你的来意是什么
– I can’t tell you that, Mr Gekko. – So what you got for me, sport?
Chart breakout on Whitewood-Young lndustries.
获利率极高 3成净利 现金交易活络 5%持股人
Explosive earnings. A 30% discount from book. Great cash flow. Couple of 5% holders.
-烂投资 -管理机制很强
– It’s a dog. – Strong management.
这档股票没搞头 你除了在机场有关系之外还有些什么
It’s a dog, pal. What else you got besides connections at the airport?
Mr Stevenson in San Francisco.
-他对我们的提议有回应吗 -经济学的讲座
– He respond? – Lecturing on economics.
-什么 -不 他人在芝加哥
– What?! – No, he’s in Chicago.
他还搞什么巡回演讲 他一季就赔了6千万
What the hell is Cromwell giving a lecture tour when he’s losing 60 million a quarter?!
Guess he’s giving lectures in how to lose money.
要是他开殡仪馆的话就没人会死了 那个白♥痴♥跟脑死亡没两样
lf this guy owned a funeral parlour, no one would die! This turkey is braindead!
好了 圣诞节已过 生意归生意
OK. All right, Christmas is over, and business is business.
你大举买♥♥进 架空那个混♥蛋♥
You keep on buying. Dilute the son of a bitch!
欧里 我要他不留全尸
Ollie, I want every orifice in his fuckin’ body flowin’ red!
他非垮不可 戈登 轻而易举
He’s flowin’, Gordo. Piece of cake.
This guy’s the best trader on the street.
苏珊 替我拿泰达纸业的融♥资♥合并分♥析♥资料进来
Susan, get me the LBO analysis on Teldar Paper. Bring it in here, please.
-盖柯先生 尊夫人在线上 -你还有些什么
– Mr Gekko, your wife. – What else you got?
泰勒菲 分♥析♥师不喜欢 我喜欢
Terafly. Analysts don’t like it. I do.
The break-up value is twice the market price.
自成融♥资♥ 你卖♥♥掉两个部门
This deal finances itself. You sell off two divisions…
你还蛮会用图表的 不过这是两回事
Not bad for a quant, but that’s a dog with different fleas.
来吧 说些我不知道的
Come on, pal. Tell me something I don’t know.
It’s my birthday.
Surprise me.
-蓝星 -什么
– Bluestar. – What?
-蓝星航♥空♥公♥司♥ -有印象 怎样
– Bluestar Airlines. – Rings a bell somewhere. So what?
这家航♥空♥公♥司♥有前景 旗下有80架中型客机 3百位飞行员
It’s a comer. 80 medium-body jets. 300 pilots.
航线包括佛罗里达 加拿大 东北部沿海 加勒比海
Flies to Florida, Canada, uh, Northeast, the Caribbean.
-遍及各大城市 -我不喜欢投资航♥空♥公♥司♥ 工会很难搞
– Great slots in major cities. – I don’t like airlines. Lousy unions.
Well, there was a crash last year.
They just got a favourable ruling on a lawsuit.
Even the plaintiffs don’t know about it.
Well, how do you know about it?
I just know.
The decision should clear the way for new planes and routes.
流落在外的股票不多 你该把握这个机会 可望涨个5元
There’s only a small float. You should grab it. Good for a five-point pop.
250,000 shares at 18 1/4 from Jansen.
I can pull twice that at 18 1/2 from the California pensions.
We got close to half a million shares in the bag.
好个魔鬼终结者 轰光他们 欧里
The Terminator! Blow ’em away, Ollie!
我很确定毕瑟公♥司♥会跟进 我正在说服银堡公♥司♥
We got the Beezer Brothers. I’m working on the Silverberg boys.
一鼓作气 杀他个片甲不留
Rip their fuckin’ throats out! Stuff ’em in your garbage compactor!
有趣 你有名片吗
lnteresting. Got a card?

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
