
[adjective] (of a cruel or violent action) deliberate and unprovoked
[形容词] (指残忍或暴力的行为)蓄意且无端的


Wanton 是一个容易与 wonton (云吞、馄饨)相混淆的单词。该词最早出现于14世纪初,由中古英语专用造词要素 wan- (缺少的、缺乏的、不足的)+ towen (训练、训导)构成。

Wanton 现在主要用在名词前表示“恶意的、恣意的、意在伤害的”,常作正式用语使用,用来形容残忍或暴力的行为是蓄意且无端的,强调除了反复无常、鲁莽胡闹、任意武断或纯粹恶意之外别无任何动机或理由,比如:

  • 草菅人命
    wanton destruction of human life
  • 成群结伙的年轻人昨天在城里横冲直撞。肆无忌惮的暴行在城市生活中越来越司空见惯。
    Gangs of youths went on the rampage in the city yesterday. Wanton violence is now becoming a regular feature of urban life.

从14世纪末起, wanton 开始用在性放纵方面表示“淫荡的、淫乱的、水性杨花的”,多指女人性行为无节制或者有许多随意的性关系,常意味着道德上不负责任或者对道德约束漠不关心的性格或生活方式。不过这一含义已不再流行,现在一般仅作戏谑用语使用。


  • In his departure, as in government, Mr Johnson demonstrated a wanton disregard for the interests of his party and the nation.
  • In the early part of the 20th century, the game was so violent and played with such wanton disregard for safety that fatal injuries were not uncommon.


wanton“(放肆的,恶意的)是一个形容词,通常用来形容某种行为或态度的无理、恶意或不负责任。以下是一些包含单词 “wanton” 的短语,附带中文解释:

  1. wanton destruction(肆意破坏)
  2. wanton disregard(毫无顾忌)
  3. wanton violence(无意义的暴力)
  4. wanton cruelty(无端残忍)
  5. wanton behavior(放肆行为)
  6. wanton aggression(恶意侵犯)
  7. wanton disrespect(不尊重)
  8. wanton indulgence(过度放纵)
  9. wanton mischief(恶意恶作剧)
  10. wanton negligence(蓄意疏忽)
  11. wanton arrogance(放肆傲慢)
  12. wanton rebellion(无谓叛乱)
  13. wanton vandalism(肆意破坏行为)
  14. wanton deceit(恶意欺骗)
  15. wanton provocation(蓄意挑衅)
  16. wanton disruption(无端扰乱)
  17. wanton manipulation(不负责任的操纵)
  18. wanton extravagance(过度浪费)
  19. wanton violation(无意义的违反)
  20. wanton defiance(无理抗拒)
  21. wanton rudeness(无礼行为)
  22. wanton insensitivity(无情)
  23. wanton abuse(恶意虐待)
  24. wanton abandonment(放任)
  25. wanton mischief(恶意捣蛋)
  26. wanton disregard for rules(对规则的漫不经心)
  27. wanton neglect(恶意忽视)
  28. wanton disregard for safety(对安全的不顾)
  29. wanton aggression(恶意侵略)
  30. wanton destruction of nature(对自然的肆意破坏)
  31. wanton cruelty to animals(对动物的无端残忍)
  32. wanton mischief in school(学校里的无理恶作剧)
  33. wanton disregard for consequences(对后果的不顾)
  34. wanton manipulation of facts(对事实的恶意操纵)
  35. wanton disruption of harmony(对和谐的无端扰乱)
  36. wanton indulgence in excess(对过度放纵的追求)
  37. wanton rebellion against authority(对权威的无谓叛逆)
  38. wanton vandalism of public property(对公共财产的肆意破坏)
  39. wanton deceit in business(商业上的恶意欺骗)
  40. wanton provocation of conflict(对冲突的蓄意挑衅)
  41. wanton disruption of peace(对和平的无端扰乱)
  42. wanton arrogance towards others(对他人的放肆傲慢)
  43. wanton violation of trust(对信任的无意违反)
  44. wanton neglect of responsibilities(对责任的恶意忽视)
  45. wanton defiance of rules(对规则的无理抗拒)
  46. wanton rudeness to others(对他人的无礼行为)
  47. wanton insensitivity to others’ feelings(对他人感受的无情)
  48. wanton abuse of power(滥用权力)
  49. wanton abandonment of commitments(对承诺的放任)
  50. wanton mischief in the community(社区里的恶意捣蛋)


deliberate: done consciously and intentionally
malicious: characterized by malice; intending or intended to do harm
malevolent: having or showing a wish to do evil to others

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
