Well, hurry up, then!
-你还好吗? -恩
-You all right? -Yeah.
-你想来点什么? -不 我不用
-Do you want anything? -No, I’m good.
So, what you gonna do?
还给他毒品 然后告诉他别再牵扯吉米
Give him his gear and tell him to leave Jimmy alone.
好啊 你觉得那会管用吗?
Right. Think that will work?
我们必须做了看看 不是吗?
We’ll have to see, won’t we?
他们已经召集了同伙 每个人都全副武装
They’ve called in the firm and they’ll all be tooled up.
注意迪基 他是个疯子 什么都不怕
Watch out for Dickie. He’s a nutter. Fearless.
And Pill carries a pepper spray and a blade.
There he is.
-嘿 嘿 -都还好吧?
-Yo, yo. -You all right?
-你还好? -恩
-You all right? -Yep.
Come to bed.
-老爸呢? -呃…
-Where’s Dad? -Er…
他突然有事出去了 你想来点吃的?
He’s had to pop out. Do you want some food?
Er… Yeah.
Do you know how to make flapjacks?
Is he here yet?
恩 桌子底下呢
Yeah, he’s under the table.
要点什么 伙计?
What you having, lads?
-黑人同胞 -别跟我说这个 伙计 来一盘
-Whoa, blood. -Don’t talk black to me, man. Play the game.
给我来杯可乐 基思
I’ll have a coke please, Keith.
你们在这儿啊 这是你们的 我想?
‘Ere you are. Yours, I believe?
I was just about to come looking for you.
-怎么?我迟到了吗? -没 就是不喜欢你
-Why? Am I late? -No, just don’t like ya.
-都在那儿了 -最好是这样
-It’s all there. -It wants to be!
Can’t just go around giving people digs.
公平的很 我只是想让吉米退出这生意
Fair enough. I just wanna sort this Jimmy business out.
干这行就得坚持到底 狂人
Keeps doing one through the long grass, blood!
-他是个孩子 -他是个贱♥人♥
-He’s a kid. -He’s a cunt.
听着 你拿你的钱 拿你的毒品
Look, you got your money, you got your gear.
只是让我儿子脱离这个 好吗?他不干了
Just drop me son out of it now, yeah? He’s retired.
-好吗? -好啊 他对我来说就是个废物
-All right? -Sure. He’s as good as dead to me.
所以都解决了 是不?
So it’s sorted, yeah?
去喝你的汽水去 比利 你烦着我了
Go and drink yer pop, Billy. You’re boring me.
那我就离开了 如果你觉得没事了的话
Nah, I’ll leave it, if that’s all right with you.
没事了 伙计 结束了
No, mate. Finish it.
他有点像你 你儿子 真♥他♥妈♥的负责任
He’s a lot like you, your boy. A fucking liability.
我们没他会更好 我是说
We’re better off without him. I mean,
it’s not as if he’s the only kid we’ve got running round for us.
Tsk, tsk, tsk.
有权势的人都怎么落马的 嘿?
How the mighty have fallen, hey?
狂人比尔 狗屁一个 更像是孬种比尔 是不是?
Wild Bill, my arse! It’s more like Mild Bill, innit?
不管怎么说 是什么让你认为我会听你的?
What makes you think I’d listen to you anyway?
就跟你是谁似的 你进来
Like you’re somebody. You come in ‘ere,
乱丢你的东西 好像你是老大哥一样
throwing your weight about like you’re the big “I am”,
你什么都不是 谁也不是 你♥他♥妈♥的就是个笑话
and you’re nothing. You’re nobody. You are a fucking joke.
Telling me what I can and can’t do.
滚他妈的 这是我的地盘
Fuck that! This is my manor.
说什么? 我不能出手?
What? I can’t make moves?
I can’t do a bit of graft
without some fucking used-to-be putting up a red light?
贝莎还住在这儿吗 基思?
Does Bertha still live here, Keith?
伙计 我是有关系的
Mate, I’m connected.
你记得格伦 是吧 比尔?
You remember Glen, don’t ya, Bill?
He smacked yer arse last time you got out of hand.
I think I’ll go change a barrel.
你儿子不干了 是吧? 伙计 他压根没开始过
Your boy’s retired, yeah? Mate, he ain’t even started.
I’m gonna make him my personal project.
Be like the dad he never had.
恩 这就对了 伤害我的家人我就宰了你们全家
Yeah, that’s right. Fuck with my family and I’ll fuck with yours.
干嘛?现在这就开始了 不是吗?
What? All kicking off now, is it?
对啊 听着 我上这儿来不是为找麻烦的 好吗?
Huh! Yeah, right! Look, I ain’t come here for no trouble, all right?
I’m asking ya just leave me…
就这样 拽他出来
That’s it, drag him out!
出来吧 你个小木偶
Come on, you little muppet.
-现在谁是老大 恩? -他妈的贱♥人♥
-Who’s the big knob now, yeah? -Fucking bitch.
操 他在咬我腿
Fuck! He’s biting my fucking leg!
Get him off me!
-混♥蛋♥ -你还好吧 T?
-Fucker! -You all right, T?
放开他 他是我的
Leave him. He’s mine.
I’ve just fucking hoovered up there!

Ooh, fuck!
-怎么样? -他妈的 拿下他 迪基 快点
-Yeah! What? -Fuckin’ get him, Dickie! Come on.
Is that fucking it?
T T 我要走了 伙计 我走了
T, T, I’m off, mate. I’m gone.
-什么? -我真不擅长干这个 伙计
-What? -It’s not my cup of tea, mate.
我♥干♥不了这个 再见啊
I can’t do this. See ya later.
If… you… go… near…

Agh! Fuck!
-你在这儿干嘛? -找你
-What you doing here? -Looking for you.
Come on.
All right.
-疼的厉害吗? -不 还好
-Does it hurt? -Nah, it’s all right.
快点走 儿子
Hurry up, boy!
嘿 听着
Hey, listen.
如果开打 你要尽快跑回家
If it all kicks off, I want you to leg it home as fast as you can.
明白我的话吗 儿子?
Do you understand me, son?
-恩 当然 老爸 当然 -好儿子
-Yeah, of course, Dad. Course. -Good boy.
-你正式回归了 是吗? -我不干了 我没回归
-You’re officially back, then? -I’m out, I ain’t back.
哦 谜一般的人物啊 我喜欢
Oh! Riddles. I like these.
I mean I ain’t setting up.
是没有 但是一个人和我小弟开战了 是不?
No, but you’re waging a one-man war against my monkeys, aren’t ya?
-他们雇用孩子 -那又怎样?
-They was using kids. -So what?
你这样 镇里的每个人都会认为
Everyone in the borough’s going to start thinking
他们可以无视我的狗仔 然后我就惨了
they can knock my boys around and I’ll be all, like,
你知道的 这就是生活 我当然不能不管
you know, c’est la vie! Which of course I ain’t!
-从欠我的东西里扣出吧 -清楚点说扣出什么?
-Take it out of what I’m owed. -Which is what precisely?
I done time for you!
你 约翰尼 艾伦 戴维
You, Johnny, Alan, Davey,
-当然还有埃德加先生 -别跟我耍嘴皮子
-and of course Mr Edgar. -Don’t get lippy with me!
苹果掉下来从来就离树不远 是不 恩?
Apple never falls far from the tree, does it, eh?
你们 你们都不讲信用 好啊?
You. You’re all out of credit, all right?
That’s the last I want
to hear anything about you having done eight years for anyone,
尤其是我 否则我就在这该死的体育场
least of all me, or you are gonna end up
结果了你 让你成为永恒的建筑
in this fucking stadium as a fucking permanent fixture.
-清楚了? -清楚的不行了
-Clear? -Crystal.
Oh, good!
很高兴再见到你 格伦
Good to see yer again, Glen.
我也很高兴见到你 伙计 改天一起吃饭啊
And it’s good to see you, mate. Let’s do lunch sometime.
-好 -好
-Yeah . -Yeah .
贱♥人♥ 小比尔
Cunt! Little Bill.
-我觉得他会杀了我们 -我也这么觉得 伙计
-I thought they were gonna kill us. -Yeah, so did I, mate. So did I.
-你还好吧? -想想我还捡了个木板
-You all right? -Think I’ve got a splinter.
-发生什么了 老爸? -他们不卖♥♥冰激凌了
-What’s going on, Dad? -They ain’t selling ice creams.
待在那儿 待在那儿 别动 你被逮捕了
Stay still! Stay still! Don’t move. You’re nicked!
-什么?谁?我? -别废话 比尔
-What? Who? Me? -Don’t piss about, Bill!
等等 为什么逮捕我啊?
Wait! What am I supposed to have done?
放聪明点吧 看看你自己 上车
Oh, be fair. Have a look at yourself! Get in the car!
好了 威廉·海沃德 你被逮捕了…
Right, William Hayward, you’re under arrest…
Oh, my God!
I still don’t know what I’m supposed to have done.
他去我奶奶家了 我发誓 她病了
He was at me nan’s. I swear! She’s not well.
Training him up?
