不 你♥他♥妈♥不想的 所以就滚开
No, you fucking don’t, so fuck off.
No need to be hostile!
别让我问第二遍 我儿子在哪儿?
Don’t make me ask you again! Where’s my son?
好吧 狠角色
All right, mood.
喂 你 吉米 过来
Oi! You! Jimmy. Come ‘ere!
-T会十分恼火的 -好了 听我说 明白?
-Oh, fuck, T’s gonna go spare. -Right, listen to me, right?
我儿子不再为你工作了 你明白我意思没?
My son don’t work for you no more. Do you understand me?
-恩 好吧 -是吗?
-Yeah, all right. -Yeah?
T’ll have something to say about that.
如果他不喜欢 提醒他别忘了他哥哥身上发生了什么
If he don’t like it, remind him what happened to his brother.
吉米欠着钱呢 不能就这么跑了
Jimmy owes money. Can’t just go running away.
听我说 好吧
Listen to me, right.
If I see you or your muggy little pals anywhere near my son again,
I’m going to come looking for you first,
and I’m gonna cut your head off with a bread knife.
蠢货 还有你 滚他妈的
Prick! And you, fuck off!
-他他妈的疯了 -你♥他♥妈♥刚才干什么去了 混♥蛋♥
-He’s fucking nuts. -Where the fuck were you, man!
放轻松 老兄
Take it easy, bruv.
喂 你不许再跑了
Oi! Don’t you run again!
坐下 给我一屁♥股♥坐这儿
Sit down! Sit your arse down!
How’d you find me?
Anywhere you are,
don’t you think I was hiding there 20 years ago?
It was Boz’s idea.
恩 你也别想推脱责任
Yeah, you can’t hide behind that neither!
你书包里是什么 啊? 最好是你的家庭作业
What’s in ‘ere, then? Better be your homework.
对你这样年纪的小男孩来说 这可♥卡♥因♥够多的了
That’s a lot of crack for such a young man.
不过 你做的很好 不是吗? 头一年是最苦的
Well, you’re doing well, in’t ya? First year’s the ‘ardest.
-什么? -是啊 他们就那么说的
-What? -Yeah, that’s what they say.
First year’s the ‘ardest.
对我来说可不是 第二年 才是真正的要人命
It weren’t for me. Second year, that was the real killer.
第一年 你仍能记得这个世界
First year, you can still remember the world.
你的家 你的朋友 周日的烤肉
Your home. Your pals, Sunday roast.
What it’s like to take a dump without someone watchin’ ya!
到了第二年 就是希望开始消失的时候
The second year, that’s when the hope starts to leave ya.
No one left to trust.
不喜欢任何人 因为你已身在监狱 每个人都是罪犯
No one you really like ’cause you’re in prison, everyone’s a criminal.
They all want to fuck you over.
你不想睡觉 因为你身上任何东西
You don’t wanna go to sleep, ’cause whatever you got
will be nicked by the lag you share your cell with.
Whose farts and stink you have to put up with,
你不得不一天24小时 一周7天地忍♥受着
24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Don’t wanna make friends with no one,
因为你交一个朋友 就多一个敌人
because if you do, you make an enemy somewhere else.
眼下 你想去当残渣 哦 对了
Nonces, who wanna ‘ump ya. Oh, yeah.
就是那些除了觉得身后有虫在爬 喉咙有东西粘着之外
Bods who don’t think nuffin’ about creeping up behind ya with a shank
and sticking it in yer throat.
Do you know what the worse thing is?
你知道吗? 就是你已经习惯了
Do ya? You get used to it.
所以说 吉姆啊 你要怎么做?
So, Jimbo, what are you gonna do?
What d’you mean?
你遇到了一个大问题 你要怎么做?
You got a big problem. What you gonna do?
我不知道 我想…
I dunno. I thought…
-我不知道 -这是个选择题
-I dunno. -It’s a choice.
你可能会想自己只是个孩子 可你不是
You might think you’re only young, but you ain’t.
你在我眼里是个男人 你必须做出选择
You’re a man in my eyes and you’ve got to make a choice.
Are you sure you wanna run around with these muppets?
Carrying on with all this caper?
在我跌倒过的地方重蹈覆辙 这是你想要的吗?
You’re gonna end up where I’ve just been. Is that what you want?
不 我只想回家
No. I just wanna go home.
Do you want me to help you sort this out?
好 但是你得明白这需要代价
Okay. But you gotta understand there’s a price.
If you ever do this again,
我和你之间就决裂了 你明白我的意思吗?
it’s over between me and you. Do you understand me?
Give me the bag of bones.
-比尔 -亚当
-Bill. -Adam.
-你还好吗? -我必须得帮这孩子改邪归正
-You all right? -I’ll have to swerve that one.
-当然 -斯特福在家吗 伙计?
-Yeah, course. -Is Steph there, mate?
她没招什么麻烦吧 恩?
She’s not in any trouble, is she?
不 伙计 不 我只是要跟她说几句话 就这样
Nah, mate, nah. I just need a quick word with her, that’s all.
-滚开 -等一下
-Oh, piss off! -Hold on!
我们找到了你的钱 来啊
We got your money. Come on.
斯特福 某种程度上说是我偷了你的钱
Steph, I kinda nicked yer money.
-某种程度上? -是我偷了你的钱
-You kinda nicked it? -I nicked yer money.
-然后呢? -然后我很抱歉
-And? -And I’m sorry.
听着 如果不够的话告诉我 我会把余下的给你
Right. Listen, if it’s short let me know and I’ll give you the rest.
You took this?
他遇到了点麻烦 但是我们已经解决了
He’s had a few problems, but we’re sorting them out.
Don’t hold it against him.
实际上是我的错 如果有人该被责备 那一定是我
It’s my fault, really. If anyone’s to blame, it’s me.
-迪恩怎么样? -恩 他还好
-How’s Dean? -Yeah, he’s all right.
I just hope he don’t murder his little brother.
-他现在恨我吗? -哦 恨啊 因爱生恨
-Does he hate me now? -Oh, yeah. With a passion!
你过来 现在
You come here, now!
停下吧 你 迪恩? 都解决了 好吗?
Drop it out, will ya, Dean? It’s all sorted, okay?
-是吗 只要我还没打他 就没完 -喂
-Yeah, not till I batter him, it’s not. -Oi!
就让它过去吧 迪恩 求你了
Just let it go, Dean, please.
Yeah, but Steph hates me now.
不 她不会 不然你就得去解决了
No, she don’t. And if she does, it’s something you’ll just have to work out.
-好啊 我不会忘记这事的 -没人会忘记的
-Well, I ain’t gonna forget this. -Nobody ever does.
好了 我去开门
Right, I’ll get mat.
‘Ere y’are, look what I just found.
-你好 -你来什么事?
-Hiya. -What d’you want?
好吧 你们俩为什么不聊聊呢?
Right, why don’t you two have a chat?
-我们出去买♥♥点中餐 走吧 -真的吗?
-We’ll go and get some Chinese. Come on. -Really?
是啊 走吧
Yeah, come on.
-谢谢了 比尔 -没关系
-Thanks, Bill. -That’s all right.
他挺不错的 你老爸
He’s all right, your dad.
Yeah. Yeah, I suppose he is.
过来 我很抱歉
Come here. I’m sorry.
-你是狂人比尔吗? -是谁啊?
-Are you Mad Bill? -Who’s asking?
-你处境危险啊 -哦 是吗?
-You’re in deep shit. -Oh, yeah?
T说明天下午1点 在卡拉汉酒馆见
T says the Callaghans’, tomorrow at 1:00.
准时到 别让他过来找你
Be there. Don’t make him come looking.
-就这样? -我会告诉他我看见你了
-Is that it? -I’ll tell him I saw ya.
去吧 快 走吧 小孩儿
You do that. Go on, run along, little man.
下♥贱♥样儿 蠢货
Suck my dick, batty boy!
What are you lookin’ at?
-他来干嘛? -传话
-What did he want? -Shooting.
-都准备好了?那走吧 -是啊
-All set? Come on, then. -Aye.
恩 明天下午1点之前
Yeah, tomorrow before 1:00.
好的 拉斯呢?
Good. What about Russ?
好 找到然后知会我医生 好吧? 好的 回见
Yeah, well, find out and let me know, yeah? All right, later on.
-有多少人? -很多
-How many’s that? -Plenty.
-什么时候”很多”也叫数字了? -6个
-Since when was “plenty” a number? -Six.
不够 给巴里打电♥话♥
Not enough. Call Barry.
-好了 -就这样
-Here we go. -That’s it.
-谁来尝第一口? -好的
-Who’s first? -Right.
Take a pancake and you fill it with that.
-你知道怎么用筷子吗?嘿 -嘿
-Do you know how to use them? Hey! -Hey!
不怎么会用 但是…
It didn’t really work, but…
You haven’t put any plum sauce on yer thing yet.
-我做了果汁 -所以我们正在吃真正的烤鸭?
-I made juice. -So we’re eating real duck?
-那是我的饮料吗? -这还有一杯
-Is that my drink? -There’s another one here.
Is that my drink?
-不错诶 -恩
-That’s proper nice. -Yeah.
快点 熄灯了 吉姆
Come on, lights out now, Jim.
-真♥他♥妈♥的 -喂 注意用词
-Fucking hell. -Oi! Language!
-晚安 儿子 -晚安 老爸
-Night, son. -Night, Dad.
