wean 英 [wiːn] 美 [wiːn]



  • The second reason is economic and political inertia. The more fossil fuels a country consumes, the harder it is to wean itself off them.
  • Over time you can cut it in half again and wean yourself off the sugar.


[verb] accustom (an infant or other young mammal) to food other than its mother’s milk
[动词] 使(婴幼儿或其它幼小的哺乳动物)习惯于母乳以外的食物


Wean 源自古英语 wenian (使适应、使习惯),公元13世纪开始表示训练婴幼儿或其他幼小的哺乳动物放弃吃奶,即“使(婴幼儿或动物幼崽)断奶”,比如:

  • 什么时候开始给我的孩子断奶最好?
    When would be the best time to start weaning my baby?

断奶是为了让孩子摆脱对母乳的依赖,这一点后来引申为“使放弃、使戒掉、使脱离”,常用动词短语 wean sb off/from sth 表达,强调使人逐渐停止做某事,比如:

  • 孩子应该少看电视。
    Children should be weaned off television.
  • 使一国摆脱另一国的影响
    wean a country away from the influence of another

还记得“外国统治下饱受煎熬的国家”怎么说吗?请看:小词详解 | languish

倘若与 wean sb off/from sth 相反,想要表达“使从小受……影响”,则可以使用动词短语 wean sb on sth 来表示,比如:

  • 他自幼受到严格纪律和职责的约束。
    He was weaned on a diet of rigid discipline and duty.


The way to wean any one from a desire is not by condemnation of it.

出自澳大利亚著名女作家迈尔斯·弗兰克林(Miles Franklin,1879年10月14日–1954年9月19日)。她十六岁时即显现出卓越的文学创作才华,以处女作《我的光辉生涯》(My Brilliant Career)一举成名。


wean” 意思是逐渐使某人或动物戒除某种习惯,通常是指断奶、戒掉或减少对某事物的依赖。以下是与这个词相关的 50 个短语,附带中文解释:

  1. wean off a habit – 戒掉一个习惯
  2. wean from breastfeeding – 断奶
  3. wean onto solid foods – 逐渐引入固体食物
  4. wean away from sweets – 戒掉甜食
  5. wean oneself from technology – 逐渐减少对科技的依赖
  6. wean puppies from their mother – 使幼犬断奶
  7. wean off medication – 逐渐停止药物治疗
  8. wean off processed foods – 逐渐停止食用加工食品
  9. wean someone from a bad habit – 帮助某人戒掉坏习惯
  10. wean babies onto solid foods – 逐渐引入固体食物给婴儿
  11. wean from constant validation – 逐渐不再寻求持续的认可
  12. wean children from sugary snacks – 帮助孩子戒掉含糖零食
  13. wean off caffeine – 逐渐戒掉咖啡因
  14. wean from dependency – 逐渐减少依赖
  15. wean off addictive substances – 逐渐戒掉成瘾物质
  16. wean from social media – 逐渐减少使用社交媒体
  17. wean from a pacifier – 逐渐不再使用奶嘴
  18. wean off junk food – 逐渐不再食用垃圾食品
  19. wean someone off negative thoughts – 帮助某人摆脱消极思维
  20. wean from excessive screen time – 逐渐减少过多的屏幕时间
  21. wean from external validation – 逐渐不再寻求外部认可
  22. wean from fast food – 逐渐不再食用快餐
  23. wean off sugary drinks – 逐渐不再喝含糖饮料
  24. wean someone off a toxic relationship – 帮助某人摆脱有害的关系
  25. wean from reliance on technology – 逐渐减少对科技的依赖
  26. wean from emotional crutches – 逐渐摆脱情感支撑
  27. wean puppies from their mother’s milk – 使幼犬断奶
  28. wean off digital devices – 逐渐减少使用数字设备
  29. wean from constant reassurance – 逐渐不再寻求持续的安慰
  30. wean from excessive shopping – 逐渐减少过度购物
  31. wean from a sedentary lifestyle – 逐渐改变久坐的生活方式
  32. wean from online distractions – 逐渐减少网上干扰
  33. wean someone off self-doubt – 帮助某人摆脱自我怀疑
  34. wean from constant notifications – 逐渐不再受到持续的通知
  35. wean from reliance on others’ opinions – 逐渐减少对他人意见的依赖
  36. wean from reliance on instant gratification – 逐渐减少对即时满足的依赖
  37. wean from unhealthy coping mechanisms – 逐渐戒掉不健康的应对机制
  38. wean from processed sugar – 逐渐不再食用加工糖
  39. wean from reliance on material possessions – 逐渐减少对物质财富的依赖
  40. wean from negative self-talk – 逐渐不再自我贬低
  41. wean from constant comparison – 逐渐不再频繁比较
  42. wean from excessive perfectionism – 逐渐减少过度的完美主义
  43. wean from emotional eating – 逐渐不再通过进食来排解情绪
  44. wean from a sedentary routine – 逐渐改变久坐的生活习惯
  45. wean from reliance on external validation – 逐渐减少对外部认可的依赖
  46. wean from negative influences – 逐渐远离负面影响
  47. wean from excessive reliance on technology – 逐渐减少过度依赖科技
  48. wean from attachment to material possessions – 逐渐不再过于执着于物质财富
  49. wean from constant need for approval – 逐渐不再持续寻求认可
  50. wean from reliance on social media validation – 逐渐减少对社交媒体认可的依赖


  • detach: disengage (something or part of something) and remove it
  • disentangle: free (something or someone) from an entanglement; extricate
  • extricate: free (someone or something) from a constraint or difficulty
