嗯 我真希望你能帮我们 威尔弗莱德
I wish you could help us Wilfrid
不过我非常理解 你自己保重
but I quite understand. Take care of yourself.
梅休 梅休
Mayhew! Mayhew!
哦 不 威尔弗莱德爵士 请别
Oh no. Sir Wilfrid please.
别担心 我不会接这个案子 但是老朋友需要我的帮助
Don’t worry we won’t take the brief but an old friend needs help.
Surely I can give him a word of advice.
好 来吧 梅休 我给你五分钟
Come on I’ll give you five minutes.
不 不 你不用进来 只要梅休
No no I don’t want you just Mayhew.
咱们的午睡 威尔弗莱德爵士 咱们的午睡
Our nap! Sir Wilfrid! Our nap!
你自己去吧 没有我你也能睡
You go ahead. Start it without me.
都是你的错 卡特先生 你不该允许他这样
This is your fault. You should not have permitted it.
不是我的错 我很明确地告诉 威尔弗莱德爵士
It is not my fault. I distinctly told Sir Wilfrid
no criminal cases.
哦 如果真的有人错了 那就是我的错
Well if it’s anyone’s fault I expect it’s mine.
在我看来有点荒唐 但是梅休先生觉得这事儿很紧急
Seems silly to me but Mr Mayhew thinks it’s very urgent.
-他认为我现在随时可能被捕 -因为什么被捕
-He thinks I may be arrested any minute. -Arrested for what?
嗯 因为谋杀
Well for murder.

是埃米莉·弗伦奇谋杀案 你应该从报上看到过报导了
It’s the case of Emily French. You’ve probably seen reports in the press.
Middle-aged widow well-off living with a housekeeper at Hampstead.
沃尔先生在 案发当晚曾去拜访她
Mr Vole had been with her earlier.
女管家回到家的时候 发现她已经死了
When the housekeeper returned she found her dead
struck on the back of the head and killed.
看起来有一大堆 间接证据都指向了沃尔
Vole seems caught in a web of circumstantial evidence.
Perhaps if I gave you the details
你也许 可以告诉我最有效的辩护策略
you’d suggest the strongest line of defence.
-你口袋里的雪茄先给我一支好吗 -当然可以
-I’d probably think better with a cigar. -Of course.
没有犯罪前科 为人不错
No previous convictions. He’s of good character
with an excellent war record.
-你会喜欢他的 -他们没收了我的火柴给个火吧
-You’d like him a lot. -They’ve confiscated the matches. A light.
The defence may turn on establishing
an alibi for the night of the murder.
I haven’t got any. Let me get you some.
天啊别 你哪知道普利姆索尔小姐
Lord no! You don’t know Miss Plimsoll.
This will take all our cunning.
Young man!
Come here please.
Your solicitor and I feel you
may be able to enlighten me on an important point.
-好的 谢谢 -威尔弗莱德爵士
-Yes. Thank you. -Sir Wilfrid!
你还没去睡啊 上楼去
You’re not in bed yet? Upstairs!
-给我一根火柴 -对不起 我从来不带火柴
-Give me a match. -Sorry I never carry them.
-什么 你还说我会喜欢他的 -但是我带了打火机
-What? You said I’d like him. -But I do have a lighter.
你说对了 梅休 我喜欢他 谢谢
You’re quite right Mayhew I do like him. Thank you.
要是被普利姆索尔小姐 看到了
Can you imagine Miss Plimsoll’s face
if she saw me now?
那我们就确保 她不会看到好了
Then let’s make absolutely sure that she doesn’t.
非常好 非常 杰出的犯罪本能
Splendid. All the instincts of a skilled criminal.
-谢谢你 先生 -给你
-Thank you sir. -Here.
小伙子 不管你是不是 真的杀了一个中年寡妇
Whether or not you murdered a middle-aged widow
你肯定是救了 一个老年出庭律师的命
you certainly saved the life of an elderly barrister.
我没有杀任何人 这真可笑
I haven’t murdered anybody. It’s absurd.
Christine that’s my wife she
被卷进去了 可能需要一位律师
thought I may be implicated and needed a lawyer.
所以我就去找了梅休先生 结果他说他也要找一位律师
That’s why I went to see Mr Mayhew. Now he thinks he needs a lawyer
于是现在我有了两位律师 真有意思
and now I have two lawyers. It’s rather silly.
沃尔 我是初级律师 威尔弗莱德爵士是高级出庭律师
I am a solicitor. Sir Wilfrid is a barrister.
只有高级出庭律师 才可以在高等法♥院♥出庭
Only a barrister can actually plead a case in court.
-哦我明白了 -她连烟灰也别想看到
-Oh I see. -She shall not even find the ashes.
-坐吧 -谢谢
-Sit down. -Thank you.
我从报上看到消息 说弗伦奇太太
I saw in the paper that Mrs French
被发现死于家中 头部遭到重击
had been found dead with her head bashed in.
It also said the police were anxious
to interview me since I visited that evening.
-所以我就去了警♥察♥局 -他们向你宣读警告词了吗
-Naturally I went to the police station. -Did they caution you?
我也不太清楚 他们问我是不是要做什么陈述
I don’t quite know. They asked if I’d like to make a statement
说他们会记录下来 有可能成为不利于我的呈堂证供
and said they’d write it down and it might be used against me.
Is that a caution?
嗯 这就没办法了
Well it can’t be helped now.
They seemed quite satisfied.
They seemed satisfied Mr Vole.
他还以为他跑去 做了陈述 这件事就结束了
He thinks that he made a statement and that’s the end of it. Isn’t it obvious
这还不明显吗 他们已经把你当成了 首要嫌疑人
that you will be regarded as the principal suspect?
I’m afraid you’ll be arrested.
可是我什么也没干 为什么要被逮捕
I’ve done nothing! Why should I be arrested?
这里是英格兰 你总不会
This is England! You don’t get arrested
or convicted for crimes you haven’t done.
我们尽可能 不把这种事变成习惯
We try not to make a habit of it.
那么说 确实 发生过 对吗
But it does happen though doesn’t it?
阿道夫·贝克诈骗案 19世纪末英国著名冤案
是啊 那个人叫什么来着 阿道夫·贝克还是贝克尔
Of course. There was that case of that fellow whatshisname Adolph Beck.
他坐了八年牢 结果他们 突然发现是另一个人干的
In jail for years and they suddenly found it was another chap.
-他是无辜的 -是很不走运但是他也得到了补偿
-He’d been innocent! -Unfortunate but restitution was made.
He received a pardon a bounty from the crown
and was restored to normal life.
对他来说还算好 如果是谋杀案 该怎么办
That’s all right for him. What if it had been murder?
What if he’d hanged?
How would they have restored him to his normal life then?
沃尔先生 你不能用 那么病态的观点看问题
Mr Vole you must not take such a morbid point of view.
抱歉 您的话突然让我感到这一切
It’s just when you say these things are closing
竟离我那么近 就像一个噩梦
in on me it’s like a nightmare.
放轻松 沃尔 你现在面对的是全伦敦
Relax. You’re in the hands of the finest
最好 最有经验的高级出庭律师
most experienced barrister in London.
梅休 我们还是实话实说吧 我这么做可能是不太厚道
Let’s get this straight. I may have done something highly unethical.
I’ve taken your cigar
但我却 不能接你的案子 我接不了
but I’m not taking your case. I can’t.
我被限制了 我的医生不会 同意的
I’m forbidden. My doctors would never allow it.
我非常抱歉 小伙子
I’m truly sorry young man.
不过 如果你仍然希望由 我这儿的人来负责的话
But if you’d like the case handled by these chambers
-我推荐布洛根·摩尔先生 -是啊 非常能干的人
-I’d recommend Mr Brogan-Moore. -Yes. A very able man.
I second Sir Wilfrid’s recommendation.
All right sir if you say so.
Hold this.
等布洛根·摩尔出庭回来了 请他马上来我办公室
I would like to see Brogan-Moore here as soon as he comes in from court.
威尔弗莱德爵士 我还 从没见过那么不顺从的病人
Sir Wilfrid I have never known such insubordination.
就算是做战地 护士时也没见过
Not even as a nurse during the war.
是什么战争 显然是上世纪的克里米亚战争
What war was that? The Crimean War no doubt.
你会喜欢布洛根·摩尔的 他绝对训练有素 在我手下
You’ll like Brogan-Moore he’s had excellent training. Under me.
今天早上我还没有律师呢 现在我一下子有了三位
This morning I had no lawyers at all and now suddenly I have three.
我得向您和威尔弗莱德爵士 解释一下 我没什么钱
We should explain that I have very little money.
I shan’t be able to pay all the costs and fees.
我们可以再找 一位律师来起诉你
We’ll get a fourth lawyer to sue you.
恐怕他也得不到什么钱 我已经失业四个月了
He won’t get very much. I haven’t had a job in four months.
-你是做什么的 -嗯呃…
-What sort of work do you do? -Well uh…
我最后一份工作是做机修工 工头一直刁难我
My last job was as a mechanic. The foreman kept riding me all the time.
-我一直到了忍♥无可忍♥才辞职 -之前呢
-I took it as long as I could then I quit. -And before that?
I worked in a department store
in toys demonstrating children’s building sets.
当然 那只是圣诞节期间的事
Of course it lasted only during Christmas.
Before that I tested electric blankets.
-电热毯 -哦 我想您一定觉得我就像个流浪汉
-Electric blankets? -I suppose you think I’m a bit of a drifter.
It’s true in a way
but I’m really not like that.
My army service unsettled me.
让我变得难以安定 我是在德国服役的
That and living abroad. I was stationed in Germany.
不过在那儿还不错 在那儿 我遇到了我妻子克莉丝汀
It was fine there though. That’s where I met my wife.
她是个演员 一个好演员 她也是我的好妻子
She was an actress and a good one. She’s a wonderful wife to me too.
不过我恐怕没有给她 提供什么好的生活条件
But I haven’t been much of a provider I’m afraid.
不知怎么搞的 我回国以后
Somehow I just don’t seem able

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
