如果连他最后的心愿我们都不能完成 那岂不是很不敬
It’d be almost disrespectful not to grant him his final wish.
我想说的就是 我们干嘛不假装他没死
All I am saying is, why don’t we just pretend he didn’t die?
Just for a bit?
I don’t believe I am hearing this.
我爱那个男人 他也爱我
I loved that man. He loved me.
I know he loved you.
He’d want this.
I mean he would really want this.
是的 接线员 请帮我接警♥察♥局 谢谢
Yes, Operator, can you get me the police, please? Thank you.
顺便说一句 你真让我觉得恶心
Incidentally, you’re a disgusting human being.
哦 你好 格温 – 韦恩 你好
Well, hello, Gwen. – Wayne. Hi.
Hampton Bay Police Department.

It’s amazing.
喂 这里是警♥察♥局 – 要不要我来听
Hello. Police department. – I’ll call the police.
不 你说的没错 没错 伯尼是要让我们尽兴的
No, you know, you were right. Bernie would have wanted it this way.
不 我们还是打电♥话♥报♥警♥吧
No, I think we should call the police.
拉利 给我10分钟 好吗
Larry, just give me 10 minutes, okay?
Take 20.
嗨 – 嗨 弗丽达
Hi. – Hi, Freda.
亲爱的 你看起来真漂亮
Darling, you look wonderful.
外加免费网球课程 怎么样 要还是不要
Plus free tennis lessons. That’s it, take it or leave it.
Is this guy a tough negotiator or what?
Keep the piece of shit.
What a bash.
你这个色狼 真是贪得无厌啊
You animal. You are insatiable.
我服了你了 伯尼
You slay me, Bernie.
我们得谈谈 – 伯尼喝醉了 这会儿
I’ve got to talk to you. – Bernie is a little wasted right now.
嗨 别走 听我说
Hi. Wait. Okay.
你要是不愿再和我说话 我不会怪你的
I can’t blame you if you never want to speak to me again.
换做我自己 我也不会再和自己说话了
If I were you, I wouldn’t want to speak to me, either.
But I just want to tell you I am sorry for being such a jerk last night.
我不知道我当时脑子是不是进水了 总之希望你能原谅我
I don’t know what got into me. I hope you can forgive me.
我只是觉得滑稽 看到你父亲穿着内♥裤♥出来招待我
It was kind of funny, seeing your father in his underwear and everything.
这么说你是原谅我了 – 不 我只是觉得那很可笑
So you do forgive me? – No, but it was kind of funny.
我再也不会欺骗你了 我发誓
I’ll never lie again. Honest.
So what are you doing here?
Mr. Lomax invited me and my friend Larry for the weekend.
公♥司♥里的嘉奖吗 – 算是吧
Moving up in the company? – Yeah.
我看过这出戏 对 它叫
I saw this great play. Yeah, it’s called…
You are on your own for a minute here.
Great writer.
恩 你好
Well, hello.
I’m Larry.
滚开 拉利
Fuck off, Larry.
哦对了 你姨妈怎么样了
By the way, how’s your aunt?
谁 – 你的姨妈啊
Who? – Your aunt?
她过世了 – 很抱歉
She passed away. – I’m sorry.
It’s all right.
Didn’t you say you’d be spending this weekend with your parents?
对 是啊他们就住这岛上 – 那真不错
Yes, I did. I am. They have a house here. – Great.
那是伯尼 我要去打个招呼 感谢他给我的暑期实习机会
There’s Bernie. I wanted to thank him for my summer job.
I’ll be right back.
去和伯尼说吧 去找他
Go see Bernie about it. Go see Bernie.
格温 亲爱的 你好吗 – 我很好 谢谢
Gwen, darling, how are you? – Fine, thank you.
我有没有告诉过你 我一直都不太喜欢你的名字
Have I ever told you I never liked the name Gwen on you?
To me you’ll always be Vanessa.
我和他父亲 是哈佛校友
Her father and I, we went to Harvard together.
你说的非常正确 噢 伯尼
You are probably right. Oh, Bernie.
我们来了 甜心 你去那边坐吧 好吗 美女
Here we go, sugar, move it over! Okay, baby?
我们非要把他移走吗 – 别问那么多废话了 快动手
I don’t understand why we’ve to move him. – Don’t ask. Just move him.
走吧 准备好了吗
Here we go. Ready?
真不敢相信 我在抬一个死人 – 他是你老板 来吧 我们走
I can’t believe I’m touching a dead body. – He was your boss. Come on, let’s go.
多搞笑啊 – 伯尼 你真是喝多了
What a kidder. – Bernie, you had a little too much.
来吧 你老是爱喝那么多 你不该这么蠢的
Come on, you had too much again, you big knucklehead.
来来 走
Come on, let’s go.
走 他真醉了
Come on. He is crazy.
走吧 大个子
Here we go. Walk it off, big guy.
Nice outfit.
要是明天早上脱落在我的地板上 那一定会更漂亮的
Look even nicer crumpled up on my floor in the morning.
Polyester doesn’t crumple.
我们走 很好 伯尼 – 嗨 伯尼
Here we go. That’s it, Bernie. – Hi, Bernie.
他看起来像上个星期一样精神 不是吗 – 来吧
Just like last week, huh? – Come on.
好吧 这么说吧
All right. Okay.
看着我的眼睛 5 万 怎么样
Look me in the eye. $50,000.
你答应了 答应了 我就知道你会 答应的 谢谢了 伯尼
Yes! I knew it! Thank you, Bernie!
非常感谢 这家伙就是我的家人
Thank you so much. This guy is like family.
You are beautiful!
抓紧他 拉利
Grab him. Larry.
我的娘啊 – 哦 上帝
Jesus. – Oh, God.
嗨 小伙子们 风景不错啊 – 是的 你好啊
Hi, boys. Great view. – Hello, there. How are you?
这一抛 我给8.3分
I give it an 8.3.
We can’t just leave him there, you know.
佳人 海滩 沙丘 波浪 月光 没听过那首浪漫的”这里到永恒”
Girl. Beach. Sand. Surf. Moonlight. Did you ever see Here to Eternity?
你是对的 我们最好把他抬上来
You are right. We better get him.
给我30分钟 然后我们报♥警♥ – 就这么说定了
Thirty minutes. Then we call the cops. – Not a second more.
姑娘们 你们好
Ladies, how are you?


Are we allowed to talk or anything?
Why did you leave the party?
I just don’t feel comfortable with most of those people.
我也基本上不认识那些人 只认识 伯尼
I don’t really know any of those people. I just know, knew, know Bernie.
而且我想 明天再来跟伯尼道谢也不迟
Besides, I figure I can thank Bernie tomorrow.
When there’s more privacy.
我们这是去哪呢 – 上那塔上去 从那上面看风景很不错
Where are we going? – There’s a beautiful view from up there.
Ever been in a lighthouse before?
没 这是我第一次来灯塔 真新奇
No, this is my first time. This is great.
上面不会住了人吧 像灯塔管♥理♥员♥之类的
Does anybody live up there? A lighthouse keeper or someone?
没有 这灯塔是自动运作的 咱们上去吧
No, It’s all automated now. Come on.
That takes some of the romance out of it.
Does it?
你还好吧 – 还行
You all right? – Yeah.
你说的没错 从这看真美
You’re right. This is beautiful.
哇塞 从这上面望去你能看见整个岛
My God. You can see the whole island from up here.
我一直想弄清楚 这灯是怎么转动的
I’ve always wondered how these things work.
理查德 别看那灯
Richard, don’t.
我的眼睛 – 当心你脚下
I can’t see. – Watch out for the trap…

哦 上帝啊
Oh, my God.
这只手还能动 – 理查德
That one works. – Richard.
你没事吧 – 我还好啦
Are you okay? – I’m fine.
你确定 – 我只不过摔下几阶台阶罢了
Are you sure? – I fell down a couple of stairs.
有没有哪受伤 – 我没受伤
Anything broken? – Nothing’s broken.
你肯定吗 – 只是有点疼 没什么大碍
Are you sure? – A little pain, but I’m all right.
我没事 你怎么样 – 我很好
I’m fine. How are you? – I’m good.
来 我扶着你
Here. Hold on.
值得庆幸的是 我又能看见了
The good news is, I can see again.
都怪我不好 理查德 – 不 你不用自责 真的
I’m so sorry, Richard. – No, it’s okay, really.
I’ve always wanted a limp.
我必须得说 这是令我难忘的夜晚
I must thank you. This has been a great date.
I hope my major medical covers it.
