
#淘歌# 美国印地安那州的民谣歌手。
Lisa Germano《We Suck》歌词:

He’s happy ’cause I didn’t say, what I think anyway
I can’t tell him what I think
He’s happy ’cause I said, “You look gorgeous”
I wanted to say you suck, everything, you suck, everything
He’s happy ’cause he knows he got away with it
He knows my love runs deeper than my feelings
I can’t say, I can’t tell him what I think
So pretend what I say
Still protecting the boy from the truth
Mr. Control you lose, you lose
Why does he call me, I’m so nice on the phone
In a bad fucking way, I suck, dignity, I suck
He’s happy in a nice fucking way
He’s happy, he sucks, I’m quiet, I suck
He’s happy in a nice fucking way, I’m quiet, I suck
She’s happy in a bad sort of way
They’re happy, they suck, so happy, we suck

资料:这个美国印地安那州的民谣歌手在7岁的时候就开始学钢琴。后来曾经为 John Mellencamp和Bob Seger当小提琴手,并与Billy Joel ,Simple Minds ,Iggy Pop合作过。
