Home 喜剧电影 野孩子(2008)



What’s a Wagon Wheel? Jesu Christi, you have not lived!
这全是高热量脂肪和糖 是吗?我可不知道 呕
Ew! That’s carbs and sugar. What a revelation. I had no idea.
什么声音 不关你事
What the bleep is that? None of your bleeping business.
It’s an iPhone.
祝你好运 我们的信♥号♥♥都只有两格
Good luck getting a signal. We only have two hot spots that work round here.
你该进入21世纪了 老古董
Maybe you should try entering the 21st century, Buck Rogers.
这里简直是中世纪 我得打个电♥话♥
This place is medieval. It’s imperative that I make my phone calls.
别指望了 而且只允许我们周末打电♥话♥
It’s pointless anyway. We’re only allowed mobiles on weekends.
How am I supposed to call my therapist?
你开玩笑吧? 小甜心 这不是比弗利 90210
She’s joking, right? Oh, sweetheart, this is not Beverly Hills, 90210.
Just put it away before Matron catches you.
你的行李呢? 还没有送来呢
Where’s your trunk? Hasn’t been delivered yet.

不 新季的Gucci 还有Choo 不要
No, no, no. Not the new season Gucci. No. The Choos. No!
这些只能手洗的 这太荒谬了
This is all only handwashable. This is ridiculous.
为什么 怎么?我可能会口渴啊
Why… What? I might get thirsty.
知道吗 在英国我们有另一种东西 叫水龙头
You know, in the UK we have this amazing thing. It’s called a tap.
欢迎回来 姑娘们
Welcome back, girls.
幸好你来了 多快能帮我全部洗好?
Oh, good, staff. How quickly can you get all this stuff cleaned?
她是不是… 美国人
Is she… American.
对 1997年也来过一个 不咋地
Oh, yes, we had one of those in 1997. Not good.
教她规矩 从正确穿制♥服♥开始
Accustom her to my rules, and she should be in the correct uniform for a start.
请交手♥机♥ 姑娘们
Mobile phones, please, girls.
谢谢你 琪琪 谢谢你 乔西 谢谢 凯特
Thank you, Kiki. Thank you, Josie. Thank you, Kate.
手拿开 大妈 我说:手拿开
Whoa! Hands off, mama. I said, hands off.
我是苏格兰人 不是弱智
I am Scottish, not remedial.
那就最好 干洗 不用肥皂 不要折痕
Good, then you understand. Line dry, press, no starch, and no creases.
How dare you? No mufti for a week.
随便 便服是你穿的 女士 我可没有
Fine. Mufti may be your thing, lady, but it sure ain’t mine.
她是说不能穿自己家里带来的衣服一个星期 我才不理她呢
She means no home clothes for a week. Like I give a shit.
那我就走了 注意语言
I’ll be gone by then. Language!
禁闭两个周日 全宿舍
Two Sundays detention. For the whole dorm.
我知道该怎么办 看着
I’ll deal with this. Look, hey. Hey.
这是一张百元钞 你拿去买♥♥点…
Here’s a Ben Franklin. Why don’t you go out and buy yourself…
Well, anything. Whatever you get will be a serious improvement.
禁闭三个周日 在座每个人
Three Sundays. For everyone.
多亏你了 弱智 你没问题吧 精神病?
Thanks a lot for that, you utter moron. What are you, mental?
什么?她是个一级笨蛋 服务态度严重差好不好?
What? She was a grade one ahole with a severe attitudinal problem.
快打铃了 穿好你的制♥服♥
The bell’s going to go in a minute. Just put your uniform on.

首先 你必须穿制♥服♥
You will never get away with that uniform, for start,
另外 禁止吸烟 禁止饮酒
and FYI, no drinking, no smoking, no alcohol.
禁放烟花 禁携带武器 禁违禁药物
No fireworks, no dangerous weapons, no illegal drugs.
如果有问题 不许骂人 要讲道理
If you have a problem with someone, no random bitching. Structure your point.
禁上网 禁欺负弱小
No Web surfing, no bullying.
要是你表现得没教养 大家都受罪
So, if you behave like an arsehole, we all suffer, so do not get us in your shit
牵连我们 就要你好看 哦 我好怕啊
or we will break you. Oh, I’m scared.
凯特你好吗? 你好 凯特 你好
Hi, Kate. Hi, how are you? Hi, Kate! Hello.
你是什么 舞会皇后?
What are you, like, prom queen or something?
Kate’s got a terrible affliction.
不过你绝对感受不到 这就叫受欢迎
You’re actually lucky that you don’t have it. It’s called popularity.
起立 等着金斯莉女士和长官
Hey, get up. Wait for Mrs. Kingsley and the prefects.
Screw them.
这是滥用暴♥力♥ 我要叫律师
That’s physical abuse. I’m calling my lawyer.
With what?
你好 弗莱迪
Well, hello, Freddie.
你大驾光临 真令我们蓬荜生辉
How kind of you to grace us with your gorgeous presence.
跟着是哈亚特 三 二 一…
And cue Harriet in three, two, one…
对象出现正向目标移♥动♥ 双方遭遇
Subject’s moved in on target. And we have contact.
快走 安纳贝尔 快走 安纳贝尔
Walk, Annabelle. Walk, Annabelle.
I love that Freddie’s always here at the beginning of term.
Such a perfect welcome back.
弗莱迪是谁? 金斯莉女士的儿子
So, who is Freddie? Mrs. Kingsley’s son.
残缺的柔情 当他11岁那年和女孩玩医生护士游戏
Devastating heartthrob. Won’t look at any of us since he got caught
被抓到以后 再不敢正眼看女孩子
playing doctors and nurses with a girl in the third grade when he was 11.
Massive hoohah.
虽然他们现在分开了 因为她太严厉?
They’re not together now, though. ‘Cause of her massive hoohah?
不 禁止男女交往
No. Fraternizing is forbidden.
Here you go.
我不能吃这个 厌食症还是易饿病?
I can’t eat this. Anorexia or bulimia?
如果是易饿病 在别人生日
Because if it’s bulimia we’d rather you didn’t eat other people’s birthday cake
你就别吃的生日蛋糕了 吃了也是浪费
on their birthdays. It’s such a waste.
其实 星期一至星期三 我只吃鱼肉
Actually, I’m a pescetarian Monday through Wednesday,
星期四至周日只吃水果 永远素食主义
fruitarian Thursday through Sunday and vegetarian always.
For what we are about to receive…
让开道 小心毛衣 小妹
Get out of the way! Hey, watch the shmere, girlfriend.
Two hundred goats died for this.
又见面了 多高尚啊 记得规矩
We meet again. How sublime. Learn the rules.
When it comes to right of way, there is a hierarchy.
老师 长官 学者 狗 害虫 美国人
Teachers, prefects, scholars, dogs, vermin, Americans.
凯特 确保她别搞错
Kate? See to it she falls in line.
What is this place? Hogwarts?
睡觉了 姑娘们 晚安
Bedtime, girls. Night.
正确的校服 记着穿 上♥床♥
The correct school uniform. Wear it. Bed.
波碧 摩尔 马上给我上♥床♥
Poppy Moore, bed! Now!
今天我们来翻译 现在开始
Translation today, everyone. So, PDF, pretty damn straightforward.
Ergo, which means? Anyone? Ergo?
我知道纳黎斯特先生 说吧皮皮
Oh, Mr. Nellist. Yes, Drippy.
“离开”的意思? 不对 应该是”因此” 皮皮
“Er, leave”? Luddite. No, it means therefore, Drippy.
因此你们能早点结束 意味着你有更多的时间
Therefore, you’ll probably finish early, which means that you’ll have lots of time
来问问我和我女朋友 的香槟酒之旅
to ask me questions about my trip to Champagne with my girlfriend.
其实是前女友 但也算女友
Now, sadly, my exgirlfriend. Though she was my girlfriend at the time.
Put the headphones on, please.
Hi, guys. You don’t happen to have any eyebrow tint, do you?
Do you guys have any eyebrow tints?
听说 加利福尼亚女孩连屁♥股♥上的毛都脱
Apparently, California girls wax their bums.
What? Why?
更有巴西风情 更吸引人
To look Brazilian. Makes it more attractive.
If you say so.
你说她拔过吗? 百分百拔了
Do you think she’s done it? Hundred percent.
She’s definitely done the missionary and almost certainly the Lebanese fulcrum.
我看得出 怎看?
I can tell. How?
From the angle of her hips.
Can I help you?
有什么问题? 你和多少个男孩上过床?
Is there a problem? How many boys have you shagged?
我算算 布兰登有八块腹肌 崔士是运动员
Well, there was Brandon, eightpack. Chase, jock.
泰勒 本杰莱尔 德瑞克 他是凯莉的表哥
Tyler. Bajillionaire. Derek. He was Kelly Slater’s cousin.
还有杰克 很有病
And, oh, Jack. He was allaround sick.
上帝 我是说身体虚 精神病
Christ. I mean sick body, sick mind.
痛啊 凯特 抱歉 盒子上颜色看上去很浅
Shit! Kate! Sorry, Drip. It looked lighter on the box.
那有黄油 希望别影响我社交
That is butters. Better not stop me pulling at the social.
Honey, eyebrows are the least of your worries.
熄灯了 姑娘们 大家都上♥床♥
Lights out, girls. Everyone into bed.
晚安 舍监 晚安
Night, Matron. Night.
嘿 关掉 没有无线网 早该料到
Hey, switch that off! No wireless. Should have known.
Internet is only allowed in the computer room.
Whoa! We are not allowed out of bed after lights out.
Oh, look. They’re not out. Hey!
回来 回来睡觉 你在干什么?
What are you doing? Get back into bed! Come back.
亲爱的 卢比 天啊 再呆两个星期
Dear Ruby, oh, my God.
Two weeks in this place and I’m going out of my mind.
这里的人又丑又失败 龌龊到
These girls are all ugly losers who think a manipedi
is some kind of Latin greeting.


快来 火灾演习 糟
Come on! Fire practice! Shit!
Remove yourselves to the quad immediately.
快来 你们怎样知道演练