Home 喜剧电影 野孩子(2008)



This is a charity shop. The money goes to charity.
Oh, I just had a heart palpitation.
你们太可爱了 但要打扮得性感火♥辣♥才行
You guys are so adorable, but we need to look really hot for the social.
所以我们去牛津街吧 这下你地理也挂了
So let’s go hit Oxford Street. I take it you flunked geography, too.
牛津街在伦敦 这是你的目的地
Oxford Street is in London, my friend. This is your lot.
乔西 把大胸罩从我头上拿开 不
Josie, take that big bra off my head. No!
凯特 这件衣服怎么样? 很炫
Hey, Kate! What about this for Ascot? Magnificent.
Is this too workaday?
别这样 这是个严肃的任务
Come on now, girls. This is a serious mission. Get a move on.
波碧 你看这件怎么样? 50便士
Now, Poppy, how about something like this? Fifty pence.
好像有人死在衣服里 我宁愿呆在狗狗装里
It looks like someone died in it. I’d rather stay the Yorkshire Terrier freak.
你信佛教? 相信转世重生
You’re a Buddhist, right? Think of it as clothing reincarnation.
宝贝 就连佛祖都不愿穿这些
Honey, even Buddha wouldn’t be caught dead in half this stuff.
但一切皆有可能 我们来吧
Still, I guess anything’s possible. Come on. Let’s do this.
想不到还有这一季的Marni 既成熟又高贵
Unbelievable. This season Marni. It’s sophisticated, it’s elegant.
跳舞穿看起来火♥辣♥吗? 没问题
Hot to trot? Check.
如果说是复古风格 标价牌还得加三个零
If we could just call this stuff vintage and add three zeros to the price tag,
I could totally get into it.
完美 弗莱迪行动 真正开始执行
Perfection. Operation Freddie is well and truly underway.
马里布时刻 记得我教你们的?
Malibu moment. Remember what I taught you guys?
我们是谁? 我们是谁?
Who are we? ALL: Who are we?
我想他不行了 追溯到战前
MR. CHRISTOPHER: I think he’s down, the Penny Black. Yes, dated prewar.
很傻的一个 哦 天啊 汤姆克鲁斯?
Really stupid ones. Oh, my God. It’s Tom Cruise.
你能再大声点? 我需要帮助
Would you like to say that any louder? I need your help.
我需要拔背毛 还需要和麦克·布雷共度一晚呢
And I need a back wax and a night with Michael Buble,
人们总不能事事顺心 翠蒂 注意搞眉毛
but we don’t always get what we want. Trudy, attend to the brows.
约克夏梗犬 好狗 我也曾有一个 叫威·菲利浦
Yorkie fan. It’s a nice dog, Yorkie. I used to have one once. Wee Phillippe.
Got savaged to death by a badger.
是否头发没做保养 还用说
Aren’t you the souffl?that didn’t arise. Tell me about it. Okay.
我要把严重分叉的都处理掉 做个深度护理
I need these extensions taken out, a seriously deep conditioning.
我想刘海单边 焗点营养油
I’m thinking side bangs with some buttery highlights,
and maybe a few honey tones.
我还想开个人演唱会好不好? 现在只能吹吹口哨
And I’d like a night on Fireman Island, but I’m afraid I’m whistling Dixie, okay?
So here’s what’s on offer for you.
紧烫式 不要
A tight perm. No.
这个怎样?三角式 很有趣哦
How about this? A wee bob. That’s fun, isn’t it?
不要 那么这个呢
No. Okay. What about this?
Oh, a pineapple.
夏威夷风格 不要
Oh, Hawaii. No.
What about something a little bit more natural?
自然? 是啊 自然的你
Natural? MR. CHRISTOPHER: Aye. The real you.
就自然吧 最基本的
Natural it is. Radical.
好了 小姐们 开始吧
Okay. Ladies, let’s do this.
现在 我们需要 那个 那个
Oh, right now, we’re gonna need that, that, that.
哦 别看 不需要这个
Oh, no, I… Don’t look at… That’s not mine. Nope.
嘿 不错 快给我来杯茶 蓓拉
Hey, Mummy. Two strong teas, please, bella, pronto!
Don’t you look at me like that.
Nix that.
You ready? Okay.
好了 哇 谢谢
Et voil? Wow. Thank you.
不客气 亲爱的
You’re welcome, darling.
我精疲力尽了 得躺下吃几个小蜜橘
I’m creamcrackered. I’ll lay down and have a wee satsuma.
你看上去… 很英国
You look so… English.
看上去像我妈妈 她也这么漂亮?
I look like my mom. Is she beautiful, too?
她曾经很漂亮 抱歉 我的臭嘴
She was. Very. Sorry. Footinmouth disease.
好了 该去买♥♥酒了 谁有办法? 交给我吧 我有个计划
Okay. Time for the juice. Any bright ideas? Leave it to me. I’ve got a plan.
苏珊 喜欢你的新办公室吗?
So, Susan, do you like your new office?
很难说哪个更差 工作还是丈夫
I don’t know what’s worse, my job or that husband of mine.
Keith from Accounts is driving me crazy.
He wants that report on his desk by Thursday.
What’s the report about?
生意报告 什么?
Business. What?
Do you want to buy a carpet tomorrow?
行啊 等我接回小孩以后
Yes. After I’ve dropped the kids off at the pool.
In my saloon car.
要两瓶白酒 一瓶红酒
Two bottles of Grizinski and one of Donmatsa, please.
And two Creme Eggs, please.
你怎么会想要两个巧克力蛋 白♥痴♥?
Why did you order the Creme Eggs, you idiot?
你怎么只要两个? 怎么够吃?
Why did you only get two, Drippy? Now, we’ve got to quarter them.
之前都相信我们的 好像真的呢
He believed us till then. Oh, yeah, right.
你没问那凯斯的报告的问题? 波碧呢?
Maybe if you hadn’t asked me what Keith’s report was about. Where’s Poppy?
还好吧? 气死我了 笨蛋皮皮
Are you okay? I’m furious. Stupid Drippy.
好了 别担心 走吧
I know. Never mind. Let’s go.
要喝一杯吗? 有人要吗?
Would you boys like a drink? Now, anybody here? Come on.
Hello, hello.
我是纳黎斯特 罗格·纳黎斯特 注册DJ
Name’s Nellist. Roger Nellist. License to deejay.
天啊 你就像007
Gosh, you look like James Bond.
I reckon you might like a fruit punch.
Oh, I’ll have it shaken and not stirred.
Why aren’t you dancing?
They’re all dressed up, waiting for you over there.
Mr. Nellist.
哈亚特来了 哈亚特来了
Harriet’s coming. Harriet’s coming.
对 对 对
Right, yes, yes, yes.
Mr. Darcy.
What undue pleasure it is to be afforded your company.
你好 当你身心舒畅的时候…
Hi. You may only call me Mrs. Darcy
when you are completely, perfectly, incandescently happy.
行 好吧
Okay. Cool.
弗莱迪 是我
Freddie, it’s me.
知道 哈亚特
Of course, Harriet.
好了 波碧 去抢弗莱迪
Okay, Poppy, let’s get Freddie.
挺胸 左 右 抬臀
Lips, hips, hips, and butt.
你好 你好 小麻烦 发型不错
Hi. Hello, trouble. I like your hair.
你在干什么? 这是主题化妆舞会
What are you doing? This is a themed costume party,
not a dwarf prostitutes’ convention.
不好意思 我得说你不可思议
I’m so sorry. I must say that you look incredible.
是个完美的史瑞克 我喜欢的歌♥ 跳舞吧
You make an excellent Shrek. This is my favorite song. Come on.
好 加油 波碧
Yeah, go on, Poppy.
上啊 这太坏了
Go, girlfriend. That is entirely wicked.
还好吧? 你太好人了
Hey, you okay? You’re awesome.
她没事吧?叫救护车么? 你可以吐在我手上
Is she okay? Shall I call an ambulance? You can be sick in my hands if you’d like.
她看上去喝醉了 该把她扶上♥床♥
She’s acting like she’s drunk. She should be taken to bed.
把这荣幸给弗莱迪 你真是巨烦人的家伙
Freddie can do the honors. You really are a horridious piece of work.
Mr. Darcy doesn’t think so.
她只是摔了一下 给她点空间
She’s just a little concussed. She just needs some air.
好办法 来吧
Great idea. Come on.
她有什么预谋 跟着他们 回来报告
She’s up to something. Follow them. Report back to me.
说下是为什么 摩尔小姐 “恐怕我不能解释自己 先生”
So, explain yourself, Miss Moore. “I’m afraid I can’t explain myself, sir,
“because I am not myself right now, you see.”
爱丽丝对卡特彼勒所说 说的对 你怎知道?
Said Alice to the Caterpillar. You’re right. How did you know?
在学校话剧上我演过爱丽丝 别乱想 都是男孩
I was Alice in the school play. All boys, before you look at me weirdly.

别装酷了 我为你痴迷
You so don’t need to play hard to get. I’m totally into you.
Hey, come on. Calm down.
演女主角 男生学校 亲热地时候尴尬
Okay. Leading lady, allboys school, awkward with intimacy.
实话实说 你是同性恋?
Cards on the table. Are you gay?
Just English.
我很清醒 而你
And I am sober and sensible, and you, my sweet friend,
are overexcited and concussed.
明天我回学校 但18号♥回来
I go back to school tomorrow, but I’ll be back on the 18th.
How about I see you then?
好的 有个条件
Okay. I’ll make a deal.
别再戏耍我 也许你擅长这个
No more headfry behavior. I sense it might be your forte.
如果你不挑逗我的心 我就不戏耍你
I won’t fry your head if you don’t poach my heart.
该死 难姐难妹
Crap. Tweedledum and Tweedledee.
你知道很清楚 弗莱迪 金斯莉 和女孩子交往…
Fraternizing with the girls, Freddie Kingsley, as you are well aware,
是禁止的 波碧 摩尔马上进去
is not allowed. Poppy Moore, get back inside. Immediately.
告诉哈亚特吗? 她不会把我们杀了
Tell Harriet. She won’t just shoot the messenger,