Home 喜剧电影 野孩子(2008)



If you really want to get expelled, you can’t just rock the boat.
You have to drive it up onto the rocks,
点燃小船 然后在甲板上跳舞
set fire to the galley and dance on the burning deck.
你必须这样做 遵命 船长
You have to take it all the way. Aye, aye, Captain.
Make your calls.
找信♥号♥♥的秘诀 碗柜的顶端
Tip for best reception. On top of the cupboard.
我想你 卢比 我要逃走了 我保证
Hi, Ruby. I miss you. I’m going to escape, though. I promise you.
You have no idea what it’s like here.
Ew! Who is she?
不搽唇彩 还有那是什么鬼毛衣?
Zero lip gloss upkeep, and what’s with the sweater from Target?
I wish you could come and rescue me.
她真浪漫 罗迪
She is such a romantic, Roddy.
Take care of Roddy for me.
你照顾得很好 去泳池吧
You already have. Let’s hit the pool.
小心啊 夜猫子 你会把我们点燃了
Watch it, Wee Willie Winkie, you’ll set us all alight.
Now, I’ve had a word with the girls.
True, some of them took a little more convincing than others.
But it’s decided. We’re going to help you.
我们是你的破坏小分队 解放行动
We’re your very own crack unit. Operation Freedom.
你来解释 好
Kiki, please explain. Right.
先从入门级别开始 当作热身
We’ll commence with an entrylevel basic favorite. Just to get warmed up.
这里闻上去像小便 才不像小便
It smells like pee in here. Does not smell like pee.
But it’s no good just playing the same old tricks.
Try to be as imaginative as possible.
不惹人注目的不做 对象太少的不做
Only do things that will get you noticed. Vary your targets as much as you can.
这些我们能帮你 但最重要的是…
And although we’ll all be helping you, the important thing to remember…
GIRL: Harriet!
…is that you have to get the blame for everything.
Run along.
Headphones on, girls.
各位 穿拖鞋别跑太快 这次只是划一下水
Come on, everybody. Don’t run too fast in your flipflops. We’ll just jump in,
热热身 然后出来吃点心
have a quick paddle about, warm up, then have tea and crumpets, yes?
对 我在学校
Yes, I’m in school right now.
一般的校服 裙子在膝盖以下
Regulation uniform. Skirt just below the knee.
Of course.
普通料子 结实耐用
They are a simple polyester. Sturdy and practical.
不 当然不调皮 我的纪律是学校典范
No, I have certainly not been naughty. My disciplinary record is exemplary.
Are you okay?
调皮校园女 哈亚特 包您满意 走啊
Get out. Get out!
Please, get out.
好了 够了 读到这里
Yes, thank you very much. That’s it. Thank you.
If you make enough of a nuisance of yourself…
波碧 摩尔
Poppy Moore!
她在压力面前 不得不叫你父亲来
…she will eventually bow to pressure, and she’ll have to call your father.
正常情况我会叫她父亲 不过她处于困难阶段
Naturally I’ll call her father, but she’s had a difficult time.
别哭 沙拉 没事的
No, Sara, please. It’s all right, dear.
纳黎斯特先生 抱歉
Mr. Nellist. Sorry.
到时候 如果走运 她会带你上荣耀法庭
And then, with any luck, she’ll recommend you to the Honor Court.
She’s got more lives than a Buddhist cat.
Kingsley’s not even mentioned Honor Court.
人们好像开始喜欢她了 人们?
I think people are starting to like her. People?
People can learn to get used to rotting pig’s vomit
他们还会习惯睡在猪粪里 她可能想离开
if they live with it for long enough. Maybe she’s trying to leave.
如果留下她就太恐怖了 是对教育体制的讽刺
It’d be a nightmare if she stayed. She makes a mockery of the system.
不会让她留下的 记住我说的
She’s not staying. Take it from me.
我家五代人 都曾给这学校带来荣耀
Five generations of my family have made this school great.
本校的校训是: 勤学 友谊 忠诚
The school motto is scholarship, fellowship, loyalty.
而不是 淫♥亵♥ 放荡 脑残
Not be a slutty, whorey shitbrain.
说的好 哈亚特
So brilliante, Harriet.
纳黎斯特先生 别哭 要不要纸巾
Mr. Nellist, don’t cry. Maybe a tissue.
我受不了她 简直让我发疯
I can’t stand her. It’s driving me crazy.
来杯茶 如果茶叶好一点就好
Perhaps a strong cup of tea. I’m only sorry it can’t be something stronger.
Cup of tea.
Come on, quick.
磁带给我 磁带给我 快
Quick. Give me the tape. Give me the tape. Quick.
Pull the button off.
有车来了 快
Oh, my God. There’s a car. Quick.
别紧张 门神 就我一人
Whoa! It’s all right, Cerberus. Only me.
谁是门神? 贴在大门辟邪的画像
Who’s Cerberus? The dog that guards the gates of hell.
快走开 快点 你打扰了我的女孩
Go, go. Get away. Hurry up. Or you’ll disturb my girls.
抱歉 鼻子过敏
Sorry, terrible allergies.
不好意思 忍♥着对身体不好
Oh, sorry. Better an empty house than an angry tenant, right?
我搞不懂了 对你都没效 你♥爸♥是黑♥手♥党♥之类的吧
I don’t get it. It’s like you’ve got immunity. Your dad’s a Mafia guy or something.
对 我是教父的女儿
Yup. I’m the Goddaughter.
不管怎样 她对你要求太松
Whatever it is, she’s cutting you a lot of slack.
我们要大赌一把 目标集中在她弱点上
We need to up the ante. In fact, we need to focus on her big weakness.
我的天 你得上弗莱迪
Oh, my God. You have to snog Freddie.
Snog? That sounds disgusting. What is that?
就是和他亲热 金斯莉女士绝对受不了
It’s English for make out. Mrs. Kingsley will go ballistic.
也能给哈亚特个教训 一举两得
And Harriet would have an absolute fit. Well, that’s a definite bonus.
他会出现在社交舞会 很好
And he’ll be at the social. Cool.
记住 被抓住才是关键
Just remember, the point is to get caught.
All right, so, what’s the deal with the social?
It’s the school dance on Saturday night.
是个传统 得穿幻想服装 今年是魔法电影主题
Traditionally, it’s fancy dress. This year, it’s Movie Magic.
但是精心打扮的只有 老师们 白♥痴♥ 还有哈亚特
But the only ones who bother to dress up are teachers, morons, and Harriet.
我们要穿得梦幻 相当梦幻才行
I say we dress up fancy. Real fancy.
This mission needs to be planned precisely.
琪琪? 好的
Kiki? Okay.
解放行动 第二章 第一步 勾引 弗莱迪
Operation Freedom, part two, step one. Attract Freddie.
第一步 一小节 自己看书
Step one, subsection A, look the part.
琪琪 你把这么有趣的行动 搞得和上物理课一样
Kiki, you’re actually making something quite exciting sound like physics homework.
我们先进城 然后买♥♥几件迷人的外套
Basically, we’re going into town, and we’re going to get some killer outfits.
I want something that says, “Elegant,
“but at the same time incredibly slutty and available.”
其实 不要优雅也没问题
In fact, I’m not that bothered about elegant.
很明显 关键是勾搭上 校长的儿子
So apparently, the key is to hook up with the headmistress’ son.
我就用你的绝招 卢比 摇晃屁♥股♥和偷笑
I’ll do your trick, Rubes. Swing my hips and giggle.
来吧 赶不上车了
Oh, come on, Poppy. We’re going to miss the bus.
别忘了退出 傻瓜
Don’t forget to log off now, you ninny.
大家来签名 别忘记自己是代表着学校
Everyone, sign out. Remember you are representatives of the school.
签自己名字 快来 波碧 摩尔 你穿着什么东西?
Sign your own name. Come on. Poppy Moore. What are you wearing?
你是进城 不是 去时装展览
You are going into town, not appearing in a window in Amsterdam.
马上换掉 我没别的可穿
Change immediately. I don’t have anything else.
看来你们着装上出了 点岔子 马嵩
I thought you might be quite concerned by that attire, Matron.
所以我特意去 失物招领处跑了趟
So we had a little looksee in lost property on our way here.
是不是? 没错
Didn’t we? We did.
It’ll suit you.
很可爱 我祖母也有个一样的狗狗
Well, that’s cute. My grandma used to have a dog just like it.
我想你的外套是 猫的睡衣
Poppy, I think your jumper is the cat’s pajamas.
上车 姑娘们 上来吧
BUS CONDUCTOR: Come on, girls. In you go. Hurry up. Upstairs.
别推 大把位置 好没 出发了
Don’t push. Don’t push. Plenty of room. Come on. Here we go.
快来 波碧 跳啊 波碧快跳
Come on, Poppy! Jump! Poppy! Jump!
我找不到洗手液 我找不到洗手液
I can’t find my sanitizer! I can’t find my sanitizer!
你忘在宿舍了 天啊
You left it in the dorm! Oh, my God, no!


老天 快看
Oh, my God, look.
Oh, hello. Hi.
Ew! Gross!
我们去哪? 去最喜欢的店
Where are we going? To our favorite shop.
Cancer research?
我也想找到治疗办法 但是考虑到我化学不及格
Girls, I’m all about finding a cure, but considering I flunked chemistry,
不知道能不能帮上忙 另外说一下
I don’t know how much help I’m going to be. And BTW, which, FYI, means “By the way”,
现在应该去购物 我们不是去做实验
this is supposed to be shopping time. We’re not going to be doing the research.
这是家慈善商店 钱都会捐给慈善事业