Home 喜剧电影 野孩子(2008)



“you cannot imagine how retarded these idiots are.
这些失败者 把护甲当拉丁礼仪
“They’re a bunch of ugly losers who think a manipedi is a Latin greeting.
“I despise these village idiots,
但是我还要假装喜欢他们 这样他们就会帮我脱离苦海
“but I have to pretend to like them so they’ll help me get out of this hell hole.
“I tried doing it on my own, and it was impossible.
“Still, they’re so thick they’ll never realize.
“I’ll be out of this asylum by the end of term.”
不是我写的 除了失败者那部分
I didn’t write that. Hardly any of it, just the loser part.
但那都是几星期前的事了 落款是今天
But that was weeks ago. Well, it’s dated today.
And it’s from your email address.
从哪拿到的? 贴在门上
Where did you get it? It was taped to the door.
You’re a seriously horridious cow.
Come on, guys.
你们要相信我 不用说了 好吗?
You have to believe me. Just forget it, okay?
为什么这样做? 你要相信这不是我写的
Why would you do that? You can’t believe I actually wrote this.
我们做的一切 是让你在这更快乐 波碧
All we did was to try to make your life here happier, Poppy.
I thought we were friends.
So, all I have to do is hook up with the headmistress’ son,
and it’s a sure thing that they expel me.
他完全是个英国笨蛋 有些恶心 但容易得手
He’s a total English dweeb. Pretty gross but an easy target.
Give me a week, tops.
I can explain.
Please, I really need to talk to you.
现在不行 车子五点就过来
Can’t right now. You know, the limo’s coming in five,
and I have nada to wear.
你要去哪? Nick那
Where are you going? RUBY: Nick’s house.
不是Jimmy Choos 他们一点也不配
Not the Jimmy Choos. They don’t match, for Christ’s sake.
卢比 我需要你的建议 发生了严重的事
Rubes, I just need some advice. Something really bad has happened.
哦 有点紧急状况 得走了 希望快点见到你
Crap. Fashion emergency. Got to go. See you soon as.
爱你 更爱你
Love you. Love you more.
抱歉 罗迪 甩不掉她 刚刚说到哪了?
Sorry, Roddy. Couldn’t get rid of her. What was I saying?
罗迪? 亲爱的? 还是我 卢比 亲爱的
Roddy? Babe? No, Ruby. Still me. Babe.


凯特 凯特 快醒醒
Kate. Kate, quick. Wake up.
什么事? 我不是故意的
What’s wrong now? I didn’t mean to do it.
是意外 我以为扑灭了
It was an accident. I thought I put it out. I thought I’d stopped it.
我不知道怎么会这样 我不想伤害任何人
I don’t know what happened. I didn’t want to hurt anybody.
天啊 波碧 你是一个精神病人 快帮我叫醒她们
Jesus, Poppy. You’re a proper psycho. Help me get everyone up before it spreads.
乔西 快起来 着火了 快起来
Josie. Josie, get up. Josie, there’s a fire. Get up.
着火了 着火了 大家快起来
Fire! Fire, everyone get up!
着火了 真的火 快起来 找火了 快起来
Fire! It’s a real fire! Get out of bed! Get up, it’s a fire.
不是消防演习 大家快起来
This isn’t a practice. You guys, get up.
快点来 亲爱的 失火了 不是演习
Come on, darling, get up. It’s a fire, it’s not a drill.
乔西 不 我要睡觉
Josie… No, I’m not getting up!
起来 着火了
Get up, we’re on fire!
真的火灾 大家快起来
It’s a real fire! Please, everybody get up!
菲比·费罗夫 到
Phoebe Faircloff. Here.
苏珊·凯西 到
Susan Casey. Here.
救我出去 救我出去
Let me out! Let me out!
FIREMAN 1: Check the pressure on tank three.
查理 站位
FIREMAN 2: Charlie, take the first position.
戴西·贝文? 到
Daisy Bevin? DAISY: Here.
听不见你说话 戴西 到
Can’t hear you, Daisy. Here.
Jennifer Logan.
Jennifer? Has anyone seen Drippy?
Come on, girls! Who was the last person to see Drippy?
冷冻库 皮皮在冷冻库
Freezer. Drippy’s in the freezer!
波碧 回来
Poppy, come back.
大家退后 拦住她
Stay back, girls. FIREMAN 1: Stop her!
皮皮 皮皮
Drippy! Drippy!
皮皮 –
What’s going on?
You’re a very foolish, very brave girl.
好了 上救护车吧
All right, off to the ambulance now.
My God.
你觉得是怎么回事? -还不知道
What do you think happened? Don’t know yet.
我们很幸运 还好不算太糟
We’re lucky, could’ve been a lot worse.
好样的 波碧 你救了大家 真出色
Well done, Poppy. You saved us. You were brilliant.
嘿 这应该是你的 -谢谢你
Hey. I believe this is yours. Thank you.
Do you realize you could have killed her?
谢谢 好棒 波碧
Thank you. Well done. Thanks, Poppy.
你会害死我们所有人 我不是故意的
You could have killed all of us. Didn’t mean to.
我以为扑灭了 我发誓
I thought I’d stopped it. I swear.
我不明白 灭火的时候我听到脚步声
I don’t understand. I heard footsteps, and then I put it out.
我当时很难受 真希望我没做过
I was just so upset at everything, and I wish I hadn’t done it.
I really wish you hadn’t done it, too.
Someone here knows exactly what happened last night.
大家都清楚昨天的火灾 不是一起事故
What we’re clear on is that this fire was no accident.
如果勇于承认 则不追究法律责任
If you have the sense to own up, no legal charges will be filed.
If not, it will be passed on to the local authorities.
You have until the end of the day to come forward.
亲爱的 弗莱迪 不知怎么开口说抱歉
Dear Freddie, how can I begin to say I’m sorry?
你优秀正直又诚恳 而我却恰恰相反
You are good and honest and true, and, well, I’m the opposite.
不过我在努力 现在我要做正确的事情
But I’m learning. So now I’m going to do the right thing.
And if it means I have to leave here,
我想让你知道 我发誓绝没写过那封邮件
I just want you to know, I promise you I never wrote that email.
有段时间 我曾想利用你离开这里
For a moment there, yeah, you were my ticket out of here.
But then I got to know you.
I have never felt this way before about anyone
and I really need you to know that.
Come in.
有什么事吗 波碧?
Oh, what can I do for you, Poppy?
我用这个点着了火 一开始是意外 我以为把火扑灭了
It’s what I used to start it. It was an accident, and I thought I put it out.
但看来没有 显然没有
But I guess not. Obviously not.
哦 波碧
Oh, Poppy.
You realize what this means, don’t you?
我会被开除吗? 荣耀法庭会裁定
Will I be expelled? The Honor Court will decide,
你知道这种情况下 法庭只是做个样子
but I suspect you’ll understand that it’s just a formality at this point.
奇怪的是 我真的想扭转结局
The weird thing is I really did try to turn it around.
我不想让你失望 对不起
I didn’t want to disappoint you. I’m so sorry.
我也很抱歉 波碧
I’m so sorry, too.
Do you think maybe you could give this to Freddie for me?
I told her it was me.
我将去荣耀法庭 之后会离开
I’m going to the Honor Court, and then I’ll be leaving.
So, this is for you.
很好 你终于如愿以偿了 一定很开心吧
Well done. You finally got what you wanted. You must be overjoyed.
再不能更难过 拜托 让我歇一歇吧
I couldn’t be more unhappy. Please. Give it a rest.
我正找你 嗨
Hey, I’ve been looking for you. Hi.
那么你放弃约定了? 什么约定?
So you backed out of our deal. What deal?
说好不再戏耍我的 -是啊
That you won’t fry my head. Yeah.
But you poached my heart.
Hey. Come on.
What if it doesn’t have a moral? Or says Alice.
我刚刚 掉进兔子洞里找到它了
I think I just fell down the rabbit hole and found it.
她和你长得很像 是啊 她是我的妈妈
She looks exactly like you. Yeah. She was my mom.
她来过这所学校 我竟然都不知道
She went to this school. I didn’t even know.
Well, guess it’s time to face the music now.
乔西 我没做错 我什么时候错过?
Josie, I’m never wrong. When am I ever wrong?
You’re wrong when we did the math challenge.
嘿 她招了 下午就去荣耀法庭
Hey! She’s confessed. She’s going to Honor Court this afternoon.
很勇敢 也很蠢
That’s brave. And really stupid.
Because guess what I’ve discovered.
带着沉重的惋惜和悲哀 我们请求荣耀法庭开庭审判
It is with great regret and sadness that we call the Honor Court to session.
邮件是上午11:40发送的 但皮皮说
The emails were sent 11:40 in the morning. But according to Drippy,
波碧上午11:00过几分 就离开电脑出门了
Poppy left the computer room a few minutes after 11:00.
我11:00吃完我的车轮糖 告诉他弗莱迪在等她
I got my 11:00 Wagon Wheel, then I went to tell her Freddie was waiting.
She left immediately.
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