Home 喜剧电影 野孩子(2008)



I was able to access the keystroke order of the root file
to find out who else was logged on there then.
-你们猜那个人是谁? 谁?
And guess who the only other person was? Who?
因此 客观而冷静地探寻 那个不同寻常夜晚
It will henceforth be our job to objectively
所发生的事情 是我们的职责
and dispassionately ascertain what happened that fateful night
that will hence to forth long blight the memory of this proud institution.
你们想想 波碧从来不会说”term(学期[英])”
And when you think about it, Poppy would never say “term.”
她说” samosa”还是什么
She calls it a bloody samosa or something.
“semester(学期[美])” 随便吧 为了查出真♥相♥
“Semester.” Whatever. Anyway, to check the reality,
I had a sneaky look in her diary for Friday’s entry.
不能那么做 别说话 听听吧
Don’t do that. Shut up and listen.
我想 我有点喜欢上她们了 就像已经认识了一生的朋友
“I think, deep breath, I kind of love them like proper friends I’ve known forever.
“They’ve made me say words like
“恐怖的” 这些很多我从来不用的词
“horridious” and “herbal”.
如果不是其中一员 可能我会讨厌这么说话
“Which is sort of whack, and I’d probably hate them if I wasn’t one of them.
“But I like that I am now one of them.”
Apart from some atrocious spelling mistakes,
整体看来是很真诚的 不是吗?
it’s all a bit more kosher, don’t you think?
And now she’s going to get thrown out.
It is your duty
to understand the dark forces that drove a seemingly…
哈亚特?让我提醒你 荣耀法庭…
Harriet? May I remind you that the honor court
is no place for your personal grandstanding,
and that Poppy has a right to speak in her own defense
before the court as a whole passes judgment?
谢谢你 金斯莉女士
Thank you, Mrs. Kingsley.
我不会为了我或我的行为辩护 而侮辱任何人
I won’t insult everybody by trying to defend myself or my actions.
所以实际上 那天是我搞砸了
So, I think it’s safe to say that I’ve really messed up.
我非常抱歉 也非常感激大家
And I apologize profusely. But I’m also so grateful to you all.
I tried really hard to get out of this school,
但到现在 才知道自己多么想留下来
and only now do I realize just how much I want to stay.
在这里我学到很多 向你们所有人
I’ve learned so much being here. Being with all of you.
And in some ways being with my mom,
who I found out was actually a student here.
五年以来 我心里一直有个伤口
I’ve had a hole in my heart for five years,
在这里这个伤口 慢慢开始愈合
and somehow being here, it slowly started to heal.
表面上我像个玩世不恭的 加利福利亚女生
I know I may have looked like a California girl,
但内心里 我发现自己就是个修院山女生
but in my heart I’ve discovered that I really am an Abbey Mount girl.
反对 有效
Objection! Sustained.
法庭会一如既往地 对先前陈词做出质疑
The court will heretofore disregard the previous statement
同样一如既往 我们要进入审问程序
and perhaps heretofore we can begin the real business.
你能否告诉大家 用你自己的话
Can you tell us, in your own words,
在上述的那个夜晚 你在哪…?
where were you on the aforementioned evening of…
哈亚特 请让她自己说
Honestly, Harriet. Who else’s words do you expect her to use?
让我来问 好的 反对有效
Just leave this to me. Right. Sustained.
波碧 火灾当晚 你是在厨师休息间吗?
Poppy, were you in the cook’s sitting room on the night of the fire?
是的 我在那
Yes, I was.
经过谁的允许了吗? 没有
Were you there with permission? No. I was not.
请安静 你是故意纵火的吗?
Quiet, please. Silence in court. Did you intend on starting a fire?
不会吧 反对
Not really. Objection!
你的意思”是”还是”不是”? 哈亚特
Does the defendant mean yes or no? Harriet.
不是 不是故意要这么做
It means no, I had no intention of actually doing it.
有别人在场吗? 我没看到
Was anyone else with you? Not as far as I know.
I was.
I was.
我 我
I was. I was.
我 我
I was. I was.
我 我
I was. I was.

I was.

I was.

I was.
反对 停止 秩序
Objection! Stop! Order!
我 -停止
I was. Stop it!
说吧 我
Come on. I was.
简直荒谬 你们怎么了?你们都在撒谎
This is ridiculous! What are you all doing? You’re lying.
他们撒谎 金斯莉女士 哈亚特 给我闭嘴 贱♥人♥
They’re lying, Mrs. Kingsley. Harriet, you’re going down, biatch.
这是一场阴谋 你不敢开除学生
This is a conspiracy. You can’t expel the whole year,
而他们都清楚这点 安静 哈亚特 大家都坐下
and they know that. Be quiet, Harriet! Sit down, everyone.
这是没有悬念的案子 她必须被开除
It’s a blackandwhite case. She has to be expelled.
在学校纵火 威胁我们宝贵的生命
The girl set fire to the school, endangering all our precious lives.
她走到那 准备好了打火机 想把整座大楼烧为灰烬
She walked in there, lighter at the ready, and tried to burn the place down.
打火机? 现在不该你说话 珍妮
Lighter? Not now, Jane.
请尊重法庭秩序 什么打火机 哈亚特?
Have respect for court protocol. What lighter, Harriet?
上帝啊 你们怎么这么愚蠢?
Jesus, Charlotte, how daft can you possibly be?
That ridiculous “I heart LA” lighter of hers.
老天保佑 她竟忘在那里
She left it behind, for God’s sakes.
但是 你是怎么知道的? 没人知道这回事
Except, how do you know that, Harriet? No one’s mentioned a lighter before.
什么? 他们知道
What? Yes, they have.
反对 哈亚特 他们不知道
Objection. Actually, Harriet, they haven’t.
I have to second Jane’s question,
哈亚特 你怎么知道有关打火机的事?
Harriet. How did you know about that lighter?
呃 我…
Well, I…
在被人发现以前 弗莱迪找到了打火机
Freddie found the lighter before anyone saw it.
你怎么会知道 除非…你也在现场?
How could you possibly know unless… Unless you were there?
真荒唐 我拒绝坐在这听这些…
This is absurd. I refuse to sit here and listen to these wild…
还没说完 后来我听到脚步声 一定是你
I had put it out. And I heard footsteps. It must have been you.
哦 天啊 你把火又点燃了 是不是?
Oh, my God. You restarted the fire, didn’t you?
哈亚特 是这样吗? 当然不是
Harriet, is this true? Of course not.
真♥相♥大白了 早该料到 我想我是无辜的
It all makes sense now. I knew it. I think I’m innocent.
我们也这样认为 你不是
We think so, too. You’re not!
You awful bitch!
你把学校都搞翻天了 你毁了一切
You’ve turned this school upside down. You’ve ruined everything.
是你引起的 我只不过完成了你开始做的事情
You started it. I only finished what you started!
Harriet? My office, now.
好的 来啊 让他们尝尝厉害
Okay, suckers, show time. Let’s open a can of whoopass.
You can do it.
上啊 修院山
Let’s go, Abbey Mount!
Come on, girls.
Take it. Come on!
别放弃 伙伴们 咱们找回场子
Come on, guys. We can bring it back. Let’s go.
You got it!
金斯莉女士? 摩尔先生 你来了
Mrs. Kingsley? Oh, Mr. Moore, you made it.
是的 来坐这
Yes, I did. Please, come and take a seat.
我错过了很多吗? 不会
Did I miss much? Not at all.
波碧呢? 就在那
Where’s Poppy? She’s right there.
She’s the spitting image of her mother, isn’t she?
She most certainly is.
加油啊 修院山 拿出本事来
Come on, Abbey Mount! Take it out there. Come on.
上吧 修院山 我们走
Come on, Abbey Mount. Let’s go!
二 四 六 八 史托女队是最佳
Two, four, six, eight Stowe girls are really great
你们很努力 非常好
I don’t know. You’re trying really hard. It’s just great, great, great.
我们赢了两局 他们不堪一击
STOWE COACH: We’re twonil up. They’ve got no possession whatsoever.
来吧 姐♥妹♥们♥ 还有一次机会 上吧
All right, ladies. There’s only one thing for it. Let’s go.
Who are we?
修院山 修院山
Abbey Mount! Abbey Mount!
Who are we?
修院山 修院山
Abbey Mount! Abbey Mount!
What are we?
A leading singlesex school admitting boarders at age 11.
错 我们是胜利者
Wrong! We’re winners!
快啊 传球 波碧
Come on! Pass it, Poppy!
来吧 孩子们 干的好
Come along, girls. Well done.
修院山 修院山
Abbey Mount. Abbey Mount.
Pass to Poppy, quick.
加油 波碧
Come on, Poppy.
这是我们最后的机会 不要错过
This is our last chance. Let’s make it count!
怎么传给我了?天啊 有没有人来帮忙?
Why would you pass it to me? Oh, my God. Okay. Somebody, help me.
人都去哪啦?我该传给谁? 珍妮 你在哪?
Where is everyone? Who do I pass it to? Jane! Jane! Where are you?
成功了 成功了