不 你来的正好 进来
Nah, you’re all right. Come in.
I’m gonna wash your hair.
-啊? -是啊 把上衣脱了
-Yeah? -Yep. Get your top off.
抱歉 比尔 我能进来待会儿吗?
Sorry, Bill, can I come in for a minute?
恩 当然
Yeah, course.
It’s funny, hair.
Every day you look in the mirror, you look the same,
但是时间长了 有一天你会认不出自己来的
but leave it long enough, one day you can hardly recognise yourself.
Yeah, is that right?
我不知道对不对 但我想是
I don’t know about right, but I reckon so.
Yeah? So you’re a hairdresser and a philosopher, then?
不 主要是哲学家 理发师只是副业
No, mainly a philosopher. Hairdressing is just a sideline.
Terry do that?
And that Dickie.
他们烧了药 已经抽了两天烟管了
They’ve been cooking up rocks and smoking pipes for two days.
-听起来挺有意思 -人♥渣♥
-Sounds like fun. -Evil fuckers!
-你需要地方睡觉吗? -那样好吗?
-Do you need a place to crash? -Would that be all right?
-我不知道他是怎样的人 他会进来看? -没关系
-I know what he’s like. He’ll come lookin? -Yeah, it’s all right.
-让他们自己走吧 -谢谢
-Let ’em blow themselves out. -Thanks.
-你确定没事吗? -没事的
-You sure that’s all right? -Yeah. it’s fine.
-你想来杯茶吗? -放两块糖
-Do you want a cup of tea? -Two sugars.
I missed the train.
I just…
I don’t know where me hat is.
Don’t know what I’m fucking doing.
What are you doing?
斯特福 我饿了
Steph. I’m hungry.
-你还好吧? -没事
-You all right? -Yeah. No.
Don’t worry about Dad.
-斯特福 -好的 我得走了
-Steph! -Yeah, okay. I gotta go.
-明天咖啡馆来见我? -好 11点?
-Meet me tomorrow at the cafe? -Yeah. 11:00?
-好 再见 -再见
-Right. See ya. -See ya.
What’s this?
It’s all I could get.
你跟你爹一个模子刻出来的 是不是?
You’re a chip off the old block, ain’t ya?
这样吧 明天你去见皮尔 你在他那儿适合
Right, you’ll see Pill tomorrow and you’ll hold for him.
不行 我得去…
I can’t. I’m going…
I don’t give a fuck.
You’ll work off what you owe
否则我就拜访你住的公♥寓♥ 在你熟睡的时候
or I’ll come round your drum and burn you and your whole family
烧了你和你家 明白吗?听起来公平吧?
while you’re sleeping, yeah? Sound fair?
Now piss off!
还有你 你个白♥痴♥ 看什么呢?继续啊
And you, you mug. What you looking at? Go on.
-那是比尔的儿子 是吗? -所以呢?
-That’s Bill’s kid, isn’t it? -So?
We’ll bury ‘im.
What’s your favourite?
是Dollar乐队吗? 他们最经典的专辑
Er… Is it Dollar? Their classic album.
-你还好吧? -她在这儿干嘛?
-You all right? -What’s she doing here?
She just needs to stay here for a couple of days.
-你觉得怎么样? -不行
-Are you all right with that? -No.
-迪恩 -干嘛?我告诉你答案了
-Dean. -What? I gave you my answer.
如果你不想听 那就别问啊
If you’re not going to listen, don’t ask.
-她遇到麻烦了 伙计 -然后呢?
-She’s in trouble, mate. -Yeah. And?
好吧 没事的 比尔
T won’t think of looking there straight off.
I’ll see if Stacy’ll let me stay at hers.
T won’t think of looking there straight off.
好吧 对不住了 罗克西
All right. Sorry, Rox.
喂 等下 如果你想你可以待一晚
Oi, hang on. You can stay the night tonight if you want.
You sure?
-恩 我说了 不是吗? -谢了 伙计
-Yeah, I said so, didn’t I? -Ta, mate.
我从来就不喜欢他们 因为他们总是讨厌 阴森森的
And I never liked them because they were always too runny or grey.
你没事吧 儿子?
You all right, son?
Cup of tea there.
哦 很潇洒啊 你要去哪儿?去求婚?
Ooh, very smart. Where you going? Court?
-滚蛋 -你想要点鸡蛋吗?
-Fuck off! -Do you want some eggs?
我很好 多谢关心
I’m all right, thanks.
喂 吉米 你要去哪儿啊?
Oi! Jimmy! Where you off to?
-喂 迪恩 -喂…
-Oi, Dean! -Oi…
-我的钱在哪儿? -什么钱?
-Where’s my money? -What money?
You come into my house and you steal from us?
Who the fuck do you think you are?
等等 你说什么啊?我什么也没偷
Hang on, what you on about? I ain’t stole nuffing!
-别扯谎了 -斯特福 我没对你说谎 真的
-Don’t lie! -Steph, I’m not lying to ya, honestly!
Who did, then?
我不知道 你老爹?
I dunno! Your old man?
难以置信 因为你老爹是个贼 并不代表我老爹也是
Unbelievable! Just because your old man’s a thief, doesn’t mean mine is!
喂 这简直是在胡说 你搞清事实好么
Oi, this is bollocks. You need to get your facts straight.
I’d never do that to ya!
离我远点 你们都是一样的
Stay away from me. You’re all the same.
你 你那贼老爹 还有你那屌♥丝老弟
You, your thieving dad and your low-life brother.
-斯特福 -滚开
-Steph! -Fuck off!
吉米 喂 吉米
Jimmy! Oi, Jimmy.
他不在这儿 一切还好吗?
He’s not here. Is everything all right?
-不 不好 -怎么了?他干什么了?
-No, it’s not. -Why? What’s he done?
I think he stole money off of Steph.
我在喝茶 你想来一杯吗?
I’m having a cup of tea. Do you want one?
听着 你就 就别理我 好吗?
Look, just, just leave me alone, yeah?
Dean… I know what it’s like.
我15岁就离开家了 所以…
I left home when I were 15, so…
听着 我不怕辛苦地工作 照顾他
Look, I worked my bollocks off to look after him.
我知道 而且虽然有时 吉米会像个小混♥蛋♥ 但是
I know. And Jimmy can be a little shit sometimes, but…
是啊 然后现在我家里住着一位
Yeah, and now I’ve got some old slag living in my house,
who thinks she can play mum to me.
I’m not trying to play mum.
-我在尽力帮忙 -我可没从家里逃出去 好吗?
-I’m trying to help. -And I didn’t run away from home, all right.
家庭从我生命中逃走了 现在比尔却回来了…
Home ran away from me, and now Bill’s come back…
Your dad’s a good man.
如果你有问题 你可以跟我说 分担困难…
If you’ve got a problem, you can talk to me about it. Problem shared…
每个人都是哲学家 是不?
Everyone’s a philosopher, in’t they?
啊让我猜猜看 做妓♥女♥只是副业 对吗?
What and let me guess, cocksucking’s just a sideline, is it?
你还好吧 罗克西? 你脸色看起来很不好
You all right, Rox? You got a face as long as a kite.
-吉米偷了斯特福的钱 -什么?
-Jimmy’s nicked money from Steph. -What?
I should’ve told you before.
-他欠T的钱 -你说吉米吗?
-He owes T money. -Jimmy does?
-他在为他工作 -你说什么?
-Got ‘im workin’. -You what?
I have a formal agreement I need you to sign.
-好的 -鉴于你遵守条款…
-All right. -Providing you adhere to the terms…
等一下 这到底是什么?
Well, ‘old on a second. What exactly is this?
A residence order.
我们觉得在你的照顾之下 更能保障孩子们的利益
Well, we feel it’s in the boys’ best interests that they remain in your care.
-真的吗? -千真万确
-Really? -Absolutely!
这是件 呃 好事 对吗?
This is, er, a good thing, right?
Yeah. It’s great.
You sign here.
-就那儿 是吧? -对 在那儿还有这儿
-Just there, yeah? -Yeah, just there and also on here.
“父亲 威廉·海沃德”
“William Hayward, the father,
-“同意维…维…” -维持
-“agrees to m… m… -Maintain.
“…维持 居住权 ”
“…maintain, lodge, clo…
-衣物供给 -“…衣物供给和教育权…”
-Clothe. -“…clothe and educate…”
You can leave now.
是啊 走吧 赶紧
Yeah. Go on, then.
好吧 走吧 罗克西 我们去找吉米
Right. Come on, Roxy. Let’s go and find my Jimmy.
That’s him.
-左边的那个? -对
-The one on the left? -Yeah.
There he is.
You all right?
-吉米在哪儿? -好吧 狂人比尔
-Where’s Jimmy? -All right, Wild Bill!
-搞什… -你也想吃一拳?
-What the… -Do you want some?
